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Blue Angel Low Altitude


Blue Angels practice 7/20/2010 NAS Pensacola. Sneak Pass. He was really hauling the mail in this photo, fast and low. I was at Pensacola lighthouse, adjacent to the runway, with somewhat of a narrow window to shoot in, but what a window it was. The crowd was about a quarter mile away, at the Naval Air Museum. The young man who was working at the Lighthouse had his camera too, and gave me some great tips, letting me know when they would be in view. Going back this fall and pay the 15 dollars to go to the top of the Lighthouse to watch Angels practice. He offered to let me go up free, but the show was already on and I didnt want to miss anything, it would take me too long to get up there. anyway I hope you enjoy the picture and brings you the smell of jet fuel and the roar of the engines. BTW, you gotta catch them on Pensacola Beach at the home show. Quite an experiance, but missed it this year.


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