Dogs Benadryl and the Lab


Like every other business owner of a certain age, our vet decided Covid was as good a reason as any to retire. Found another rather far away, so got a phone consult...for now.

Big squishy lump under her jaw and neck, and she seems to be having trouble breathing. As this lovely pup is getting on in age, I was expecting the worst (lost a lab to cancer many years ago). Her breath is fine, so doubting a tooth abscess, but the vet thinks something might have bit her. Head was hot yesterday. She completed a long walk today (her choice), was like a VERY old lady.

25mg Benadryl was advised. We didn't have any on hand because while an obvious prep, I could never find it at the dollar store. Didn't know it was sold as an allergy medicine - makes sense now. Also, a spa treatment with epsom salt and hot water compresses.

She is doing better!


Canines can handle a lot of Benadryl for their size. I have a large bottle of 25mg capsules. If I take one it makes me pretty drowsy and I’m ready to fall asleep in a half hour. My Mal had a cold last week. She was sneezing, coughing, snotting and a 25mg capsule didn’t even slow her down. I saw that with my German Shepherds as well. They had skin allergies and I’d use the benadryl to dry up the lesions. I’d use 2x as much on them as I‘d take and they weighed #80 less than I am.