Hi, My Name is Tessee


Senior Member
"Baby boy number two," Mark counted off, and then said, "well I'll be. The third one is a baby girl."
Thank you Pac. I had a hunch that would happen. Ultrasounds are not infallible, I don't care how good the tech is at reading them. When my oldest twin was carrying her twins, her firstborn insisted throughout the pregnancy that she was going to give him a "baby sisser".

Both sides of her ancestral lineage do multiples often & neither side has ever skipped a generation. Frequently it is a multiple that produces a new set - the first cousins category for my children have four sets of twins & one set of triplets. My pair were the only ones in that generation that did not come from a parent who was a multiple.

Anyway, her ultrasounds were repeatedly read as both being boys. Dimples refused to believe those results - he'd get downright angry when told he was getting brothers. DD believed it though, because of course it was just wishful thinking on the 3yr old's part, the professionals clearly knew more than her son. Imagine her surprise when the first one to pop out was a girl.

Kinda sucks to get a happy dance I told you so from a pre-schooler! A protective sort, he's not quite as giddy now that his baby sister is a very, very blossomed freshman & he's a BMOC senior (athlete, all teams starter with letters in soccer, basketball, football & baseball) who suddenly has a lot more wannabe friends than usual.

The second twin was, indeed, a boy so her set was born in the same order as DD & her male counterpart and, stunningly, the same hefty oh-dear-God-I-can't-do-this-I-have-to-stop & go-home-now-weights. DD blames "the mother's curse" :lol: for that very brief period of agony in her life.

Still sending prayers for you & Mr Pac.


Veteran Member

Olga and Silva looked fearfully from the open plane door. Every time she attempted to put a toe on the step to come down the stairs, the guard at the door growled at her from under his bushy mustache, and then grinned. Thou rally enjoying himself by bullying the timid mouse woman, he played at terrorizing her all the time Clora and Mark raced for the ambulance and Warren scooped up his grandchildren and disappeared into the airport terminal.

It was very dark, Olga and Silva were totally frightened, and suddenly there wasn't a familiar face to help them find the way home.
Nervous, strung out with exhaustion and sick from the plane ride, Olga figured a way to make the man allow them to pass.

She threw up on him, wailing and pinching Silva until the child howled in accompaniment to her mother. The guard quickly lost all enjoyment of bedeviling the poor American woman, and practically threw her down the stairs and ran her into the terminal.

"Thank you Silva," Olga whispered to her daughter, "let us hurrys to the ladies restroom where he vill not follows." Together they scurried out of reach of the guard. Olga had her phone in hand, dialing Stephan many times and not reaching him. Near the end of her phone's charge, she switched over and called the cousin of her cousin to come get her.

It wasn't until Clora was back in a room, sleepy and groggy from the anesthetic, that she asked Mark how Olga was doing.

Mark went from proud and doting father to conscience stricken fool in three seconds flat. "Ah...she's fine," he mumbled as he raced out of the room and down the hall where Clora couldn't hear him call Warren.

"Dad! We forgot Olga and Silva at the airport, would you go back and look for them?" Mark's throat was tight with worry, how could he have forgotten them. It was inexcusable.

The Linderman kids sound asleep in the van, Warren shook himself awake enough to drive back to the airport. When he got there he asked to have Olga and Silva paged, and suddenly realized he didn't know their last name. It sounded so lame to ask to have just the two first names put out over the loud speaker, but it was either that or call Mark. Olga was paged for a half hour and there was no response.

Warren had missed her by 45 minutes.

Finally admitting defeat, Warren drove back to the hospital and called Mark. "I can't find them," he almost whispered in the phone. "Nobody has seen them and the guards at the plane said she left after we had gone. Good heavens what do we do now?"

While Mark and Warren tried to get their act together, Olga decided what was going to happen. She rode out to the cousin of a cousin's house, went to bed for an hour or so and then had to get up and go to the hospital herself.

Back in the hospital, Mark had concluded that he needed to go get Stephan, to help untangle the mess he was in. Walking out of the birthing unit, he passed the waiting room and by curious force of human habit, looked in to see who was there. Silva was sound asleep, sitting upright and leaning against the wall.

Mark was so excited to see her, he scared the poor child out of her wits by speaking loudly to wake her up. Silva started crying, and Mark realized his mistake a little too late. Picking the thin child up to comfort her, Mark walked to the information desk and inquired about Olga.

The older woman manning the desk raised her eyebrows in startled condemnation. "I thought you just had triplets," she stammered in astonishment.

"We did," Mark said proudly, "two boys and a girl."

Silva said some thing from the security of Mark's arms, and the nurse only heard "Daddy."

Silva said, "I want my Daddy," but the prim and proper nurse only heard the last word. Turning frosty and accusing, the nurse snapped at Mark, "I'll call and see how the labor is progressing." At breakneck speed, she zoomed back into the ward to tell the nurses what she had just found out, that the man that had been with the woman that had triplets, had another woman in labor.
They were all busy tisking about the sorry state of affairs the world was in.

Olga had started the process and then calmed down and smoothed out. Mark thanked the unusually strange woman and went out the door with Silva in search of Warren and the van. If he hurried, he would have time to go to the valley, drop off the kids and pick up Stephan, and get back to the hospital in time. It was a good theory.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
If he hurried, he would have time to go to the valley, drop off the kids and pick up Stephan, and get back to the hospital in time. It was a good theory.

Yep, another theory that will go down in flames....

Babies come when the baby decides its time to be born,,,,
and depending on the mommy and the functioning of her body as to how quickly....

Thanks Pac....

May God continue to bless you and Mr Pac and provide his healing....



Veteran Member

Mark and Warren whisked into the valley at quarter of one in the morning. The Edwards hounds started baying fiercely as the unfamiliar van passed, lights coming on all over the place.

Helga had the shotgun leveled at the door when Mark shouted out who he was and for Stephan to get up and get dressed, they needed to rush right back to town. Warren took charge of bringing in the sleepwalking Linderman kids and poor Silva who got a hug and a kiss from her daddy, and an admonition to go to bed, he'd see her in the morning.

This time, Stephan drove the pickup as he was more familiar with it. Nobody liked the van, but if it served it's purpose, it was accepted. The crew cab flew over the deserted roads and then turned corners on two wheels, and skidded into a parking place at the hospital. They had to run around to the side, and use the emergency entrance, and then they went pounding up the stairs to the maternity ward.

Olga was cross and sleepy, but happy to see her husband. Mark left them to peek in at Clora and found she was holding one of the babies and crooning to it.

"Hi Sweetie, how are you feeling?" Mark said softly from the doorway. Clora looked up at him and he could see that she had been crying.

"They are so beautiful," she whispered, "God has blessed us so richly, I feel so insignificant in His Will. I'm worried that we may not be able to care for them as HE would have us do, what if I fail as a mother."

Calm, confident, capable Clora was having an attack of doubts and agony.

Mark stepped into the room and looked at the two asleep in the layettes. "We will raise them just like Milo, Teddy, Benny and Tessee. One meal, one diaper change at a time, a loving song and plenty of love and attention."

Clora looked at him and smiled her usual grace under fire smile and offered the pink wrapped bundle to Mark to hold. "Do you want to name her?" she extended her hand to lightly touch his. Mark was giving the baby girl a sappy look, making kissing noises at her.

"I like your idea of me naming the boys, and you naming the girls. I'm going to go with Luke and John. Luke Marcus and John Warren. If we have another boy, then we can name that one Matthew," he teased, chuckling at Clora's look of alarm.

"It's definitely to soon to be contemplating such an idea," Clora scolded. "Knowing our luck, we'd have another set of triplets."

Mark simply chuckled again, "it could happen," he said with an amused tone of voice.

Mark thought Clora said, "I don't think so," but she was smiling at him in such a loving way, he thought he must have been mistaken.

"I would like to name her Elizabeth Grace; as it's by the Grace of God that we have another girl."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful baby," Mark and Clora spent time investigating all three of their babies. Counting toes and fingers and noting all three children had the soft brown birthmark on their chest.


Senior Member
I struggled with infertility with my oldest. She was named Elizabeth grace for the same reason- I felt she was a gift from God...

Praying for your move and that mr pac can adjust to his new surroundings. And that you will have strength for the remainder of this journey

Thank you for your gift of writing


Brown Coat
thank you. Nice break.

This time of year things always seem to get hectic.

Got some tractor work to do so I guess I best get back to it.



Thanks for the great chapters
Glad Tess now has lit sister.

Hope things are going well w/ you and Mr. P
Be careful while moving. That's a good bit of work.
Prayers continuing for both of U.


Veteran Member
What a Fantastic chapter Pac, the loving interaction between Mark and Clora is great example of true love for each other and God. Praying Gods will and blessings for you and Mr pac.


Veteran Member

Olga took three days to have her baby. Stephan Jr. was in no hurry to be born; at least not in as much a hurry as his mother was. Eventually the event happened and the small Kazakh family grew by one member.

The Doctor held Clora in the hospital as little Luke had some jaundice and spent time under the UV light to loose the yellow coloring.
After her surgery, Clora was in no hurry to be home and she rested as much as possible while Mark looked for a baby nurse that wouldn't mind living out in the boonies.

He finally found a woman by the name of Gail Johnson that lived down South of Portland, and she agreed to come to the hospital for an interview. As a pediatric nurse, she traveled all over the area providing care for new mothers with multiple newborns. She seemed to be a good fit during the phone conference Mark conducted, and he invited her to meet Clora and the newborns.

Stephan took Olga and Stephan Jr. back to the valley and exchanged places with Warren who needed to come to town to conclude some business of his own. It was musical cars and ring around the rosy with people, but it slowly was getting sorted out.

The only out of sorts happening was between the Linderman kids and the Edwards children. Each family felt they had priority status in the valley and as the Lindermans were outnumbered, they usually lost the one-upsmanship battles.

Milo knew in his heart that he could whip the socks off those bratty Edwards kids, but Helga kept shaking her finger at him and saying NO in her sternest voice.

It was finally Tess that whipped her weight in Edwards girls and arrived back at the trailer with a black eye and bloody nose. That was the last straw for the Linderman boys, and it made no difference if the Edwards kids were boys or girls, they marched down the driveway and whipped them all.

Some of the kids had two black eyes, bloody noses and split lips, but at the trailer as Helga cleaned them up, they were smiling. They had won!

Surprising enough, they became friends and ran as a pack from that day on. Each family learned from the other, and they were a force to be reckoned with. Hunting, fishing, gathering berries and wildcrafting, they ran in the fresh air, got suntanned and grew strong.

It was the same thing Clora, Wayne and Ben had done in their young years, and it made the Linderman kids as smart and devious as their mother and uncles.

Clora and Mark arrived home with the babies, weary and proud to have a new chapter in their life beginning. Gail came to be the nurse, and Warren found her to be an interesting and complicated woman to be friends with. Gail was professional right down to her toes while she was employed by Mark and Clora, but the future was wide open and she found Warren as interesting as he found her.

Slowly the enclave in the hidden valley used the soil, the trees and the climate to create a life for themselves.

I am going to end "Hi My name is Tessee" with this chapter. The Linderman clan is now far more than Tessee and it deserves a new chapter and name.

I will be without internet for about a week, and hopefully I can get a new laptop going to take the place of this old worn out one.

Mr. Pac fell today trying to get out of his lift chair by himself. I rejoice that he is feeling strong enough to try it on his own, and worry that he's not strong enough to do what he's trying to do. That has put a new hurry in my step to get moved, and I just have to get it done.

The clan is in a good place to stay while I'm gone, and we'll see if I can't cook up some more interesting adventures. Thank you all for reading and the encouragement and prayers you have sent our way. Mr. and Mrs. Pac.


Brown Coat
Thank you for blessing us with this story Mrs. PAC.

Blessings and healing on you and your Mr.

Thank you for everything you have shared of your life with all of your readers.

I would love to read another episode in the epic of your stories, but more than that I would love to see you establish yourself in a place of peace harmony, and happiness.

What ever path your life takes, if you ever want to just say hi, I bet everyone will want to know where you are and what is happening when you have time.


Nancy B

Happiness Is A Choice
Mrs. Pac,

You are such an amazing and strong woman, and very wise. At a time when there are almost no role models to be found in the world, you shine brightly. I hope I will be a better person, with your example to live by. I am looking at a rocky path, similar to the one you are walking, and I am so impressed with you love, courage, respect and energy. I hope I can emulate your classy act. Oh yeah, I loved the story, too, bur your back story really inspires me.

All I can offer is my prayers every night for you and Mr. Pac, wish God's blessings upon you both, and offer my sincere thanks.


Veteran Member
Good weather and fair winds on your move! May God bless and guide you to make it as smooth as possiblel


Has No Life - Lives on TB
God Bless You and Mr. Pac. Thank-You for all you've done, for your are greatly appreciated, and beloved by all...



Deena in GA

I actually am crying at that last chapter. Such a great way for kids to grow up! Sad to see this one end, but I rejoice in knowing that you will continue with another story about this wonderful family.

May your packing go smoothly and quickly and may Mr Pac get the care he needs and you get some rest!


Pac, I have followed this story form the first paragraph with all its (and your)trials and tribulations and have become one of your biggest fans. I was wondering if in your next segment of this epic you might consider a flashback and give us a history of Clora's "royalty" and of the friction between the clans.

My prayers are with you and Mr. PAC always. May Heavenly Father's will be known to you and may you have the strength to endure all that might come your way.



Veteran Member
Pac, I thank you for the stories(all of them) and have enjoyed them a bunch. I do hope that your move goes well and you get to spend some time with Mr. Pac. You have been an inspiration to me for the way you have handled yourself during your troubling times. I can only hope that I would have a portion of your strength if I am ever placed in your position. Take care and we will eagerly await your return.


Thanks for the great story.
Good luck w/ your move and being closer to Mr. P.
Take care of your selves.
Much love to U.
Looking for new story in future.


Veteran Member
Pac Thank you so much for all of your story's, you have become part of our family as you told the story of the clans family. May God bless you and keep you and Mr. Pac in all that you do. You are loved by more people than you will ever know in this life, you have touched us all with you never ending story.
Take what ever time you need we will always be waiting for more from you when you are able.


Contributing Member
This has been such a wonderful story and you are an unbelievably gifted writer. Thank you and may God bless you and Mr. PAC


Veteran Member
again, 'thank you' seems so inadequate for all the wonderous and muches marvarrrvolous story.

I deeply appreciate all the MOAR and this is a perfect ending to this chapter. I can't wait to see what is next. Hugs and Love! May Jehovah keep giving you endurance and strength through His love.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Thank you for your writings....
As this book closes....
A new book will be opened....
As we know, you will travel with God.... to be with Mr. Pac....
God will continue to bless you and Mr. Pac....
He will keep both of you in His hands....


Contributing Member
Thanks Pac! Great story and I enjoyed it so much. Wish you good luck and will send up prayers for you in your current situation.


One generation behind...
So many others have said it, more eloquently than I....

So I will say simply, Thank You Pac! a most wonderful story...