…… Any advice on making hominy?

almost ready

We have become big fans of fermented food over the past years. We make some vinegar, starting with Bragg's (still on the learning curve on that). Also have made kombucha over a decade. Use it sparingly, as we do yoghurt, for the beneficial gut elements in it.

Make pickles, great results with cukes, using the fermenting method from the Weston Price Foundation. They only keep maybe 3 months in the fridge and go soft after that, so we make regular (vinegar) canned dill pickles for the rest of the year. And, of course, sauerkraut.

Also make the sour mash for the chickens. The fermenting process can bring the nutrients up by hundreds of percent, and they love it. (China Connection had a thread with links on that).

Now DH wants to add hominy to our bag of nutrient enrichment tricks. It's said that making field corn into hominy is an old trick, but we don't know anyone who has made it. DH found a report at Mother Earth News on how - to, but personal experiences are so very much better. He ate it occasionally as a child as says it's good. I've never as much as seen it.

I will try to answer questions on kombucha or the sour mash if any of you have them. Still fairly clueless on vinegar. Novice with questions myself! Like "what is that I'm seeing and is it a good sign or not?" Still we have made a few small batches of vinegar and hope burns brightly that this year we'll know what we're doing.

The article on hominy:
