mozzerella it ruined?


Veteran Member
i'm making moz cheese and followed directions, except that i forgot the lipase powder until i put in and stirred the rennet. i quickly added the lipase powder, thinking i had time, and the milk was starting to thicken and after about five stirs with the spoon, to work in the lipase powder, the milk turned grainy, like when you make ricotta. the mass has settled into the bottom and i am letting it set the required hour, at which time you would cut the curds and then begin the heating and stirring process.

my question: by putting in the lipase after the rennet, and messing with the milk mixture as it was setting up, have i ruined it?

can it be salvaged as mozerellla, or will i have something else from this?

i'm doing this now and i have an hour to decide to continue, or if it's wrecked.



Veteran Member
I am not sure but..

Maybe you could have found it on here with a search. I seem to remember a long cheese thread somewhere. So sorry you had a problem like this! I know it is over with for you now, but still I wonder how it turned out and if you were able to find someone to assist.