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Graphic artist / illustrator needed


Senior Member
Hey everybody,

I am looking for a graphic artist / illustrator to create a picture for a book cover. So far, everyone just wants to photoshop something and im looking more for someone to actually draw. Im looking for the end product to have a bit of a Frank Frazetta feel to it if that helps anyone to see what Im looking for. So if you yourself or if you know someone who might be up for it (yes there is compensation available), please PM or email me. Thanks!

Sefusworldwide at hot mail dot com


Time Traveler
Ahhh FRANK!!! Yes I did miss that! I don't know how, I just went back and re-read it and there it is bigger than life. Doy.

I love that guy, sad day when he passed a few years ago. My mom gave me a couple of books of his work when I was about 12, I still have them, and still love and study them for my own art. I remember his wife saying she had to confiscate the paintings once they were finished or he would totally change them in repainting fits. I've copied a few of his paintings, mostly in pencil as that was my favored medium for a long time.
