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My Son's First Album Release


Girls With Guns Member
My Son has finally completed his first album with the help of a German producer who tweaked the sounds and did the graphics for the cover. The style of music is definately hardcore or what they call "Math Metal" because it is very difficult to play and it's precise in it's delivery. For anyone wanted to give it a listen or purchase it for a small fee, he gave me the link to share so I'm sharing. :)

I'll tell ya music has been his life since he was about 13 years old and I was the one who put his first guitar in his hands. I never realized what a monster that would create. ;)

Here's the links and yes I'm proud of him. It's not my kind of music but I'm still proud of his accomplishments.


Blessings Ant!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Congratulation to your son. I listened to a minute or so - not my music either but I think my son would appreciate it. Gave my son his first guitar when he was 13 also :)


Girls With Guns Member
Thank you Dutchess and you understand what I have to deal with then. ;)

He's had quite a few sales. I shake my head and giggle and chalk it up to "boy am I getting old". lol


Has No Life - Lives on TB
LOL - I told my son when I gave him the guitar that I wouldn't consider him a musician until he could play Jimi Hendrix Star Spangled Banner and then Amazing Grace. He did them both. He played and wrote with a blues/rock band in Tahoe for a couple of years before he decided to work for a living :)


Girls With Guns Member
Good for you Dutchess. Isn't it great being the "Mom" to a musician? lol Here's a video of Anthony playing whatever it is that he plays. Turn the sound off and just watch his fingers if you want. ;) He has the longest fingers I have ever seen and can spread way out on the neck of the guitar. Apparently a born guitarist. Ha!
