Misc Free Kindle Book - Menopause Mondays


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MENOPAUSE MONDAYS: The Girlfriend's Guide to Surviving and Thriving During Perimenopause and Menopause Kindle Edition
by Ellen Dolgen


For Ellen Dolgen, menopause education is a mission. Spurred by her own experience struggling with the symptoms of menopause, Dolgen has devoted the last ten years of her life to helping other women during this often difficult time. While she’s not a doctor or scientist, she’s “talked the talk” with countless menopause experts, so that she can “walk the menopause walk” with you and share the keys to this menopause kingdom.

Together with her son, Jack, she created this new, comprehensive guide to all things menopause—the symptoms, the treatments, the long-range effects on a woman’s health. Dolgen shares the expertise of numerous specialists to replace confusion and embarrassment with medically sound solutions, presented in an entertaining and informative way. You’ll find detailed descriptions and treatments for the symptoms you or your loved one may experience, from hot flashes and mood swings to mental fogginess and loss of libido, and lots more in between.

In addition to sharing the latest research and proven treatments, Dolgen offers guidance to finding a menopause specialist who’s right for you, and she provides a clear explanation of what tests to ask for. You’ll also learn about the latest studies on hormone replacement as well as alternative therapies and remedies. Finally, Dolgen shares the real-life experiences of women—and those who love them—as they traverse the crazy ups and downs of perimenopause and menopause.
Her motto is: Suffering in silence is OUT! Reaching out is IN!


Neither here nor there.
I went through it and am now done, age 48, with no medications, due to an extremely high risk for breast and ovarian cancer, other than my good ole friend bourbon. Was watching a local tv commercial for menopause treatment and I was surprised that they listed mood swings as the first symptom. Poor OC he's been putting up with this for four years now, but things are finally starting to calm down and my friend bourbon and I are soon to part ways. I have to say that the amount of information out there for menopause is lacking, severely lacking and it would seem even within the medical community there are disagreements as to when a woman is actually IN menopause.


Life is better in flip flops
I went through it and am now done, age 48, with no medications, due to an extremely high risk for breast and ovarian cancer, other than my good ole friend bourbon. Was watching a local tv commercial for menopause treatment and I was surprised that they listed mood swings as the first symptom. Poor OC he's been putting up with this for four years now, but things are finally starting to calm down and my friend bourbon and I are soon to part ways. I have to say that the amount of information out there for menopause is lacking, severely lacking and it would seem even within the medical community there are disagreements as to when a woman is actually IN menopause.

I'm 47 and going into or thru menopause myself. In September it will be a year since my last period. Dr. said I would be considered menopausal then (and I'll turn 48 in September). I haven't had all the classic symptoms thank goodness but it may partly be due to kicking up my daily exercise into overdrive lol and I also take a boatload of vitamin and mineral supplements. My Dr. actually got me started on these when I expressed interest in staying all natural and allowing God to do His work. She did my full blood work and then gave me a list to get me started (evening primrose oil for example but many more) I've added other supplements on my own since then and I feel healthier now than I have in years! And yes, I thought I was too young to be going thru menopause. I think 50 is average age.