Bailout Emergency..


Veteran Member
The bailout emergency..shows how fast our politicians react when something affects the banks. For years now the U.S. people have been screaming and crying about immigration and loose border controls, BUT no discernible action has been taken. They have simply IGNORED it. The bailout emergency shows it. We are talking one day action here! Our tax dollars can only be considered an EMERGENCY "when" it has to do with money, and taking our tax dollars for the RICH, I guess! They do not "listen" to U.S. (us), plain and simple. We are simpletons.


Great Great Grandma!
I'm amazed at how often I'm seeing Ron Paul being interviewed now. I heard him referred to as chicken little claiming that the sky is falling. It's amazing that now that pieces of the sky are hitting us, he's being taken seriously... after it's too late. I wonder how many :sheep: now WISH they'd have voted for him. Amazingly, he said today that there are still a lot of things that could be done to save the country IF the bail outs STOP right now. If the major bail out plan they are quickly pushing thru congress passes, it will be too late to salvage the country. They will have completely destroyed it. From that point on, they will "own" the general public for generations to come. Everyone needs to be on the phone jamming the phone systems at state and federal level, demanding that they stop this madness before it's too late. We'll have to either hit bottom now, or delay it a few years and hit bottom harder and longer. I for one, would prefer to get it over with now and start the recovery instead of digging a deeper hole.