Oak bark for gum disease?


Seeking Aslan's Country
Hi folks,

Someone was telling me that folks use oak bark powered up to rub onto their gums to get rid of gum disease. Has anyone ever heard of this? I've got gum disease, and would LOVE to get rid of it. I always go to the dentist, and have flossed faithfully. It's frustrating that I've got this considering how faithful I've been to my teeth. I don't know anything about herbs and such so I thought I'd ask this here. Oh, and if this stuff works for gum disease, then do I try the "white" oak or "dark oak" powder, lol.

Reborn :)


Reborn, I have heard this is true. Do some searches. There was a good article going around several months ago. Sorry, this was a quick check and I don't have time to search for a link. It is supposed to have amazing results!!


Here's some instructions from another web site:

This formula [oak bark plus powdered cloves, etc.] is used to help strengthen the gums (bleeding and pyorrhea-type infections of the gums), and assist in tightening loose teeth. This type tooth powder will help brighten the teeth's luster and make for a healthier mouth. For severe cases place this powder combination between the lips and gums (up and lower) around entire tooth area and leave on all night, six nights a week (as well as brushing regularly) until improvement is evident.

When I heard David Christopher talk about this, he said to wet the oak bark powder just a little so you could make little cylinders of it and to stick those between your lips and gums.

http://www.herballegacy.com/id91.htm has more information, with a story at the bottom of the page.

Hope this helps.