[POL] McCain defends Kerry

'plain o joe'

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McCain defends Kerry over army record

By Rupert Cornwell in Washington

07 August 2004

The Republican icon John McCain yesterday came to the defence of his friend and fellow Vietnam hero
John Kerry, denouncing new television adverts by pro-George Bush veterans accusing the Democratic
presidential challenger of lying about his war record 35 years ago.

The bitter row over the adverts is the latest twist in an extraordinarily intense election, which has seen
both the President and Mr Kerry campaigning in early August with a ferocity usually not seen until the last
fortnight or so before the November vote.

The adverts are not directly the work of the White House, but of a so-called "527" group, named after a
provision of the tax code which allows them to run highly partisan election ads, so long as they do not
explicitly call for the defeat of one or other candidate.

This group is called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a reference to the type of small vessel patrolling the
Mekong Delta during the war, one of which was commanded by then US Navy Lieutenant John Kerry.

During his 1966-69 service, the Massachusetts senator won a silver and a bronze star for valour, as well
as three purple hearts (awarded for injury sustained in battle).

"I know John Kerry is lying about his first purple heart," says one veteran, who claims to have been
aboard a Swift boat which operated close to the one on which Mr Kerry served. Another veteran baldly
declares that "John Kerry lied to get his bronze star".

The ads have been greeted with outrage - both by the Kerry campaign and the Swift boat veterans who
fought alongside him, and who have been a constant prop to the candidate on the campaign trail - most
recently serving as a warm-up act before Mr Kerry's keynote speech accepting the Democratic
nomination at the party's convention in Boston last week.

The Democratic National Committee called the ads "a pack of lies" yesterday, and launched its own
offensive to keep the ads off the screen in the three battleground states of Wisconsin, Ohio and West
Virginia, where they are being aired. But Mr Kerry's most effective weapon may be his Republican
colleague from Arizona, who has never forgiven the Bush campaign for its alleged smears of his record
during the fierce primary campaign of 2000, above all in the pivotal primary of South Carolina.

Calling the advert "dishonest", Senator McCain declared that the Bush campaign should "specifically
condemn" it. The White House conspicuously failed to do so, calling instead for an end to all "527"
campaign spending. The bulk of this has been by Democrat-aligned groups, which have run adverts
portraying Mr Bush as a creature of privilege and a blundering commander-in-chief in Iraq.

The dispute is another sign of how bareknuckle and ruthless this campaign threatens to become, with
every indication that the contest could be as finely poised as that of 2000. A slew of bad news this week
moreover has made the Bush/Cheney team especially edgy.

New employment figures, showing the economy created an anaemic 32,000 jobs in July, have undermined
the administration's claim that a solid, job-producing recovery is under way. The Kerry campaign instantly
seized upon them yesterday as proof that Mr Bush's economic strategy was a failure.

Separately, the Bush camp was shaken by new polls showing that the President's Democratic challenger
leading by 7 per cent in Florida and New Hampshire, swing states narrowly carried by Mr Bush four years
ago. So close is the race that Mr Bush has been forced to all but abandon his August holiday, as well as
any hope he might be able to conduct the "Rose Garden" strategy of incumbents past, who preferred to
portray themselves as "presidential", handling great affairs of state at the White House, rather than
stooping to the campaign trail. But this incumbent no longer has that luxury.

delta lady

The White House conspicuously failed to do so, calling instead for an end to all "527" campaign spending.

Like that's going to happen.

:lol: :lol:

So close is the race that Mr Bush has been forced to all but abandon his August holiday

Green Co.

Guess I would defend his record, also. Whether you believe he deserved the medals, or not, truth is, he didn't award them to himself. Someone up the chain of command had to submit the letter/recommendation & the required proofs. I could fault them.

Now, Kerry's record when back in the US is a different bag o' worms.... :kk2:


as three purple hearts (awarded for injury sustained in battle).

Well, sort of. You can get a purple heart for injuries sustained by clumsiness and self-inflicted injuries under the right circumstances. I know one guy who got a purple heart for scratching himself jumping into a bunker during a mortar attack on the base camp. This camp had an eighteen (18) mile perimeter, and the attack was far enough away that he was in no personal danger.

I'm sure he has it proudly displayed. But none of fellow soldiers had a high regard for his award. Purple hearts are given out pretty freely. He asked for his, according to the other guys.

If three purple hearts got you a free pass home, there would be some incentive for pushing the envelope. But I think most servicemen would turn down an award they knew they didn't deserve.



Ought Six

Membership Revoked
To say this issue is invalid or untouchable is BS. Kerry made his Vietnam experience one of the centerpieces of his campaign, not his opponents. That makes it fair game to examine and discredit.


mccain vs bush in 2000

same kind of dirt went on in 2000 campaign and no doubt will continue dirty politics as usual until we get some kind of campaign reform.

I'm republican and i voted for Mccain instead of Bush in primaries even though he was miles behind the crowned Bush Jr. I think MCcain would have made a better president than Jr.

And i bet someone like Mccain who was a POW and tortured in vietnam would have thought a little harder about sending our soldiers into Iraq or at least made sure things like Abu Ghraib torture would not have happened - since he has been on the receiving end.

I'm sure we'll see more "dirt" thrown at Kerry before september.

The way I see it, the economy, the oil crisis and the media are turning against Bush Jr. The only way he will win is by having major terrorist attacks "happen" before September and relying on his "security at all costs" platform.

I'm not voting for either Kerry or Bush - I'm writing in for Ron Paul (Rep).

I'm ashamed to say it was a Republican President and Congress that turned a surplus into a deficit and increased rather than decreased the size of government and let an idiot like Rumsfeld run the great US military into the ground. Clinton did no better selling us out to the Chinese. At this point, I'd say it doesn't matter if Republicans or Democrats win the WHite house, the american people get screwed either way.

Until we undertake serious government, election, and legal reform, we will be stuck with the lesser of two evils to choose from.

ron paul:

free the press:

reform elections:

Is That a Politician in Your Pocket?
Washington on $2 Million a Day

By Micah L. Sifry and Nancy Watzman

Every day corporations and other wealthy special interests pump another $2 million into the coffers of our elected officials in Washington ad their party committees. For their money they get an estimated $160 billion a year in tax breaks, subsidies, and other sweet deals. That’s $160 billion lifted from taxpayers’ pockets—or about $1500 per taxpayer per year! :dvl2: