Does anyone have this recipe?


Contributing Member
I am looking for the popular tonic made from apple cider vinegar?

Does anyone here have the recipe?



Opinionated Granny
OK, so how do I prevent sickness if I am allergic to the peppers and the apple cider vinegar? Any suggestions for substitutions? I know that ginger also has capsicum in it. I suppose I could just add twice as much. What about the vinegar?



I believe the recipe my Grams used to use was the Dr. Jarvis version. For arthritis and other health issues. I think it was 1 T ACV and 1 tsp non-pasteurized honey in a mug of hot water. She swore it helped her. I would like to get into that now, myself as I have arthritis. I don't eat sweetners of any kind, however, even natural ones. Try looking up Dr. Jarvis, and read about his arthritis cure and more. It's Just Me


Contributing Member
Thanks for the recipe. That one sounds like it would be hottttt! LOL. I think it would kill any bacteria in it's path!

I did find another one that calls for

3 T. Apple Cider Vinegar
3 T. honey
2 T. lemon Juice

Mix with 16 oz. warm water.

I made it in a smaller dose. It's hard to get down, but I could feel it working on my tonsils all the way down. ;)
I still have a sore throat, but it hasn't gotten worse. I'm not taking it 3 times a day either, only once. So, we'll see how it goes.



Moongazer, that's the recipe my grandfather used all his life and he never had to have his tonsils out. :D It is also the drink the pioneers dank while in the fields to wet their thirst. Put back into their bodies what the sport drinks are supposed to do today. :D