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March 19th Full Moon


Senior Member
Here is a shot of the moon I've taken from the 'backyard' on March 19, 2011.


and one taken August 18, 2010, and the moon was just starting to rise.


Both have been taken with a Sony A350 with a Tamron AF-75-300mm lens and a heavy-duty tripod and remote switch.

Can't wait to try out my new Rokinon 8mm Fisheye lens.

Pictures have been reduced in size (significantly) in order to expedite rendering of images.


Shooting Star

Veteran Member
Great pics - I believe the moon had the birds confused - I heard them chirping like crazy around 2:00 this morning.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thank you for the pictures. I stayed up until 12:30 am hoping the sky would clear but it never did in my area.


Time Traveler
Great shots! I went out and looked at it through the binocks, the night was crisp and super clear-the planets were sparkling like prisms. I'm glad you caught it for posterity!