Larry Corriea's thought's on the Election.................

Thomas Paine

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Click on the link for the whole thing.

Congratulations, Obama voters

Posted on November 7, 2012 by correia45
Bread and Circuses’ is the cancer of democracy, the fatal disease for which there is no cure. Democracy often works beautifully at first. But once a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader—the barbarians enter Rome.” – Robert Heinlein
Congratulations, Obama voters.
So it is done. My prediction was way off. That is what I get for overestimating Americans and their desire for free stuff and an all powerful government that can meet all of their wants. So congratulations. This time we can’t blame it on Obama being an empty slate to be filled with all your hopes and dreams. You treated a job interview like a popularity contest. This time you know exactly what you are asking for, and I’m sure you’ll get it.
Sure, we’re broke, and will be getting broker, but that’s cool. You said that our kids and grandkids can figure out how to pay our bill. You kicked the can down the road. You decided if we just tax the productive a bunch more, everything will be swell. Math be damned. Less people will pull the cart and more people can ride in it, and you can continue to bitch about the greed of the people pulling and somehow assume that the cart will just keep on rolling. We don’t need budgets, and all of these social programs you are so fond of will somehow stay solvent.

Thomas Paine

Has No Life - Lives on TB
For those who do not know Larry is the author of the Monster Hunter International series of Books, the Grimnior Chronicles, Dead Six and a few other projects. He is a gun guy, a conservative, a capitalist, and a patriot.
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I loved this article. It expressed my feelings about the election and the Obama voters perfectly.

I just posted this on Facebook, where it will likely piss off half my friend list. I invited anyone reading it to "defriend" me and wished them good luck in the future if they did.

I am so tired of putting up with their shit while I keep my mouth shut to preserve the relationship.

This is an excellent article that sums up things perfectly without being too long, detailed, or rude.