[ POL] According to Zogby, Kerry is going to win.


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Released: November 02, 2004
Our Call
Zogby International's 2004 Predictions
(as of Nov. 2, 2004 5:00pm)

2004 Presidential Election

Electoral Votes:

Bush 213

Kerry 311

To Close To Call

Nevada (5)

To Close To Call

Colorado (9)


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I only voted for Bush because I thought Kerry would win. (I figured if I voted for the winner I'd feel guilty for four years either way.)


Membership Revoked
We seem to be on a train that has a predestined determination. Fox just said - Virginia "too close to call."

Everyone, take a deep breath and think rationally if Kerry wins. What better way to polarize the electorate than to make the Dems mad in 2000, and the Repubs. mad in 2004.

Keep a close eye on congress. Gridlock seems the best answer.
