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Looking at a DSLR


The Mrs. and I decided we need a real digital camera as the old Olympus is acting up again.

She found a Canon EOS Digital Rebel Xs Black 10.1 MP for $456.

I've read the reviews and it gets a lot of high marks.

Does anyone think this is a good buy?

colonel holman

Veteran Member
This is my camera. Love it, as it is so similar to traditional SLR that I am so used to using. Quality great. Do not know how current the price is. Check on line for that issue. The photos I have posted here were all shot with it.


Veteran Member
I also have that camera and have been very happy with it. I put canon's really inexpensive EF50mm f/1.8 lense on it and it takes some really nice pictures.


Veteran Member
I love mine. Plus I can use all the lenses from my old Canon SLR. (Just wish it was a 5D Mark II. LOL!)

It is a good camera. You won't be disappointed. If I had one complaint it would be battery use. You'd best figure in the cost buying a battery pack if you intend to use it a lot. But then again, mine was an earlier model so they may have improved on that problem in recent years. You can always get a battery pack later if you find you need it.

I paid about $800 for mine (body only) but that was several years ago. I think they are down around $500 now.

Why don't you plug it into a comparison shopping site like shopzilla or pricegrabber.com and see what kind of prices come up?


Another Infidel
Your choice of Canon is a good one, but I shoot with Nikons. I have 2 D-50s and I really love them.

A camera is only as good as its glass and Canon and Nikon have excellent glass (including the mirrors.)

Mo :spns:

colonel holman

Veteran Member
Mo is right re glass.
Also, one does not need to spend tons of $$ of a top of the line camera to get great photos. The very very most important consideration is to absolutely concentrate of holding the camera solid-steady. Best to invest in a good tripod, plus use the self timer to trip the shot, to avoid moving camera when you depress the shutter button. For my ground level closeups I also use a bean bag to rest camera on. So many great shots become useless when close examination reveals the pic is slightly blurred by camera shake. So if you spend big $ on a great camera, also get a tripod. Al least get a monopod that you can hike with easily.