Story Over the River and Through the Woods


Veteran Member

"Tess, I wish you wouldn't use that kind of language; that's not ladylike." Clora reproved.

"Believe me, when I'm around Ben, I don't feel very ladylike. And here's another tip for you Ma, I feel like I'm a hot mess and I'm going out of my mind." Tess stood with her hands on her hips, glaring down the hall at the boy's rooms. "I wanted to come home to visit, but I shouldn't have. I have way less control than Ben, and the tension is getting to me.
I'm going out to run. And if 'he' wants to come run, tell him NO!"

"Phew," Lemmie said, "that's one heated, passionate woman." Tess had stomped out, muttering and fussing under her breath. "How old is Tess?"

"Almost eighteen."

"That's a powerful hard age to be, Ya ain't an adult year wise, but all the rest'ta yer feelings is." Lemmie was making rolls for supper, dipping the balls of dough in butter and setting them to rise.

"Don't I know it," Clora sympathized. "I believe we may have to cut short her vacation, this isn't good for either one of them to run their emotions this jagged. "Maybe Mark could take her to MIT, and check out the scholarship and the program that's being offered."

"Jest might be the right thing to do," Lemmie agreed.

If Mark was ever relaxed and casual, he wasn't when he got home. He was furious at the two girls, Marla and Anita. "I feel they deliberately picked out two of the most naïve boys in the group, to tease and have fun with the boy's inexperience. That Mos kid, he's as clueless as Gary. They told me to drop them off and go home and mind my own business." Mark was super steamed. "How has Lou been today?"

"He was still upset this morning, but went to school as usual." Clora was thinking on MariAnn. "Abbi says the girl slept all the night, and all today, so far. I'm thinking she needs a Doctor's checkup. Gary has already called, he seemed to be very contrite, and I gave him specific instructions of what we expected him to do as a punishment."

Mark nodded. "Good, he was scared enough to loose his attitude, and that's not a bad thing. When he thought he might loose his Marines' enlistment, he really puckered up and wanted to cry. This is a good wake up call for him. He simply cannot continue to have such a casual attitude for authority."

"I see Tess is out running, good for her." Mark was happy to see his daughter exercising.

Clora nodded, "Yeah," she sighed. "Have you got a minute Mark, I want to talk to you about a offer Tess has from MIT. I have the information right here." They went down to the office.

Mark had created a track around the inside perimeter of the largest pasture, used by all the members of the clan for conditioning.
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Mark read the paperwork; the scholarship was specific to the Brain and Cognitive Sciences, they were asking for Tess's records and SAT scores. Her age was addressed, the curriculum noted as intensive for younger students, and the committee had sent twenty some pages of application and the fee schedule. The scholarship was need based, depending on the parents level of income.

"What does she think?" Mark asked, knowing the Clora and Tess would have already talked.

"Mark, she doesn't have a handle on school right now. The close proximity of Ben and Tess is the huge pink elephant in the room. That's why she's out running, the tension between them is enormous and our daughter is fairly frank and graphic when she talks about it. She said, among other things that she is a 'hot mess' and is going to jump his bones. I think perhaps you and Tess should gather up her paperwork and take a trip up to MIT. Drop her off at school before you come home. As far as I'm concerned, the two of them are too explosive to be under the same roof. That's asking for trouble we don't need, having them 'just down the hall' from each other. And don't get fussed at Ben, it's Tess who says she can't control herself."

"Hot mess, I haven't heard that slang in a long tome. She's enough like her mother that I can see that happening," Mark pretended to be busy studying the paperwork, when truthfully he was keeping close track of the effect of his words on Clora.

"I'll 'hot mess' you buster," Clora threatened, somewhat perturbed at the comment.

"Right now?" Mark asked hopefully, "OK, bring it on."

"Mark!, be serious."

"I was," he winked at Clora, "but if you insist, come over here and let me feel your temperature."

"It's getting hotter..." Clora promised with a 'look'.

"How much paperwork do we have to do with this? All of it?" Mark tapped the sheaf of papers on his leg, it was almost an inch thick.

"I'm supposing so, and we have very little of it that has survived, most of it burned in the Henderson house. And speaking of paperwork, did we ever offer Benny a college degree? Or has he fallen through the cracks?" Clora was thinking of shipping both young people off to different schools.

"I honestly don't remember," Mark qualified his reply. "He should be getting up soon, I'll ask him. He's got the grades, if we could get him in West Point, that would save some money. But, I don't know if they offer Theology or Divinity? Is there any coffee left, I think I need a dose."


Veteran Member

Tess ran until she was tired. Walking a round or two to catch her breath, who should come running by but Ben. "Tag, you're it." he whapped her shoulder hard enough to set her sideways.

"HAH! You wish!" and the chase was on. Not only did Tess catch him, but she tackled him and pinned him to the ground. There was one heck of a passionate kiss delivered that shook them both. "Stay away from me," she growled, sounding just like Mark.
"I'm not handling this well, so unless you really want to get bruised up," she threatened.

That's when Ben let her know he was caught and tackled because he let her do so. He flipped her on her back and used his very best Mark voice. "Don't threaten me, that's a bigger bite than you can chew. I wasn't playing rough, but if you want too......."

"No, there's only one thing I want to do............" Tess stood up and walked off and Ben started running.

Mark and Clora were watching from the window. "Neither one of them are old enough to handle this, separating them is the only sensible thing to do." Clora said low and with pain in her voice. "I remember when we bought Walter's place and from that day on I was refused entrance into your visiting hours. That was Borg's retaliation for something; I never knew what. I didn't hear from you for almost a year, do you remember? I hadn't given up hope, but my heart was starting to break."

"Borg told me you had gone on to greener pastures. The day I came to your place, I was taking the biggest risk of my life, he had forbidden me to go there and I couldn't stay away." Mark was standing close behind Clora with his arms around her.

Clora whispered low. "Tess and Ben are going to come apart, before they come together and it breaks my heart for both of them. Mark, she will never love anyone but him." Clora said so softly that it was hard for Mark to hear her.

"I warned Ben about that, and he seemed to understand. I only hope he does, understand. I can't in good conscience let them marry this young, they both have minds and gifts the world needs, and that won't happen if they set up housekeeping at nineteen and seventeen."

Clora nodded, she didn't say anything.

As he was running the track, Ben kept close tabs on Tess. He could tell by the way her shoulders were hunched and her head was down that she was crying as she headed for the barn. He could also see Mark and Clora standing in the window watching them.

When the bus pulled up and tooted to be let in the driveway to drop off Lou, Ben made a break for the barn.

Tess was there, standing in the shadows, leaning up against the barn wall and looking at the floor. Ben walked over, picked up her hands in an iron grip and pushed roughly up against her, pinning Tess to the wall. There was no mistaking the state he was in. "You are not the only one that is having trouble behaving." he snarled. "You don't get to pull any privileges because your a girl. Tess, you're too young for this," Ben backed off and kissed her gently. "We have to wait." and he walked off.

Ben got ready for work, stuffed a few clothes in a backpack and left. He stayed gone the entire two weeks of Tess's vacation. She wasn't there either. She and Mark had gone to MIT for a tour. Tess actually preferred to go to Harvard, and when she mentioned that to Mark, they went there next.


One generation behind...
Thank you Pac!

... brings back memories of my teen years a half century ago... vaguely....

The hot burning fires of youth... if we had the knowledge then to match our energy we could have changed the world!


Veteran Member
Right on Ben and Tess.

Look forward to seeing how this story develops and most definitely see the spin off coming story wise.

Such a great addition to your fine story dear lady!

I love coming here after a long day of work and be able to read your story!


Veteran Member

Because Tess was so confused and conflicted, Mark and Clora asked her to finish her last semester at the all girls school. "Take this time to get your mind together, you've done all the work so skate free for a while. Are you sure you've looked at all the colleges and universities that specialize in the subject your interested in?" Mark asked as they were headed for Tess's current school.

"I haven't. The offer from MIT took me by surprise. That must have been Teddy's doing, Dad he sure looks different and I don't know he is wearing it well." Tess in her usual frank and blunt way had assessed the appearance of her second oldest brother having long hair and a beard, as crummy.

"He was a bit of a shock, wasn't he. I would guess all the students in that particular program are so involved that none of them eat, or pay any attention to themselves. A couple of those guys were decidedly 'gamey'." Mark and Tess had hunted Ted up and found him up to his ears in numbers he was writing on a white board as fast as he could write.

Ted had greeted them, said hello and all the while he was talking, had one eye on the board and about three quarters of his mind there also. Tess and Mark shrugged and went to talk to a counselor about admittance procedure and their lack of support documents.

MIT had a generous program for incoming, younger than usual students, it was the 'Daddy' reflex in Mark that had him uneasy with the lack of supervision. Sure there were professors, mentors, and the Greek system was well accustomed to young and brilliant minds that needed more structure than older students.

Tess was very impressed with the division of the Brain and Cognitive Sciences and they sat in on a lecture for her to gauge where the program was headed. Tess seemed to understand the complex theories presented, and Mark was extremely happy with his field of electrical engineering. To Mark, that was a science that was very orderly and structured and definitely appealed to the intensely organized person inside of him.

Mark had rolled with the punches as his messy household increased, then expanded and contracted with children and moving; but now the items on his desk were arranged 'just so', and his closet and drawer contents the same way. He did his exercises every day in the pattern he preferred, and loved his wife the same way.

Clora had never had much in the line of clothes, or anything else as a matter of fact, so her side of the closet was more spare than Mark's. And in the five drawers of her dresser, she had items for two.

When Mark and Tess finished checking out Harvard for Tess's interest, they had a very nice dinner at a swank restaurant. Mark quietly instructing Tess which fork to use, how to use the butter plate, all the eating social graces that were missed when the only thing you had to eat was a bowl of rice cooked over a fire.

"Does Ma know how to eat like this?" Tess had been curious. "Dad, she so rarely talks about her growing up, I had to figure it wasn't very good."

Mark had frowned. "Some of what you say is probably correct. They had all the love, guidance and supervision an old lady could give them, but Grandma Evie was in her seventy's when the five neighbor children came to her care. Most of the time they didn't have enough food, and that's why food represents such security to your Mom."

"Five kids Dad? Who are the others and where are they now?" Tess was confused, she hadn't heard of more.

Dad and daughter sat and talked for a long time, Tess gaining information about her simple appearing but incredibly complex mother. "I can tell you, that if Clora even suspicions that a child is in need, they are gathered in." Mark had chucked and looked a bit pained, but that was his Clora and he wouldn't change a thing about her.

"So MariAnn is the next?" Tess guessed.

"I believe so; do you know any of her story?" Then Mark explained, and Tess had to shake her head.

"God must bring these children to Ma, how else could it be?" Tess had smiled. Some day she hoped to be as loving and giving as her mother. Tess could 'see' that her loving and giving days were very far in the future, much further out than she wanted.

Mark was watching Tess, and her eyes had a sadness he could only contribute to her situation with Ben.

"Tess, Ma and I want you to know if you and Ben are in God's plan, that it will happen. It was two years or more from when I first met Clora that we were able connect and start an interest in each other. We both understand how 'hot', feelings can run when you're young; we urge you both to be kind and use respect for each other. A couple of years can make a big difference in your lives as you both grow and mature." Mark tried hard to be supportive, and it was clear Tess was about to cry.

"Dad, this is going to be a hurt I will carry for way longer than a couple of years. It's a bleak future I face."

Then you need to fill that future with a way to contribute something of yourself to the betterment of the world. Don't just be in a holding pattern, be in a contributing pattern. Honey, I am a good deal older than your mother and have a history I will not talk about, but we have had a fantastic life together and it makes up for all of my 'bleak' years when I walked alone."

Tess nodded.

Right then, there was movement to her right and Tess looked up to see an incredibly beautiful woman staring at her father like he was a chocolate éclair filled with the most delicate cream filling. Mark rose politely from his seat and answered the woman in French, when she spoke to him.

Tess had mastered French a long time ago, and the woman was showing a bit of temper at Dad. It didn't take a giant leap to know this woman had been more than a girlfriend, and Tess looked at her curiously. Polished as only money can accomplish, she had that smoothness and regal attitude that comes with extreme self confidence.

Mark didn't introduce Tess and the woman snottily directed a question to Tess about 'was she the latest lover.' estimating the large and ungainly girl was ignorant of French.

Tess answered in flawless French, 'no Mark was her father', and she lifted her head in that imperial princess attitude Clora used at times, and stared at the woman. Nobody looked down on a Linderman that carried a healthy dose of her mother in her.

"That's enough Claudette," Mark had spoken quietly, "Please leave." and a gentleman appeared out of nowhere to take Claudette by the arm and direct her away from the table. Mark sat down and Tess gave him a onceover.

"No wonder you don't come to town," Tess had teased Mark and she was sure he blushed. Conducted in French, Mark had to have a deep breath.

"When did you learn French?" Mark was searching for a safe topic and a way to keep Tess from asking questions.

"Several years ago, Grandpa started teaching us at Big Springs, and I was interested enough to continue it on my own. My Spanish is not as good as my French, and Bruce has been teaching me Welsh. That has been difficult to learn." Tess confessed.

"Tess, as a career that I'm tossing on the table for you to consider, have you ever thought about joining the diplomatic corps and traveling the world as a translator?" Mark asked out of curiosity. "I see you are interested in becoming a doctor, but have you ever considered any other choices?"

"I haven't, but that sounds interesting." Tess admitted.

"If you have a time before Sir Benny gets his act together, why not do something that piques your interest?"

Mark spoke a prophetic sentence that Tess was to remember for many years. At times it carried her through the lonely depression that happens when you love and that other love is there , but will not be given.

"Tess, for all Benny acts like he is grown up and hides behind a indifference and controlling façade, he's not half baked yet. Underneath, he knows that and is scared. I have told him that if he accepts your love, that is a greater responsibility that he understands at the moment. Be patient with him. He's our late bloomer and you are light years ahead of him Sweetie. He wants your passion and yet is so afraid he won't measure up, he pushes you away. Let the insecure boy become the capable man; and then you will have something."

Conducted in French to test Tess's grasp of the language, Mark asked Tess to not push Ben but rather to accept she might be younger year wise, but was far older emotionally and was ready for a romantic involvement that Ben couldn't match in his insecurity.

"Damn man," Tess had said succinctly, and Mark laughed.

"Tess, what would you think about attending a finishing school for a year? A school that teaches the graces and prohibits you from uttering words as you just did. Sometimes you are way too honest and abrupt." Mark offered quietly.

"You have an incredible mind, and I couldn't be prouder of you than I am right now. I would like to see you earn wings and soar wherever you want. There's a world out there Tess, are you interested, do you want it?"

Tess nodded and was silent as Mark paid the bill and they went upstairs to their rooms for the night. Mark in his room, thought about the education he had earned and how it would be fitting if one of his children understood the value that gave a person, and tried the world on for size.

Tess in her room, thought about what Mark had hinted was available if she were interested. She was interested, in all of it, so how would she choose. She went to sleep thinking of Ben. Dad was correct, Ben needed to grow up more to match her in intensity. He was also correct in thinking that she didn't want a wishy washy, mumbling kind of love. She wanted it strong and capable, secure in mind, body and soul. Because that's what Tess had to give, and what she wanted in return.

Clora, with the flaming love tension out of the house as both Ben and Tess were gone; took MariAnn to the Doctor. Hank drove them in for the appointment, and stayed in the pickup reading a book. Clora had explained what she wanted to Vanissia Carrington's receptionist. A complete physical, including blood tests and an estimation of her age.

Bruce and Tish had offered their services to Clora, expressing their desires to help. Clora knew MariAnn was afraid of Bruce on account of his size and then reasoned it would be better for the child if they discovered something wrong, if she didn't have interaction with her Doctor every day.

While Mark and Tess were gone, Clora had Tish and Bruce and Julie for supper, introducing that part of the family to the scared young girl. Seeing the gentle way Bruce had with Julie, help dispel a lot of MariAnns fears. After supper as Lemmie put the few dishes in the dishwasher and retired for the evening, Clora, Trish and Bruce talked and MariAnn and Julie played finger and hand clapping games.

"What is she, maybe twelve?" Bruce had asked, sitting close to Tish and rubbing her collar bone. The family had sort of gotten used to the fact that Bruce had to have his hands on Tricia all the time, and it was an unconscious habit of his.

"Maybe thirteen, but certainly arrested development and then topped off with the rigorous boot camp training, her reserves are gone." Clora had smiled sadly. "It's astonishing to me that none of the recruiters actually looked at this child, and then they stamped her on through due to a phony birth certificate."

"Rumors of war, have them swelling the ranks." Bruce looked off in the distance. He was prime draft age and ability, it was more than a sure thing he would be drafted; but he hadn't said anything to Trish. He started back exercising, running the track to build up his resistance. He and Trish had done a second surgery on Julie and she was walking with crutches. If he had to go, he had taken care of the major obstacles he would leave at home.

Bruce finally had to tell Trish his fears, when they were talking about building a house in the compound. He wanted to wait, there would be no way it would be finished by the time he would need to leave. Trish understood far more than she let on, and loved and supported her man when he explained.

"Bruce, come sit down on the couch," Trish had started the conversation the next day. She had prepared her thoughts carefully and wanted to acquaint Bruce with a few facts. "Thank you for loving us and being so concerned for our lives." she started, and then lovingly explained that although she was much smaller in stature than Bruce, she was not a child.

Bruce had been a little stubborn on that point, as he had never wanted to protect a woman as he did Trish. "I can't help it, it's there whether you like it or not, or whether I want it to come out like it does. It's part of me and what I do as a man." he explained. "As you are compelled to nurture Julie and me, I am compelled to protect."

Trish had looked deep into his eyes and said, "then I accept and love you for it." She had kissed Bruce as a woman and not a little girl. But it was freeing to Bruce, as he also understood Trish was capable and included him, because she wanted to.

The small rough patch was over and they went that night to Toby's to sign the final adoption papers on Julie. Toby had made them wills, durable powers of attorney for legal, healthcare and financial matters, and they had prepared final wishes instructions to be included. Bruce and Trish tied up every loose end they could think of.

There were two more payments due Vicki and Toby took the money and prepared releases that would have to be signed before the money was released. The court approved and that messy part of Bruce's life was left to the past.

Late that night, Bruce had suddenly offered to have his tattoo removed, as a way to clean up any problem between he and Trish. Trish had whispered back that she couldn't see it in the dark, a naughty reference and Bruce smiled and accepted that gift from her.

Less than two weeks later, Bruce got his notice in the mail to report for duty. In the time they had remaining, they touched, kissed and loved hard, storing up memories.

Mark had listened to the news and read between the lines. The retreat had a bulging basement full of foods, clothing and tools for another agonizing period of war.

Cody had written Abbi, asking if he could write to her as a way to have homefront news. He could have gotten that from Lemmie, and Abbi smiled when she read the letter and wrote back that her schooling was finished and she was being drafted in another week.

Her induction into the Army was already a done deal by the time Cody got her letter, and he despaired at the implications. He well understood the serious facts of what could happen and didn't approve of women going to war. They held a spirited debate in their letters and the exchange brought them closer and more interested in one another.

Ben and Ted were drafted. Tess had come home quietly and the morning Ben was to leave, she went down the hall and knocked on his door. She had shared a kiss that told him that she hadn't dimmed her passion, and whispered, "God keep you safe, I am praying for you," and then went back to her room to look at the rainy day with her own wet cheeks.

Tess didn't share with Ben that she had her own draft notice and she had two weeks to tie up her own loose ends. Ben didn't think of the fact until he was halfway through boot camp and the realization hit him like a ton of bricks. Sure there were women going through the same training that were eighteen, and then he happened to think of Tess and how old she was. Ben wrote home in a panic and it took a month for Tess's letter to get to him.

Tess had written that she had a desk job for now, all that she was allowed to say, as mail censors would clip any words more descriptive than that. Benny wasn't any happier than Cody, but they had no say.

Milo was in his third year at West Point and the classes were accelerated to include war strategy and critical thinking. Leaders fast tracked into commanding men and battles, as they had been honorably prepared, by hundreds of years of tradition by the institution.

It was Ted that flummoxed the family. Rather than go to war, he went to Canada to evade the draft. He was there several months and then learned he would have to serve in their armed forces so he returned to the states and took his punishment as a draft dodger. Three years in a military prison and Mark and Clora despaired over his choices.

Robert, Gary, Vic and Chilly were already on the front lines, a battle line against Mexico where the Chinese invaders were amassing their own troops for imminent invasion.

At home, Lou was turning fifteen and doing well in school. Mark had him in extensive training and teaching him Spanish and all the things a man needed to know, to go to war.

Mandy came back to the retreat to live while Robert was in active, active duty. Vic and Chilly had started writing letters to Mark and Clora, needing a connection to the place they would like to call home and normalcy in the crazy up turned world.

Mark had been called up and then dismissed, as had Toby. Previous injuries had them sidelined, and rousted out.

Mark and Hank worked at creating a board fence around the extensive gardens, to hide the growing bounty from curious eyes. Toby was busy in his business, many of the young lawyers drafted and the older men had to take up the slack.

Julie, MariAnn, TJ and Barry, all were busy in the activity of growing. It was Liz and Luke that presented the greatest challenge to Mark and Clora. Slowly, so slowly that the parents almost missed the crucial signs, the two musical genesis's withdrew into themselves and wouldn't do anything but play piano and create music. Almost twenty hours a day was consumed by practice and relentless pounding of the keys.

Finally Clora thought to touch their heads. Both children had brain tumors. In the aftermath, Mark and Clora lost Liz and it looked like Luke would be a special needs child for the rest of his life.

Clora cried, and she and Mark prayed and wrote letters to the children that depended on them for love, prayers and cookies sent through the mail.

A cold, hard winter lay on the land, bitter despair and darkness when the first wounded returned to the retreat to find the will to live and heal. Chilly had lost his left arm and Vic his right foot. Life after war is almost more difficult than war itself. It is especially so, when there is no will to live the life that you have.

This is going to end, "Over The River and Through The Woods."

I am putting together the facts and information for "Clora's House of Gathered Up Children", but it will be a couple of days before I get started.

There are fall chores to do, and I have let the story take over my good sense in getting prepared for winter. I need to step back and put myself into the real world for a time. This gets to be so time consuming, as it takes several hours for each chapter to be crafted.

I didn't say it in the story, but pray for peace in our real lives. Believe in the salvation waiting, if you but ask, and be kind and respectful to the people you like and especially to those you don't care for. They need it the most.

Thank you every one for reading. This portion of the saga has worked my emotions hard, and I need time to ease the strain on me. God has given me a list of chores to do that's longer than my arm, and I have to get busy.

Thank you everyone for reading and commenting, Pac.


Veteran Member
Dear lady! please take all the time for yourself that you need. I thank you for ALL of the entertainment that you have provided over the years! Huggs


Contributing Member
Pac, thank you so much for sharing. You have a gift. I am sure that a lot of folks put themselves into the character/s. I get to take a small vacation from my reality. Thanks again. JC


Veteran Member
Thank you so much Pac. When Hadijina's last name was revealed as Donaldson I went back to the beginning. I caught up again around the time of the trial and move.

I learned things in that reread that I missed the first time around. I think I also found some ways to be a better wife to my complex husband. Thank you for that.

I will be here to read whenever you write. Take as long as you need. You already give us so much.


Senior Member
Thank you Mrs. Pac. Rest an enjoy yourself. Take time for your family and yourself.Prayers for you and again thanks. Debob


Veteran Member
Thank you Pac. Your stories are an incredible gift to us and we love you and appreciate your generosity.


Veteran Member
Thank you so much for your time Pac. God bless and keep you strong, we will be waiting for the next book in this alter-life tale.


One generation behind...

Wow, what a fast and sudden end to this part of the Saga!

Thank You Pac!

... now we all will be anxiously awaiting the next segment!

....while we all get busy Prepping for the months and Winter that is are/is headed our way.


Senior Member
I don't comment much as most here have already expressed the same thoughts and feelings I have for your stories...suffice it to say I have been with this since the beginning and I appreciate your time and talent for your stories...I hope that there will be more sometime in the future...Thanks and God Bless...


Brown Coat
Thank you Mrs. PAC for all you have done.

I look forward to the next story, but agree we all need time in the world. Still I'm waiting on the next in the story series when you find the time.

Your Friend and Fan



Veteran Member
All I can say is THANK YOU you and your stories are a gift to us. Be Blessed and get yourself ready for winter. We will be here waiting when you are ready.


Veteran Member
Dear Folks'

Thank you for the kind wishes. As I wrote before, this 'book' in the saga has been very rough on my emotions. I have been feeling very lonely and it is coloring the story in a way I don't want. So, I need to take prayer time and hard work as an antidote to the 'poison' and get my mind centered and my head on straight.

As for foretelling the future with a war; that's a given that it will happen. Sometime. Throughout history, all nations go to war on a fairly predictable timetable. The events have to happen, accumulate and then break open. Sometimes it is fast, and sometimes slow; but it always happens.

I have to use what I am familiar with to use as examples; but look at the sense of entitlement the youngsters had at the time period just before the Viet Nam war. Then boom, there's a war and happy go lucky and fairly wealthy children...(wealthy by world standards)....were thrust into hell holes where they didn't want to be. BECAUSE, their fathers from WWII were still running the family, those young men hoisted the flag and fought valiantly.

I see the same entitlement, running rampant now in the children entering the work force. I have grave questions about the depth of honor and patriotism. These are children of those that didn't want to fight, so will they have enough internal strength to hoist the flag and do their duty? Time will test all theories, especially mine. So I have no answers, only questions.

Again, thank you everyone for putting up with an old lady's ramblings, perhaps together with God, we can stand brave when we are called. Pac.


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love your stories, they are such a nice relief from stressful life. Enjoy your fall chores of buttoning up for winter.
I, as many others, we'll be awaiting new stories of the Linderman clan.


Contributing Member
Thank you so much for this fine story. I feel as if I know these folks.
Best of luck and God's blessings with your winter preparations. Our unusual hot dry fall has me behind on our winter planing and preparation also.