
Right from the start
Stop and think about this one:

a nigerian soldier, in libya, get flown to the netherlands for treatment . . .

uh . . . where did he catch this . . .


Ebola-patiënt naar Utrecht

Wouter de Winther UTRECHT - Nederland ontvangt binnenkort waarschijnlijk de eerste ebola-patiënt voor behandeling. Medisch specialisten staan klaar voor de verzorging van een Nigeriaan die het dodelijke virus heeft opgelopen, melden bronnen aan De Telegraaf.

Foto: AFP

Het gaat om een militair van de Verenigde Naties Vredesmacht in Liberia (UNMIL), die een bijdrage levert aan de bestrijding van ebola door te zorgen dat hulpverleners veilig hun werk kunnen doen. Met de opvang voldoet ons land aan een verzoek van de World Health Organisation (WHO).
Hij zal met een speciale vlucht naar Nederland worden gebracht. Na aankomst zal hij in het calamiteiten hospitaal van het Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht worden verpleegd. Dit gebeurt in strikte isolatie door een team van artsen en verpleegkundigen die hiervoor zijn opgeleid en getraind. Onlangs heeft de Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg alle universitair medisch centra (UMC's) in Nederland geïnspecteerd. De Inspectie kwam tot het oordeel dat de UMC's patiënten veilig kunnen opvangen en verzorgen.


Ebola patient to Utrecht, the Netherlands
The Netherlands probably soon get the first Ebola patient for treatment. Medical specialists at the University Medical Center Utrecht are ready to provide care to a Nigerian who has contracted the deadly virus.

It is a soldier of the peacekeeping force of the United Nations in Libya (UNMIL), who was there to ensure that aid workers could safely do their job. The World Health Organization (WHO) requested the Netherlands to provide shelter. The soldier will be nursed in isolation by trained doctors and nurses.


Right from the start

Conakry, Guinea: Dozens of youths in the Guinean capital Conakry staged an angry protest against a new Ebola treatment centre on Thursday, halting the launch of the construction project, according to an AFP reporter on the scene.

Prime Minister Mohamed Said Fofana was about to lay the symbolic first stone for the clinic when a crowd appeared, chanting slogans in Susu, a local language.

"We do not want Ebola in our neighbourhood! We fear Ebola! Do not pollute our environment," they shouted.

Guinean officials tried to talk down the ringleaders as the gathered dignitaries left, but the protesters escalated their demonstration, wrecking a gazebo, and scattering chairs and sound equipment.

Representatives from medical aid agency Doctors Without Borders, which was slated to run the centre, were evacuated along with a few remaining dignitaries.

A source from the charity said it would take advice from the government before deciding whether to proceed with the project.

The Ebola outbreak ravaging Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone has claimed 6,070 lives, with health authorities in Conakry having registered more than 1,300 deaths.

The Red Cross and Red Crescent said Tuesday suspicion among locals across the region remained a major hurdle in battling the outbreak, with volunteers frequently encountering hostility.

Foreign aid workers delivering medical assistance in already difficult conditions have frequently been confronted with wild theories placing them at the centre of a global conspiracy to harvest the blood and organs of black Africans.

The enmity has at times escalated into serious unrest, with treatment centres in Guinea and Liberia raided by mobs shouting that Ebola was a fiction invented by "white governments".

The violence reached a gruesome nadir when three journalists working as part of an Ebola outreach team were murdered by villagers in southern Guinea in September.