Ill Eagle Immigration........


I just KNOW I'm gonna get hammered for posting this, but it's my TRUE feelings and ALL flames (aka. E-Mauls) are promptly put out by Caddo Parish Fire District 2, a very classy fire department, LOL!

Everybody's screaming about the Mexicans crossing the border. It's happened for decades. The term wetback wasn't coined yesterday, ya' know, LOL!

Sure, they come here, work for little pay, sending most of it back home to their poor families. You'd do the same thing if you were in their sandals. But, I digress.

Surely, NO ONE has even given it one New York second's though about the WHITE MAN being an illegal immigrant. Now, before you get your back all bent out of shape, listen to what I have to say. at least give me the respect of hearing me out, THEN, think about what I've said. OK?

When the Pilgrims landed near Plymouth Rock and came ashore. Did the Native Americans tribes that were here already make them learn the Native languages (6 Nations)? Did they require them to know the history of the tribes past? Did the Pilgrims fill out any paperwork to enter this country? No? Well then, we are all illegal aliens, compared to the Native Americans.

History has been so distorted by white men to look "good", we've actually done the Native Americans a disservice. For instance, when the Pilgrims landed, they had no "skills", they didn't hunt, fish, or even grow crops, they had no shelter either. If it weren't for the Native tribes taking pity on them, they would have all starved or frozen to death that first Winter. The Natives taught them how to grow corn, how to grind it into meal, they helped build shelters...Long houses to keep the Pilgrims warm. No, only the Plains Natives lived in tepee's or girts, LOL! Eastern Natives built long, log cabins and had fires to warm the long house and prepare meals. Natives also taught the white man about the different herbs and healing medications they could use and what was poisonous. When the time of Thanksgiving came, it was the Natives that brought the food to the celebration of venison, cooked puddings, roasted corn, etc.

Now, what ISN'T told is what happened during the meal. The Pilgrims distrusted the friendly Natives and during the course of the meal, the Pilgrims took their axes, hatchets and blunderbuss's and started killing the, women, children, and the elderly. The Natives ran for their lives and not many escaped. This isn't told in American school text books. There are other atrocities that were blamed on the Natives to stir up the white folks against them. Did you know it was the FRENCH that started the practice of scalping? Yep, they took the hair pieces back to France to show off their 'kills' as brave men. However, not everyone who is scalped dies and the skin sags badly down in the front of the face.

The United States puffs up it chest at other countries to show just how righteous we are about human rights........Bravo Sierra! Did you know that the United States has NEVER honored any treaty made with the Native Americans? To them the words, As long as the grass shall grow and the waters flow ring hollow in Native ears. Instead, they were captured, forced on land that wouldn't grow weeds, much less anything else and when oil or gas were discovered on Native reservations (ie. Prisoner of war camps) they were forced out again. The word reservation is a misnomer, it's not like the Natives are staying at a Raddison or even a Holiday Inn. :mad: They have 8th class schools as well. Native children are NOT taught THEIR customs, language, or religion. Instead, they are forced to learn English, can't speak their Native tongue and their heritage is stolen by archeologist and put in museums for white folks to see.

Now, you may ask, WHY are you, a white man bringing this up? Well, it is horrible the way these folks have been treated. It should be rectified in some way to bring the Natives into society as a separate race, not genocided to become white. EVERY President from Roosevelt to O'Bummer has promised to do something, but has lied with the forked tongue of a snake, typical politicians. GOD will judge us for what we do.

I'm half Acadian French, from Acadie (Nova Scotia). The Cajun people lived in the swamps of Louisiana for many decades before the other European folks came. When they did, they did us, like the Native Americans. Children were beaten in school if they spoke Cajun French. The U. S. has destroyed our Native language to a point where almost no one North of Crowley, La speaks it. The folks in N'Awlins aren't in any way shape or form, Cajuns, no matter what they say, LOL! Most have a lot of Spanish and Creole mixed in them. Cajun's heritage is those long ago in Acadie, before the British exiled (genocide) them.

:dhr: Beat a dead horse? Got a bone to pick? Pissed off? You bet! What keeps me going is Judgment Day, THEN we gonna see who gets what, LOL!

Now, I've said my Peace.

Respectfully submitted,
Aho (Peace)



Great Great Grandma!
Sounds like you're full of anger. My ancestors were treated badly too. In fact, most people have ancestors who were treated badly.

We're not going to back up a hundred years, or 2 hundred, or 800 (where do you draw the line?) and try to change what happened back then. Learn to be a survivor and live the best you can today.

I know a lot of people want to back up, but to back up to what, to make people who are alive today suffer for things they know nothing about and had nothing to do with??? Get over it and make the future better.

One way to make a better future is to control immigration. Keep out people who are bringing in diseases that have been wiped out in this country. Keep out people who are violent criminals. Keep out people who don't want to become American. Keep out people who hate America and want to kill Americans.

NC Susan

i thought this was going to be a joke about ill eagles.

Its a man's nature to always have a pecking order. Spend life trying to ascend to the top of the sand pile. Even the Kennedy brothers were raised to fight their way to the top of pile. And their father Joe lived thru all the American immigrant generations of "No Irish need apply to seeing a Catholic and an Irishman become President!

And it isnt just America. Anyone remember the recent evil that broke upon the fall of Yugoslavia or Rwanda.

Only religion keeps most of us civil.