Okay Noumenon...lol


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Okay I'll confess, I forgot I started that. Now I stand before you humbled & awed. I do that a lot anyway, but you should still be proud. Now I'm a mediocre hack at best with keyboard or pen. But you, you sir, (or madam), are inspiringly DREADFUL. I mean it truly takes brilliant wit to write something that bad. It's so bad it's brilliant.

Please tell me you frequently enter, (& place) in that wunnderful contest - the name of which escapes me. You know, the one based on that famous first line...

"it was a dark & stormy night".

Sometime in the wee small hours of the morning, after my season opening beloved Formula One Race, after watching yet another fricking ice storm hit us, I shall endeavor to dive to the depths of your pun filled, hacknied prose. And I sincerely meant that as a compliment. It takes real knowledge of the writers' craft, as well as a more than passing aquainatnce with more than one brand of romance novel to write that... that... AWFULLY.

I commend you & please add more. Laughing is good, unless it wakes up DH at oh dark thirty.


Hi, CS.

Hey, thanks for the compliment(s).

For future reference, it's Mister Noumenon. :D

I have to confess, without going into any great detail, my background has a fairly substantial literary foundation.

So when I see an invitation to write crappy prose anonymously, as is the case on your bad story thread, well, I just have to do it, no matter what kind of story it is.

You might guess, however, that I tend mostly toward satire.

As for your own writing, don't sell yourself short. I've read your posts on TB for many months, and I can tell you with no reservation, you have it.

Glad to hear my recent scribbling has interested you.

I'll see if I can finish the story over the coming days.

Part Three is posted.


Hi, CS:

I've posted Part Four of The Rotten Story.

However, since I'm blatantly cheating by writing this stuff as well as I can (which undermines the true spirit of your original exercise), I'm going to stop here, at least publicly, anyway.

If you'd like to read the succeeding instalments, edits and revisions, by all means let me know, and I'll PM you the text when it's ready.


I'll just add one more section before I quit.

Part Five posted.



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