(HUM) Election jingles anyone?


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Just thought to lighten things up today some of us could get a little creative with little rhyming poems or jingles. Anything about your experience voting today, or your opinoin about how the election will go, whatever you'd like.

I'll start with a little one I came up with:

Buddy Boy Bush
Or Dreary Scary Kerry
Only God knows
Things could get hairy

As I went to the polls
I thought I would find
Bin Laden there too
Voting his mind

Since Illinois usually
Votes Democratic
I expected Osama
To bring no fanatics



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Hey guys my first thread and noone posts. :bwl:

Maybe this was the wrong time for this but here's another one. I KNOW this is slightly juevenile but what the heck:

Looks like all is well
Across the voting scene
From the many ballots
A winner we shall wean

Some of us will be happy
Some of us will be sad
And some of us really
Be extremely very mad

But lets not be sore losers
If our guy doesn't carry all
For either party's solution
Is to go shopping at the mall

If you get an urge to be goofy, let it fly especially when you get bored tonight waiting for the election results. :eleph: