Misc/Chat Making my little homestead as ..


Veteran Member
self sufficient as possible. That is my goal this year. It's been a goal for years but when health issues popped up I gave up. I guess I must feel like myself finally or I'm scared into doing it again. Not sure which lol. Anyway.....the garden is in full swing, that much I know how to do. Next up are fruit trees. In my area I can do peach/nectarine, a few types of apples, figs, plums, and persimmons. Maybe a few others I don't know about.

Right now I have a nanking cherry that last year was loaded but I let the birds have. I also found a volunteer persimmon tree last fall. This year I discovered the peach tree I thought had died has made a comeback. it's loaded with fruit but I've been told they won't ripen. Waiting to see what happens with it. Even if it doesn't ripen it can be used as a pollinator. That changes my plans on where to plant trees in the fall. I'd like to put a strawberry bed in this fall also. Oh and we have an ancient fig tree that doesn't get enough sun but is too big to move. trying to do some rootings of it to move them.

I can grow enough green beans, tomatoes, okra, squash, and peppers for us and have for years. Corn has always been a bust for us but I am trying it this year again. If I can get it going I should be able to put up enough fresh corn for us. I'm also trying my hand at potatoes this year. Wheat is out I don't have the space so that is something I will have to purchase.

We don't eat a lot of meat anymore, maybe 1-2x a week for the rest of the family and me never. They do love eggs though so we got 4 chickens again. Besides the manure composts nicely for the garden. So what else would you plant?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I share your goal as much as possible in my circumstances where I live in the burbs. I've have injured my hands both from stoke injury and overworking all while trying to old lady proof my garden and yard before I get really old.


Pura Vida in my garden
I share your goal as much as possible in my circumstances where I live in the burbs. I've have injured my hands both from stoke injury and overworking all while trying to old lady proof my garden and yard before I get really old.

I am trying to”old lady proof” my garden as well. Plus I am a natural born Klutz. :)


Veteran Member
What about lettuce and other greens? Onions? Even if only bunching onions (which is what I grow because I am space limited too). Potatoes in 5 gal food-safe tubs (with drainage holes)? Cucumbers or other squash trained vertically?


Honeybees!! They are expensive to get started with, and overwintering is a bear (to be polite), but it CAN be done. We're trying again... had good luck our first 2 years, screwed up our third winter (used some commercial insulating wraps, and they didn't breathe- essentially, the bees died of mold/moisture). Last year, we had a late (July 1st) swarm appear in a hive, and we overwintered them under a straw pile in the haymow, but they didn't make it.

I'm buying a nuc again, and this time, I'm doing it MY way! LOL! Having your own sweetener (with a lot less energy input in every way than maple syrup requires) is more than worth it...



Veteran Member
Honeybees!! They are expensive to get started with, and overwintering is a bear (to be polite), but it CAN be done. We're trying again... had good luck our first 2 years, screwed up our third winter (used some commercial insulating wraps, and they didn't breathe- essentially, the bees died of mold/moisture). Last year, we had a late (July 1st) swarm appear in a hive, and we overwintered them under a straw pile in the haymow, but they didn't make it.

I'm buying a nuc again, and this time, I'm doing it MY way! LOL! Having your own sweetener (with a lot less energy input in every way than maple syrup requires) is more than worth it...


And honey can be a good trade or cash crop. Beeswax and propolis are two other valuable products of the hive. All 3 of our hives made it this year but last year I lost 3 of 4.