[GOV'T] "Folly of the Welfare State"


Membership Revoked
Mods, this should no doubt eventually go to ALT/UNEX. Given the imminent election, and the stakes involved in voting major party or Libertarian/Constitution Party, I thought this bore some discussion on the main page. The implied position of this piece is that those stakes involve more than who gets to make the decision to buy what trinket in our economy, but extend even to unavoidable failure of national survival, possibly within the lifetimes of many forum members.

The bolding is mine.


The Folly of the Welfare State, Part II

Raymond B. Cattell, A New Morality from Science: Beyondism, Pergamon Press, New York, 1972, 482 pp.

Reviewed by Thomas Jackson

The first part of this review described Professor Cattell’s wish to base morality on science rather than on the revealed dogma of religion. In his view, men will develop a truly scientific morality only after further evolution has heightened their powers and broadened their vision. In the meantime, moral behavior is that which promotes evolutionary improvement while immoral behavior impedes it.

Ethics based on evolution have profound implications, both for the ways in which societies govern themselves and the ways in which they conduct external affairs. In fact, whether deliberately or unconsciously, Western societies now violate the principles of evolutionary ethics at every turn, and intractable problems flow from these violations. Ultimately, a society that flouts the laws of evolution will destroy itself.

Professor Cattell proposes a substantial body of thought on which a society might base its larger moral choices. He has given it the awkward name of Beyondism, and though he insists that it should be a subject of constant study and improvement, he has sketched its general contours.

If it was wrong to say that the earth was created in six days, it may also be wrong to tell a man to love his neighbor as himself.

Beyondist morality is sharply different from the Christian ideal, which he describes thus:
“We are asked to give all our consideration to ‘the publicans and sinners,’ the lost sheep, the prodigal sons and reprobates which Christianity so debatably cherishes. What would a rational sociology and psychology say of these? Today's newspaper tells us with piously approved optimism that ‘poor and rich, patriotic and alienated, criminals and good citizens; we all need one another.’ To which a society with any sense of direction whatever must reasonably add the amendment ‘Some [are needed] more than others!’“

The political expression of a preoccupation with lost sheep and prodigal sons is the welfare state. It does not merely accept the notion that reprobates are just as valuable as virtuous, hard-working citizens; it treats them as more valuable, since it taxes the virtuous in order to support them.

Such a society must set aside healthy notions of blame and responsibility. It must assume that every person, no matter how degenerate, has natural rights that a society must meet. Rights to food, housing, “dignity,” and all the other “rights” on which a welfare state is based can only be met by assuming that the unproductive are somehow entitled to live off benefits that are forcibly exacted from the productive.

According to Professor Cattell, the attempt to give precedence to “moral” or “transcendental” rights over contractual rights can be traced back to the religious preoccupation with lost sheep. Nevertheless, as he reminds us, even so progressive and influential a thinker as Jeremy Bentham once wrote, “Natural rights is simple nonsense; natural and imprescriptible rights . . . nonsense upon stilts.”

The modern form of nonsense upon stilts is the refusal to view failure as anything more than the consequence of “oppression” or “victimization.” Since the welfare state has abolished laziness and stupidity along with blame, individual failure is to be understood only as societal failure.

From a Beyondist point of view, it is not merely illogical and unfair to make the good pay for the failures of the bad; it is an evolutionary catastrophe, for along with blame, the welfare state has abolished genetics. Of all the bogus rights promoted by the welfare state, the most dangerous is the “right” of those who are unable to look after themselves to bring into the world yet more mouths that the productive members of society must feed. It is no accident that the children of the incompetent and irresponsible tend, themselves, to be incompetent and irresponsible. In the nearly 20 years since Professor Cattell published his book, research has only confirmed the extent to which intelligence and even personality traits are inherited.

Nevertheless, the welfare state willfully turns its back on the laws of heredity. The preoccupation with lost sheep means, for example, that society devotes ever-greater efforts to the impossible task of trying to prepare welfare-bred low achievers for life in a complex, industrial society. A much more productive and sensible approach would be to improve succeeding generations through attention to the laws of heredity.

Welfare payments permit the irresponsible and incompetent to rear, at public expense, as many children as they want. These are the very children who fill classes in remedial learning, and who are likely to quit school and become criminals. The competent and responsible, who are taxed to pay for welfare, remedial education, and prisons cannot afford to have many children of their own. Richard Herrnstein of Harvard concludes that as a result of these differential birth rates, every new generation brings a decline in the average American IQ.

One of the primary goals of a society is the transmission of its culture to succeeding generations. Professor Cattell describes this transmission as the forcible molding of an essentially animal nature into patterns of higher behavior. He recognizes that this is painful: “That the educational acquisition process in complex, modern culture stretches the genetic endowment in frustration tolerance of present day man close to its limits is shown by the temper tantrums and tears of childhood; the disorders and mental anguish of adolescence . . .”

The welfare state refuses to acknowledge that different individuals and different groups are unequally prepared, genetically, to acquire culture. Throughout the history of our species, progress has taken the form of ever-greater cultural demands made on a slowly improving genetic substrate. Degeneration is the reverse process, the reduction of cultural demands to meet the limited capacities of a declining genetic substrate. The genetic substrate of a nation can decline not just through differential birth rates but through migrations.

It is clear that in the United States, the direction of cultural movement has gone sharply into reverse. Proof of this is everywhere, but a few homely examples will serve to show what Professor Cattell may have had in mind. When the New York City subway was built, stations had public rest rooms, which patrons used for their intended purposes. As the city's population changed, subway rest rooms became havens for muggers and rapists. They became a menace rather than a convenience, and the transit authority now keeps them locked. To the general inconvenience has been added the stink of urine in the hallways.

Another example of the reversal of culture in the face of genetic decline is the sinking standards of American education. School integration has not improved public education for non-whites. On the contrary, it has lowered standards for everyone. It is now not uncommon for high school “graduates” to be unable to read their own diplomas.

In Detroit, the major American city most clearly and completely governed by blacks, violent lawlessness is so common that shop keepers work behind bullet-proof glass, wear armored vests, and keep weapons behind the counter. The culture of Detroit is declining to meet the genetic substrate.

Burgeoning crime rates, growing illiteracy, failing international competition—these are all well-documented aspects of the current American decline, yet the welfare state resolutely refuses to recognize their biological component. And indeed, there is also a failure of the will even among the genetically gifted, some of whose children likewise sink into the mire of cultural decay. But even if the moral and cultural rigor of a nation does not go slack, a decline in the human raw material can only drag a society downward.

Because it denies both responsibility and heredity, the welfare state is both a societal and an evolutionary dead end. As Professor Cattell points out, if the cost of producing and educating the average citizen—as the average sinks lower and lower—ever becomes greater than his life-time contribution to society, the national order will collapse. [Think Somalia -- M.S.] At the same time, in an evolutionary environment in which welfare payments have removed any connection between genetic fitness and survival, each generation will be less fit than the last.

What can be done to reverse these trends? Professor Cattell is mainly concerned with the theoretical underpinnings of an evolutionary ethic and has little to say about how it would be practiced. He believes, for example, that in a healthy society, in which the parasitic and dysgenic character of irresponsible reproduction were widely understood, unfit citizens would voluntarily refrain from having children. This might eventually be true in a society that had completely thrown off the illusions that foster the welfare state, but any attempt to halt evolutionary decline in America will have to start with something more than exhortation. As Professor Cattell concedes, “any realistic ethical system must regard a man who begets [or IMO a woman who births -- MS] eight children on public welfare as someone as socially dangerous as any criminal.”

For now, there is not even a hint of exhortation. Anyone who suggested publicly that welfare recipients merely be urged not to have children would be quickly silenced. In the United States, as in other white countries, the essentially religious view—that the superior must be sacrificed for the benefit of the inferior—prevails. Rather than establishing a genuinely scientific morality, Western societies prefer to ignore the science of genetics. Ignorance, especially willful ignorance, always has a price.

One of the attractions of redemptive religion is that it offers rewards after death. Beyondism strikes no such deals. In the proliferation of the incompetent at the expense of the competent it sees only injustice and folly. Professor Cattell warns of what may come: “Probably never in history has there been a period in which dysgenic trends could take effect so rapidly as in the welfare state . . . Two or three generations of disregard for genetic quality might lead to such a breakdown of the economic and cultural level of society as would be well nigh irremediable.”

The welfare state has no means of reversing the declines it sponsors.
It rewards failure with handouts and punishes success with taxes.
Is this not the direction in which America is headed? What are the chances that the rest rooms in the New York City subway will ever again be opened to the public? When will thoughtful parents regain confidence in public schools? When will it become possible again to run a shop in Detroit without weapons and bullet-proof glass? It is far more likely that localized horrors will spread rather than that civility will return to the wastelands.

The welfare state has no means of reversing the declines it sponsors. It rewards failure with handouts and punishes success with taxes. “Compassion” requires that more and more effort go into succoring those at the bottom of society, while at the overburdened top, the march of culture grinds to a halt. Professor Cattell warns of “the cost of making the whole of society a hospital, or a producer of dependent adults . . . converting substantial fractions of society into stall-fed, domesticated animals.”

He reminds us that “‘love,’ as pity, can err like any other emotion, and even create what it needs to feed upon.” The welfare industry, by making problems worse through misdirected largesse, only creates more clients for its “services” and more compelling reasons for its own existence. Beyondism would call for a genuine compassion that would solve the problems, not a perverted compassion that ensures their continuation.

Heretofore, evolution has worked by differential death rates. Nature cut down the unfit. Now that heredity is better understood, the species could be rapidly improved through differential birth rates. The great tragedy is that in an era in which this process has become understood, the social order promotes differential birth rates that are dysgenic rather than eugenic.

Professor Cattell is under no illusion that current social thinking will soon change. Nevertheless, he has followed the implications of an evolutionary ethics into the realm of intergroup relations—which will be the subject of the third, and concluding, part of this review."


They Saw it Coming

The man who first proposed to support the poor increased the number of the miserable.
—Menander, c. 300 B.C.

If you stop supporting the crowd, it will support itself.
—Seneca, 8 B.C. - 65 A.D.

The worst of charity is that the lives you are asked to preserve are not worth preserving.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1860

The more is given the less the people will work for themselves, and the less they work the more the poverty will increase.
—Leo Tolstoy, 1892

The ultimate effect of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
—Herbert Spencer, 1820 - 1903

Three generations of morons are enough.
—Justice Oliver Holmes, 1841 - 1935
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Oilpatch Hand

3-Bomb General, TB2K Army
Great article...

...but anyone quoting it might find themselves the target of a charge of "hating the poor and downtrodden."

Of course, many of those leveling such charges would be the same mental deficients (or their sponsors) that benefit from the massive welfare state.

None of which changes the fact that Prof. Cattell is dead-center correct in his analysis.


Membership Revoked
Indeed, OPH...

We are going from being a nation of men like Hank Rearden to Balph Eubank, Bertram Scudder, Claude Slagenhop, Mort Liddy, Cuffy Meigs, and of course Wesley Mouch.



Not that the people here aren't well intentioned, but I think for the most part this will fall on deaf ears. or more specifically few reads.

It's so much more important to get along, then to point out that most of those here that vote, underwrite thef via the color of law. Like anyone really has the moral authority to empower the state to rob on their behalf. And as anyone can plainly see, these taxes mean absolutly nothing, TPTB simply print whatever they want regardless of the tax rate, regardless of any sense of fiscal responsibility, it's merely a control technique. The system quickly identifies those that won't knuckle under to the "common wisdom" of the gov't sanctioned money cartel. A system which perpetually redistributes the wealth to the wealthy, the lien holders of the debt. Yet they don't believe they're in the matrix. Well who's energy are these scum sucking dogs riding high on the hog upon? The ones that humor me the most are those that claim how proud they are to pay their taxes to this country they love so much, civic duty, responsible citizen, super patriot.

It's easy to understand, they've had this rubbish piped up their collective butts for an entire lifetime. The sad part is that they can't seem to find their way to think out much more acceptable freedom based alternatives on their own. The current system works well enough for them and being only human they fear change. I guess they figure that this little bit of tribute is all they have to pay to keep uncle sugar outta their knickers, then so be it. And as long as they're giving their pound of flesh they'll want to make sure you make your contribution, so some how they think authorizing "da man" to come and get it at the point of a gun is only fair.

More control though, the taxable are controlled, via the gun, the too poor to be taxed are controlled by the very welfare rules the establishment invents. Meanwhile, a itsy bitsy percentage of the population can do just about anything they want while the rest of us are running our butts off, one group slaving to produce, another praying the producers keep producing. The last thing government wants is a self sufficent population, hell if they were self sufficent they wouldn't need much government, would they?


Membership Revoked
True enough, OnChaos...

"The last thing government wants is a self sufficent population, hell if they were self sufficent they wouldn't need much government, would they?"

Somehow the U.S. managed to get along with under 10% taxation prior to WWI (this ended about when reliably high economic growth did; what a coincidence) for most of its history, but this never gets mentioned these days...


Devil's Advocate
Great article, MS. It brings together many concepts for me into frightening perspective.

Welfare payments permit the irresponsible and incompetent to rear, at public expense, as many children as they want. These are the very children who fill classes in remedial learning, and who are likely to quit school and become criminals. The competent and responsible, who are taxed to pay for welfare, remedial education, and prisons cannot afford to have many children of their own. Richard Herrnstein of Harvard concludes that as a result of these differential birth rates, every new generation brings a decline in the average American IQ.

No wonder we have these young people (sheesh, I cringe at saying that, but I suppose if I do I'm old ?) who are stupid enough to think they are *entitled* to whatever without earning it ... the society implicitly rewards that manner of thought. I can see it spilling over into other societal groups as well ... everyone seems to want to opt-in to what's working for the youth, which, unfortunately seems to make sense in an evolutionary/devolutionary way.

Yikes. Not a happy thought on a Sunday morning, but I thank you all the same for posing those concepts which evoke an uncomfortable logical conclusion.




After reading some of the article I just had to reply. The writer has defined the problem but is totally off on the cause. It is very obvious he has never read the Bible.

He states the problem is due to our society's preoccupation with lost sheep and prodigal sons because of our Christian religion. No way, no how! Christian religion teaches hard work, perseverance, men taking care of their family, and yes, loving one another.

What he doesn't mention is that this society has no idea what love truly is. We think if we love our children we buy them everything they desire. THINGS are what matter most. How do you get things? You work so you have more money to buy more things. The Bible tells us to teach our children the Right way.

Our problems in our country today are not caused because we have Christian religion but because we have moved away from Christian religion. Ask your self this - is religion the cause of so many one parent familes, unwed mothers, murderers, robberies? Just the opposite.

I heard someone once say that anything you subsidize you get more of it. Do you honestly think there isn't a reason politicians keep voting in all these welfare laws?! They are buying votes to keep their jobs. In the meantime both parents have to work to pay all those taxes and have enough money left over to buy all those things to keep it going in a vicious cycle. There is no one home to teach their own children the right way (and less and less people who know the right way).

A politician's idea of a solution to any problem is to throw more money at it which takes more taxes, which causes people to have to work more hours, etc.

Loving someone does not mean you just fork over money to make it easier for them or taking over that person's responsibilities. Government is not the answer, it's part of the problem.

No, this article only states an obvious problem but is way off the mark as to the reason.


Veteran Member
Things work in cycles, always have, always will. Other republics fell for reasons similar to those that are plaguing this one. Nothing new.


interesting read...thanks MS...

not quite sure why he had to use the sheep and prodigal son thing as he made his point without it.....gonna reread and think about it...
Oh rats, I lost my reply. Oh Well, Very well done MS, though of course my innerds do a double twist every time I read your posts!

This whole question of eugenics, social darwinism, welfare state and rights of the individuals not to be soaked dry by the do nothings of this world is so very hard to address. After working with them for multiple years while I pay hefty taxes to help support them and the programs that serve them, I certainly have my issues too. But it is the answers to the problems that have me stumped. Sterilize them ala Holms and Sanger? Put them on the streets? Welfare reform is putting them to work with mixed results due to the economy. Denying services to the children, truely disabled, elderly, physically and mentally ill is a line I won't cross. Nor will I condone refusing medical care to them---partically out of my own ethical stance and partially due to the need for protection of the general public from communicable diseases.

But you know, I do have problems with a flood of mexicans coming in to our country while we have able bodied men and women sitting on their duffs. Lets ship them out there and let them WORK at REAL WORK harvesting our food, cleaning our homes and hotels etc. Lets have a come to Jesus meeting with the unions so that the poor can clean up the streets, dump the garbage, clean and scrub, paint and polish, mend the streets and man the thrift stores. Send them out to fight the forest fires, clean up the national parks etc. If you don't work to a specific standard your daily rations are cut. If you are a drug addict and/or refuse to support your kids or abuse them in any way, one strike and you are out---set up the old fashioned orphanages where they can get an education and stability. Earning the right to be a parent should be a national requirement for ALL. Of course, I am quoting absolutely nobody here but me but there are alot of social workers out there who feel the same way. Give us the tools to really make a difference.

Edited to add: The latest studies on brain development indicates that you can increase the number of neurons and therefor learning ability, so that an enriched environment for those children who could be deamed sub normal can bring them up to acceptable standards---(that is if we could ever decide what an acceptable standard is!!!!!!!!!) Did you know that sexually abused children quite often test way below normal ( with learning disabilities and behavioral problems and after treatment reach at least normal if not above normal performance?) Non of this is simple is it?


Membership Revoked
Hi, W2W...

You HAVE to explain that "my innerds do a double twist every time I read your posts" line sometime. :D

I will throw in here that I do not advocate denying anyone services; they are welcome to those they can earn by their efforts in a free market, no more and no less. Others may give them what they choose -- and may choose to give them nothing. They are NOT entitled to ones that are paid for unwillingly by others who are strangers, saving only the taxes paid to support the criminal justice system. (If they murder, and get executed, there need be no charge to them for the trial and carrying out of sentence.)

I will also add that most people are unaware that the average American black IQ is easily a full standard deviation below that of whites here, with only about an average of 85 (some studies say 83), with a considerable (arguably dominant) genetic basis for this difference. Read "The Bell Curve" by Murray and Rothstein or http://www.lagriffedulion.f2s.com/retard.htm if you aren't up to speed on this. The implications for the differing genetically-based desirability of blacks and whites AS GROUPS is obvious...


Girls With Guns Member
This reminds me of conversation I had with a client recently. He has a family of 5 and has always been a worker. He lived in a trailer when his family was starting out and his wife worked till the third child. One of his children was born with multiple problems and between the two of them they earned enough to build a beautiful home for themselves on a nice piece of land adjoining his parents home. The home went up a few years ago and since then he has busted his butt landscaping and finishing the house inside and out. This past year they installed a pool in the back yard. He said to me he had gone to grieve his taxes on his property as many of us here do. He said he could not believe that he was being punished for working his ass off and trying to make a nice home for his family. He said his home has increased the value of the neighboring homes and the smuck down the street who doesn't work much or at all and spends all his money on beer and lets the garbage pile up around his house because he's too lazy to clean it up gets to pay practically nothing. Where is the incentive for us to want to work and have anything nice?



Membership Revoked

PLEASE NOTE: I am quoting window2watcher, but my post is intended as a GENERAL comment, aimed at all so-called "social workers," and not at her/him personally.

"Earning the right to be a parent should be a national requirement for ALL. Of course, I am quoting absolutely nobody here but me but there are alot of social workers out there who feel the same way. Give us the tools to really make a difference."

And of course, YOU, the "social workers," are to be permitted to decide what does and does not qualify as a good parent? Or do we leave that to the government? Shoving a child into an orphanage is an IMPROVEMENT? Aaaaaargh! I'd love to know just how many orphanages (not foster homes, orphanages) most social workers have seen. My guess would be, usually none.

Any reform of the "welfare" system, would have to begin by firing all social workers, who are nothing but glorified busybodies - interfering in the lives of people who are not even ON welfare!

They begin hounding you at the hospital when you give birth, suggesting they come to your home to "teach you to parent." The first one who persisted with this power trip with me, ended up wearing my hospital dinner. The last one (five children later), I politely escorted from my house, where she had shown up unannounced, a 40-year-old unmarried virgin volunteering for the job of teaching my husband and I how to parent. :rolleyes: I STRONGLY suggested that she never return! She never did.

If you ever have to take your child to the emergency room because they fell out of a tree they were climbing, got their fingers stuck in a door or drawer etc., the all-powerful social worker team is all over you, making sure you are not "abusing your child."

We had one child we couldn't keep from climbing just about anything that was climbable, and a social worker told me during a stitching session (I don't remember what for, it was a very long time ago, but I'm pretty sure he only needed one stitch), "Mrs. _____, you are REALLY going to have to learn to take care of your children." Never mind that I had four others at home who were not climbing enthusiasts, and seldom needed any outside (of the home) medical care. :sht:

I have no patience for any of these people, and in nearly thirty years of parenting have yet to meet one worth a paycheque. Social workers are personally and collectively responsible for breaking up more families than I care to count, and we ALL know that any society is only as strong as the family unit. And no - I am not a recipient of "welfare." Just one mother and grandmother who is totally fed up with government intervention (or attempted intervention) in the private lives and homes of decent people.


MS: I will comment on the rest of your article when I am not quite so angry. - Dee.

Senses On

This is the biggest load of crap I have ever read on this board.

"Beyondism" indeed. Socialism on speed.

Ethics based on evolution have profound implications, both for the ways in which societies govern themselves and the ways in which they conduct external affairs. In fact, whether deliberately or unconsciously, Western societies now violate the principles of evolutionary ethics at every turn, and intractable problems flow from these violations. Ultimately, a society that flouts the laws of evolution will destroy itself.

Evolution is a theory about biological development, not a fact of societal and ethical development and there are no laws or principles governing "evolutionary ethics," a creation and coined term of the author without ANY scientific foundation, or any rational basis, but from which he goes on to make outrageous claims. Societies develop and mature. Those are the proper words to use. They aren't random accidents of nature as is claimed for physical evolution. Societies develop and mature because man has a memory and is able to pass information from generation to generation. Societies are built, that don't spontaneously "evolve." The principles in the Constitution of the United States didn't "evolve."

Once you accept these absolutely assinine statements you are fodder for the rest of the author's equally outrageous statements. He uses the age-old tactic of throwing in a little bit of truth to offer the reader something "familiar" and surrounds it with lofty-sounding nothingness.

From there it just goes down hill and to be honest I only read about 1/3, skimmed the next 1/3 and skipped the last 1/3.

From creating a new science out of thin air (evolutionary ethics) it moves on to totally mischaracterizing Christianity, and then moves to the socialists' definition of "rights," i.e. socialist entitlements.

This "Beyondism" is nothing but secular humanism written in lofty terms to impress the already dumbed-down. It attempts to make fun of the concept of equal opportunity, the very foundation of both Chrisitianity and our own original constitutional government, and focuses on the failure of socialism's (baby of secular humanism) to achieve equal outcome, and implies that in order to meet the goals of equal outcome we must eradicate the less than equally able. By introducing the criminal element into the equation the theory is sure to draw cheers from the "get-em" crowd.

Go ahead, embrace all the "theories" presented based on nothing but false premises and "evolutionary ethics." Embrace abortion, infanticide, euthanasia for the aged, crippled, retarded, etc. Embrace the new world religion in which the "average" man and the good of society is that by which all things are measured.

Socialism is the cause of most of our societal problems, but endorsing "Beyondism" would be like prescribing asbestos inhalants for a lung cancer sufferer.
Daedle-- I can certainly appreciate where you are coming from and agree that the work child protective workers do is noxious and offensive in a lot of circumstances. In my own particular defence, I did NOT work for child protective services but due to the clients I served came in contact with them on a darned near daily basis. And I too would want to beat my head against a wall over situations that occured around some of the clients we shared. You should know that it is darn near impossible to hammer sence into a judge's head once they have made up their minds. Some how, however, you have implied that things would be just fine if social workers wern't there busybodying around. You do know don't you that social workers of these days are there to do the work that the police refuse to do and neighbors are tooo afraid to do? Do you know that many of the agencies (county health, police, volunteer agencies not to mention judges) beg the social workers to get in there and DO SOMETHING and then REFUSE to give them the tools to get the job done. And you know that it is the JUDGES that determine placement of children--NOT social workers. And I hope you know that the vast majority of social workers are NOT involved with child protective activities?
I am retired now thank god and have some perspective on the work of the social workers, The child protective workers in particular. There are abuses, just awful awfuil abuses by these folks, but I willl tell you, their abuses pale in comparison to what I have seen parents and extended family members do to children.

There are other jobs, not in the limelight that social workers do, for example finding housing for the homeless, connecting and helping the VietNam vets, helping the mentally ill to services, taking food to the hungry, giving emergancy transportation to hospitals and doctors, helping the battered and abused exit their environment. In our state it is the county nurses that help with the new borns at home. I would be surprised if this function were allowed to be performed by a non medical person.

Along with the truth of all the complaints is another truth and that is the role and work of the social worker is a convienient screen around an unpopular group of social problems and folk with symptoms that nobody wants to admit, address, much less fund to have fixed. Social workers are leaving the field in vast numbers due iin large part to the total frustratation and generally low payment of the job. Take us out of the child protetive work. THEN the actual folk responcible for this mess will have to face up to their responcibilities---the legislators, judges and lawyers who have so far kept their hands clean by wipping them on social worker shirts. Let the hate land on their heads because it is THEIR ACTIVITIES or lack of action that place children, their parents and families in such pain.

It is well known by the workers in the field, that the true role of the social worker is to keep the social problems quiet enough so that the good guys can enjoy their lives and continue their illusion that all is well in their neighborhoods, cities and country. In other words, a lightning rod deflecting the true source of the difficulties.


Veteran Member
Great article.

The welfare state does indeed reward failure with handouts and punish success with taxes...and the fact that, historically, it wasn't always so in America, leads us to at least the possibility that the future may once again be sane.

One major problem we face in reforming this evil is that the system has produced legions of non-thinking adults. I wonder how many individuals would be even willing to read a long, thoughtful article like this one? They want sound bites where all the thinking is already done for them, and our government is all too happy to give them that exact thing. The public school system is doing EXACTLY what it is intended to do.

We producers, though, are getting close to a breaking point. I wonder if Prof. Cattell wrote about the point at which the system collapses? Inevitably it must fail. If you keep piling the load on the donkey, its legs will at some point give out... and when it does happen, the non-producers will no doubt curse the donkey and call it lazy and no-good.