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Having fun in Photoshop


Photo Junkie
Photoshop is your friend! Some would argue that Photoshop, or Photo Impact, or Lightroom...pick any of the tools available out there...allow you to distort and manipulate images into something completely out of context from the original, and I would agree with that when discussing journalistic images whose integrity must be maintained...but for everyday use you just can't beat a good tool that allows you to tell a story the way you want it told...


  • IMG_6341luccloudswetheweb4gbwmoon.jpg
    40.3 KB · Views: 103


Another Infidel
That's what I love to do, D! Just play round with images and see what I come up with. Of course, there's no one better behind a lens that yourself, D, and you know it!

Is the girl on the headstone one of your regular models then or a DiLaw? The effect is striking!

M :spns:


Photo Junkie
Thanx for the kind comments MO, but I assure you there are many out there better than me - but I am trying to get to that level!...

The girl in the image is a drinkin friend of ours who happened to be with us when we were shooting that day...and as it turned out it was a good thing...I have a few ideas that might improve the shot some, but they will have to wait till spring at earliest when there are serious storms... :)