democrat party

  1. Doomer Doug

    BRKG Oregon Homosexual Democratic Party Fundraiser Indicted for sex abuse with 16 year old male

    A prominent Oregon fundraiser for the Democratic Party has been arrested for various charges related to homosexual abuse of minors. He has been off and on indicted related to other charges involving homosexual abuse of male minors under the age of 16. He must also be viewed in the context of the...
  2. Charmer153

    Dem What is the Dem party offering

    What is the Dem party offering that would lead others to vote for them? I am not joking. I want to know. I have asked this same question on 3 other sites, and all I get is insults. The only things I have seen the Dem party offer is..... 90% taxes. Mandatory health insurance for Americans, so...
  3. MinnesotaSmith

    POL Democrats really ARE America-haters (not just their bigshots, most of them)

    It's getting to where just membership in the Dim Party should be viewed as positively in America as U.S. Communist Party membership was in the 1950s. Gallup: Pride...