[Bashing America] The Great Right vs Left Debate


Membership Revoked

Please believe me. Jesus is our Lord. Please accept him.


[Edited to add:] And if you wish to slay me, that is fine. I believe in liberty, but I place my faith in Him above all else.

P.S. Don't get too happy about my views, I'll still argue about politics until you cut my tongue out.



Sword At-The-Ready

You have a great post with points that I sincerely want to address - but it's waay late here and the wife is complaining she's ready for bed so I will reply to you sometime during the day tomorrow as I'm able.

David -

Give it a rest. I'm not playing religion with you. I know what you're about.


Membership Revoked

And yet I will still pray for you. I'm the type of person who can go at it like cats and dogs over the Nixon-Kennedy debate. (Nixon won on radio, Kennedy on TV.)

I'm not an evil intellectual. I love learning, but the most important thing to remember is that God gave us Free Will. (Yes, I know this could drift into a Calvinist debate.)

My personal view is that we have be given free will and it is our obligation to educate ourselves as to what is right or wrong. We are human, so we fail. It is through the grace of Jesus that we are saved.

Your Indian posts left me very troubled. Saying that it is "God's will" is not correct. Rather, He has let us make errors. It only through this that we learn. When we do, we beg forgiveness. Other men may not be accomodating, but our Lord is.

In my humble opinion, the manner in which we treated the Indians was wrong. It was not God's will. It was the act of man, acting with the free will given to him by God. Similarly, the death of 12+ million jews, gypsies, communists, Poles, etc., at the hand of the Nazis, was that act of man. By giving us free will, we all have the ability to sin.

Religion, in my opinion, cannot be separated from politics. So, if it's thread drift, tell me not to respond to you and will accede to your wishes. In the meantime, however, you need to take into account that you have been given free will over your thoughts and beliefs. However, you are also responsible for those thoughts and beliefs.

I'm a newbie on this forum, so I can't comment on any earlier post in which you may have stated your religious opinions. The search feature here seems to be progressing along, but is not yet complete.

Given the opporturnity to express your faith in Jesus, I would have hoped that you would have jumped at the chance to do so. The fact that you have not done so has left me quite troubled. So, yes, I will truly pray for you. Whether you want me to or not.

And if you are Jewish, as I am through my mother and her mother, we all still believe in the same God. We then have to simply decide whether Jesus is the Messiah. I have decided that he is, based on the prophets of the Old Testament. Don't be afraid to say that you disagree with me on this. It is still the same God we worship.

As much as I joke, I refuse to believe that really are a Freemason or Morman. Your belief in the one God seems too sincere. So, I will believe what I wish, and pray for you. That's not really a bad thing. Is it?

I no longer have any desire to argue with you over beliefs.

Still, if you convince me that you are doing fine and that you still hold to your flakey political views, I'll jump in like a wet, mad hornet. :)



Kimber said:
Edited to Add:

"if you negotiate the minefield in the drive
and beat the dogs and cheat the cold electronic eyes
and if you make it past the shotgun in the hall
dial the combination. open the priesthole
and if i'm in i'll tell you what's behind the wall"

Pink Floyd - The Final Cut.
A true work of art. The Final Cut is one of the most emotional records I've ever heard.


Membership Revoked

Returning to the "debate" for a bit. It must gall you to no end to realize that we are on the same side regarding the War Between the States and Kosovo.

Now here's the fun part: Why is it that you can oppose U.S. government policy but no one else can? In fact, you would have left "America" to form a more perfect confederacy.

Can you now see how people can honestly be opposed to U.S. policy today? It's just a different war at a different time. Don't pull the "America would be destroyed" line. You would have split the country in two in the 1860s. Yes, there are enemies of this country who foster anti-war beliefs. There are also enemies of liberty who foster patriotic ferver. Always question what you believe and why. Also, think about who wants you to believe the way you do. Then go with what your heart tells you.

(I know, I would have left the Union in the 1860s also - to pursue a losing cause. But I tend to be consistent. It's really tough to argue with a libertarian. Any position you take different from mine is opposed to freedom and liberty. :lol: )



Sword At-The-Ready

You made some interesting points I'd like to respond to.

Evening Invar...

While I know that you have always had the best of intentions, it seems that at this juncture you have bought into the lies of the Beast system.

Dee, I don't subscribe to the belief that applies the prophetic symbols of the Beast or the Whore of Revelation to the United States of America.

America is not the scriptural Beast - nor is she the Great Whore. America may be LIKE a Beast and LIKE a whore in many ways both cultural and political - but she is NOT the lamentable creatures of the bible.

(Forgive me for speaking to you in this manner, but I must.)

As you see need, have at. I have a thick skin and don't bruise easy.

Wars today have nothing whatsoever to do with honorable principles and freedom, but rather with greed, power, and acquisition.

That's a rather blanket statement, and while all wars of mankind are the result of avarice, greed, revenge, lust and power - some wars are indeed necessary and the principles of freedom and honor the driving motivation.

Was it right or wrong that we went to war against Nazi Germany and Japan?

WE were attacked in 1941 and our war effort was just and right. The fruits of our victory over both the evil Nazi regime and Imperial Japan have been good and beneficial, not only to us - but our vanquished enemies whom we rebuilt and put on the path to prosperity.

We were attacked on 9-11. In fact, we had been getting attacked by this same Jihadist enemy since at least 1993 with little-to-no retalliation or punishment. Unlike the attack in 1941 - this enemy today has vowed to destroy us by any and all means possible.

As a result, we have a right and a duty to war against Jihadists until they sue for peace on our terms, or we kill them all and erase their ideology from the planet.

9/11 was designed and orchestrated to get people (globally) to think and behave as you do.

Proofs and sources please, not your own opinion on the matter. (Please don't try and use the Bohemian Grove tin foil conspiracy as an irrefutable proof, I'm assuming you're much more intelligent than that).

Unless you're talking Satan - I don't buy into the "manipulation" charge, though I know it fits well into the supposition that America is the beast trying to create the end-time NWO, which as I've said above - I don't subscribe to.

It has been used as a catalyst to empower hatred in this world, and that is never of GOD.

No, it's of men. But since man has decided to go his own way, God is working with our own decision to self-govern ourselves - and He intervenes to ultimately work out His Plan of Salvation for mankind. That Plan requires we learn the physical lesson that man cannot govern himself without God running the show in our lives.

That being said - the Prince and Power of the air is the ruler of this earth right now, and we have to deal with the realities of this present evil world - including the hatred men have for one another. This world operates on the respect of brute force, and God has utilized that reality for his purpose when needed.

Radical Islam has hated America long before we even knew we were a target. Their hatred is bright and fanatical enough for it's adherants to kill themselves while trying to kill as many of us as possilbe, and collapse our economy and way of life so we can be set upon and devoured. That is their stated goal: our complete destruction.

Now we can either kill this enemy, or be defeated by it. We cannot compromise with it, reason with it, make treaties and agreements with it, by it's own leaders' admissions. It must therefore be destroyed - and fought against with extreme predjudice. This is the way of this present evil world, this is the reality God works within.

The only variable I am unsure of is whether Jihadist Islam is the rod of correction God has brought against us to indeed bring America to nothing. Judging by our faltering resolve and warring political factions, I am assuming yes at the moment.

It has been used to turn people one against the other, each believing things of the other that are only true of a few radicals leading the masses, who would happily live in peace if given the chance again.

Wars and rumors of wars dear. Nations shall rise against nations. Been going on with increasing regularity for the last 2,000 years.

That being said, what do you suggest we do? Die and be destroyed in the millions? We tried appeasement and not taking any retalliatory action during the 1990's when they were hitting us left and right. That only emboldened them to greater plans of inflicting mass casualties.

The War ON Terror is not appropriately nor honestly named.

True. It needs to be named the 'War on Jihadist Islam' but political correctness has paralyzed us to define what our enemies truly are because we don't want to 'offend' anyone.

It is a war that BREEDS and FEEDS fear and terrorizes people on ALL sides, and in that it really isn't very different from the wars of the 20th century. It is more realistically a war created FOR the purpose of TERRORIZING people everywhere.

This is why Jihad terrorists USE it. They know they cannot get what they want or achieve our deaths in a conventional war. Look, UNLIKE the wars of the past, this isn't a war for land or regional dominance - this is a war being waged by Islam for the purpose of DESTROYING us and our influence in the world.

This war can never be won.

Not if many more Americans like you believe that. Many Colonists did say the same thing when Massachussetts and Virginia went to war against England.

I would also remind you that with God, ALL THINGS are possible - if He Wills it. But since America has decided to discard God and pay him lip service to obeying His Commandments - it will be no surprise if God witholds his blessings of protection and we are destroyed by our enemies.

In this war everybody loses excepting those who profit from it financially and who are jockeying for positions of power.

So, since you say we cannot win this war - ask yourself: WHO profits from America's destruction and WHO benefits financially? - and you will have the answer of who the true Beast of Revelation is.

We are talking about a handful of people; zealots and world leaders (and those who support them) who have used lies and deceit to manipulate the masses and whip them into the frenzy necessary to give rise to fear and hatred, which always leads to the wars which line the pockets of only a few. They lie, and people die. If the masses could not be persuaded so easily, both zealots and world leaders would soon lose the power to wage unnecessary wars.

Are you suggesting that after 9-11, and what we all witnessed with our own eyes - that this war on Jihadist Islam is uneccessary and only being manipulated to line the pockets of a few????

These are things from "the darkside" Invar, and "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny."

Sorry, reality is that if you remain on the track of a speeding train, it will pulverize you. We can do all the wishful thinking we want to and refrain from going down the dark path of warfare, and our enemies will triumph over us and millions of us will die horribly. There are times war is just and right and completely necessary. This is one of those times.

If your home was busted into and a serial rapist was about to have his way with your eight-year-old daughter - do you "give into the dark side" and kill him, or do you give into his desires so you aren't dominated by 'darkness'??

We have a God-given and inalienable right to self-defense. Because of our freedoms, and the fragile rights which give us the ability to worship God as we are led, and serve our countrymen as we need to and live our lives as best we can - it is necessary to destroy the enemies that seek out our destruction where they nest and where they find safe harbor. They are vermin, lethal when in contact with us, and therefore need extermination.

That doesn't sound Godlike with what Churchianity has led it's people to believe, but scripture is quite clear how God wanted a nation of His people to deal with their enemies that came agains them - and it was without question, complete annihilation. You might read again why Saul was diqualified from remaining king of Israel.

I am not only against the Bush administration, but against all human governments when they depart from the Laws of GOD.

Human government's don't KNOW the Laws of God save those of ours and Britain. As a result, our disobedience and betrayal of that sacred trust "will merit even greater punishment than any other nation, and the condemnation of heaven" - to quote James Madison.

I don't know of any earthly government presently adhering to those Laws, therefor I patiently wait and actively pray for HIS Kingdom Rule, and that it come soon.

The human mind is at enmity with God, and is not subject to the Laws of God, nor can it ever be. It will indeed take the strong arm of God to bring peace, but not after mankind unites to fight against God Himself at His Coming.

No doubt YHVH will use this war to further His Purpose as he uses ALL things, bad and good, to that end. (Romans 8:28) This in no way implies that He either approves of or endorses the insanity in which most of the world is presently engaged. (Romans 8:5-8)

It was never God's intent for us to be at war and to hate. But since mankind has chosen for himself his own destiny, God has allowed us to go our own way and He intervenes in the affairs of men and nations as needed to bring all things to fruition. This includes using a nation of His People to defeat evil regimes and safeguard His promises and people.

If you will search your Bible a little more closely, you will see that we (who profess to be followers of Christ) were never called to do battle in the flesh, but rather to engage in spiritual warfare *always.* (Ephesians 6:10-13)

I understand where you are coming from, but I don't agree with your conclusion. If Chrisitians were not allowed to battle in the flesh, this nation would have never come into existence, nor would we have prospered as we have.

The only weapons we are authorized to use are "The Sword of the Spirit," which is the Word, and the Truth. Courage is also necessary, and I submit to you that it takes far more courage to love your enemy, than to kill him.

Granted. But remember David was a man after God's own heart, yet he had much blood on his hands from alot of warfare, some of which God ordained and blessed, some of which was David's own doing which was cursed.

It is NOT 'love' to appease those sworn to kill you and ignore their threats until such time as your own countrymen and kin are killed because you did nothing. Sorry, but this kind of mindset is the same kind of insidious misuse of scripture that has convinced entire churches that accomodating sin and not judging wickedness is more righteous than living Isaiah 58:1 - which is how we get Gay bishops and homosexual marriages.

Remember Invar, it is "Love (that) conquers all," not revenge, and not naked aggression.

Depends on how you define "love". Protecting your family and neighbors by killing those that have sworn to murder them in horrific fashion is as much love as praying for those that have no understanding they are puppets of this world's prince.

We live in a real world not governed by God or his Laws. Just because we believe in God's Laws does not mean we ignore how the real world works. We must fight evil in the only language the carnal human mind understands: brute force.

For when you read the scriptures, you find that Christ Himself will establish the Kingdom of God by wiping out and exterminating with brutal force all of those that come against Him when He comes.

That too will be done by the ultimate Author of Love.

Remember the Proverbs; there is a time for peace, and a time for war.

This is one of those times.


Sword At-The-Ready

And yet I will still pray for you.

Please don't bother.

I'm not an evil intellectual.

Fine, you're an Elitist intellectual.

the most important thing to remember is that God gave us Free Will.

Which is what I'm exercizing - my free will to disagree with you.

My personal view is that we have be given free will and it is our obligation to educate ourselves as to what is right or wrong.

But not by you or your 'educated' opinions.

Your Indian posts left me very troubled. Saying that it is "God's will" is not correct.

Then we would have failed as a nation and we would not have become the greatest superpower on earth in all human history.

In my humble opinion, the manner in which we treated the Indians was wrong.

Your opinion doesn't matter as far as facts and history goes. You can 'feel' the manner we treated them was wrong all you like. It's ancient history, it's done. America has grown and prospered since then. You might as well ask the Amelekites whether they felt they were treated wrongly, then go and complain to God about it - since He was the one who ordered their destruction.

Religion, in my opinion, cannot be separated from politics.

Try and tell that to the Supreme Court or the ACLU.

In the meantime, however, you need to take into account that you have been given free will over your thoughts and beliefs. However, you are also responsible for those thoughts and beliefs.

Yeah...so?? I'm confident in my thoughts and beliefs. I express them without apology. I don't need you to either 'educate' or 'save' me from them. I prove all things to the satisfaction of what I study and in conjunction with scripture.

Given the opporturnity to express your faith in Jesus, I would have hoped that you would have jumped at the chance to do so.

This is NOT the Religion SIG, this is the ALL THINGS POLITICAL SIG. You want to express your faith - that would be the forum to do it in. I for one avoid religious squabbles and arguing over the scriptures unless it's related to current events or history.

The fact that you have not done so has left me quite troubled.

That is your own problem. I don't wear my faith on my sleeve.

So, yes, I will truly pray for you. Whether you want me to or not.

It's your time.

And if you are Jewish, as I am through my mother and her mother, we all still believe in the same God.

I am not Jewish - but many assume I am.

We then have to simply decide whether Jesus is the Messiah. I have decided that he is, based on the prophets of the Old Testament. Don't be afraid to say that you disagree with me on this. It is still the same God we worship.

I don't disagree with the exception that I don't think we are all worshipping the same God. If we did - we would all be keeping His Commandments and doing as He said. Sadly we have remade God into our own perverted image, and it is that and the "idea" and gospel ABOUT Jesus many worship.

I refuse to believe that really are a Freemason or Morman.

I am neither.

Still, if you convince me that you are doing fine and that you still hold to your flakey political views, I'll jump in like a wet, mad hornet.

Yes indeed David, you are all wet.


Membership Revoked

G'morning Invar...

Thank you for replying to my post. I too would like to address your post in detail, but it's very late right now and I'd rather do it tommorrow when I am coherent - and if I'm spared.

I just want you to know that I do not consider AMERICA alone to be representative of the "Beast system," but rather ALL the corrupt governments on and of the earth, along with false religion and the obscene misuse of money and power by those who hoard both.

I mention this so we can get off on the right foot when I redress your post tommorrow - again, God willing.

Love in Christ, - Dee.


Membership Revoked
A view from the true "left."


No, this post isn't for you. You appear too set in your ways. This is for anyone else who is still reading this thread. (Though you may freely respond as you wish). Here's is a view from the true "left", to the extent one defines the left as someone opposed to a strong centralized government. (The "left" as commonly defined today, is just tyranny through another name.) So, with that said, I offer up this blast from the past,



Independence Day for Whom?
SARTRE - July 1, 2001

The celebration of the Nation's birthday sometimes gets people confused. This day is much more than another holiday from work. It is a recognition of who we are as a People. What it is not is a saint's day for a Government. When the Nation and the Government are spoken in the same breath, most believe they are interchangeable. How mistaken and easily mislead, the public can become.

Yes, a revolution was fought to establish a Free Republic, but that was well over two centuries ago. Articles of Confederation were formed to establish a working relationship among sovereign States. Later a Constitution was ratified that placed specific, distinct and enumerated limitations on the authority to rule of a central government. Functions not named, were left to the individual States. And finally, Bill of Rights Amendments were added and approved that codified guarantees for the protection of the citizen from abuses of that newly created central government.

Up to this point, who would not want to attend the party? Well, the theory is fine; but the acting out of the play, has caused the show to be canceled. Why was the American Revolution fought? The reason was not originally accepted by the public that a new country was the purpose for the conflict. Many sought to negotiate a settlement with the Crown and remain loyal Englishmen. Only a small band raised the banner for self determination. Tories and neutrals were in the majority. Uncertainty prevailed with the gallows the reward for failure. The motivation to dare all was for an idea, not a lust for power. Most of the rebellious vanguard were established leaders and held authority within their circles. But they risked their sacred honor, more precious than their lives for the sake of LIBERTY.

Out of this caldron of fire, the world witnessed the first attempt to create a society that could be governed by principles of constitutional law, as opposed to EQUITY at the discretion of the magistrate. That was the 'shot heard round the world'. Those first slugs at Concord bridge were the aftermath. This is the singular significance of the American Revolution. It was born out of the eruption and the explosion that caused the demise of the old order.

So what went wrong? For those who doubt that it has gone amiss, go off to your picnic or watch the tube. But for those who know in their heart that the tyrant that was King George III, was a mild despot, compared to the federal apparatus in foggy bottom; let us celebrate another anniversary. Our festivity will not recognize the central government as its legitimate steward, nor will we invite agents within their employ. Honored guests will be restricted to those who understand the nature of the American Experience and are willing to pledge their allegiance to that cause. Their Nation will profess the principles of universal sovereignty of the individual and will require strict limitations and comprehensive accountability upon those who administrate the public trust. Our gathering will bear the resemblance of our Founding Fathers home, for we are their posterity.

So when your neighbor invites you over to have a cup of English Gray, remember your ability to smell its aroma and sip its flavor, is built upon the debris of tea casks from that Boston Harbor soiree. America is unequaled because its king is the individual citizen. The sheriff serves the former serf, who is now a freeman. And the crown is worn on the head of every man.

This ideal deserves a true celebration, even if the reality has fallen so short. Our task is to restore the goal, and institute the means to make it genuine. If our Nation was created by men of honor, it can be reinstated with brothers and sisters of similar courage and integrity. Are you one of this new breed that seeks LIBERTY? Or are you content on bowing to a dictator of a depraved empire? We all must choose! Who's birthday will you celebrate . . . Your own as a 'son of liberty', or a master who you continue to pay homage.

SARTRE - July 1, 2001


Membership Revoked

From our last series of posts, I take your position to be as follows:

Don’t bother praying for you. I’m an elitist intellectual, but possibly not an evil intellectual.

You are exercising your free will granted by God to disagree with me. You are, however, under no obligation to think about my “educated opinions.”

We would have failed as a nation had we not taken the land from the Indians. Because we did, we are the greatest superpower on Earth in all human history.

My opinion on the U.S. government’s treatment of the Indians doesn’t matter “as far as facts and history goes.” I can “feel” the manner we treated them was wrong all I like. “It's ancient history, it's done.” America has grown and prospered since then. If I disagree, I should go and complain to God about it – “since He was the one who ordered their destruction.”

And yes I’m all wet. Argue with me you if you dare. You will lose. Face it, a brain and rational thought come in handy if you want to debate something. :lol:


[Edted a short time later to add:] Are you too insecure about your views to express them again? Perhaps this time in a more cautious and "conservative" manner? :D


Sword At-The-Ready
Are you too insecure about your views to express them again?

If you knew anything about my posting history - which you obviously do not - you would know that I have NO INSECURITIES expressing my views.

So allow me to point out that ignorance on your part so that you might better research an accusation before making yourself look like a complete ass.

Perhaps this time in a more cautious and "conservative" manner?

Are you THAT dainty that you cannot handle strong arguments? This isn't "Duel at Twenty Paces', this is warfare. It's ugly, it's dirty, it's harsh and crass. Welcome to the real world.

I take your position to be as follows:

Don’t bother praying for you.

Exactly. It would be a waste of your time which would be better spent praying for yourself and your children.

You are exercising your free will granted by God to disagree with me. You are, however, under no obligation to think about my “educated opinions.”

Exactly. One point for you.

We would have failed as a nation had we not taken the land from the Indians.

I read and re-read what I've posted, and I can't seem to find where I said or implied that. Maybe it's because I didn't and that is merely how you decided to extrapolate what I said.

Because we did, we are the greatest superpower on Earth in all human history.

If what was done to the native population was so wrong and abhorrent to God - there is no way in hell or on Earth God would have granted the blessings and prosperity we have enjoyed. Scripture itself states that God raises up and destroys nations (meaning nothing happens without His consent and approval). The Indian nations were brought low by our hand, and ours was raised.

If I disagree, I should go and complain to God about it – “since He was the one who ordered their destruction.”

Your comprehension skills are pitiful. If you would have bothered to read carefully - you would note that I stated that the Amelekites were ordered destroyed. My point was that a nation of God's People have been used in the past by God to destroy entire indigenous peoples for His purpose. What I should have more clearly stated was that you might want to ask God why he blessed this nation to it's levels of power and prosperity when we did such horrible things to the peace-loving gentle natives.

And yes I’m all wet. Argue with me you if you dare. You will lose.

Only my lunch to laughter,

Face it, a brain and rational thought come in handy if you want to debate something.

Then please hurry and get both.


Membership Revoked

I believe the key area in which we differ is in the fact that, yes, I have determined that I am not a conservative, such as you are. Rather, I am what was once known as a reactionary.

To some degree, my sensibilities on the subject of governmental reform have not left me. That fact, coupled with my desire to avoid real trouble, prevent me from posting freely my beliefs on the issue. The Patriot Act I and II alone are reason enough to oppose governmental policy - when one cannot freely express opinions without fear of retribution.

P.S. It's somewhat ironic that if we named our Presidents as the English name their monarchs, our president is George III.

Last edited:


Membership Revoked

looks like invar smoked ol kimber,,,,

hey dave,,, you look pretty stupid , dishonest,,, and as slick as ol bille was.

not saying i hold the exact same veiw's as invar, i dissagree with invar

on some things, but on the whole i think invar cut through

the dishonest leftie b.s. ol kimber spewed

(ive heard the same EXACT spew from every liberal ive ever met,,, they all have the same script i guesse)

like a hot knife through butter, or like light cuts through darkness.

good job invar


Membership Revoked

Invar actually does attempt to discuss politics. You are just a groupie. Try to have an original thought before you opine. Your ignorance is bliss, provided you keep it to yourself. Do you even know what a reactionary is?


P.S. Go bow and worship at the altar of the GOP.

P.P.S. Solookup, a simple question: Was Patrick Henry a liberal? If so, why? If not, why not? Until you can answer the question, you are not worthy of further debate.

[Edited, as usual, for typos]

[Edited again to add: I would have responded earlier, but I was hanging out again today at Colonial Williamsburg - in the rain. This ought to let you know where I'm coming from (quite literally) before you attempt to slander me with your ignorance.]