[ POL] PA to Kerry, AZ to Bush

Aleph Null

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The major networks calling these two states.

I personally am surprised at the magnitude of the Kerry lead in PA.. yet he is trailing in OH and FL.

Russert said it comes down to OH for Kerry and I tend to agree.



According to this one map poll its Bush-1,257,283/Kerry-1,659,289 which is a 402,000 and change difference......do you know percentage of precincts in ?


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The reason for the big lead for Kerry in PA is the sheer # of black votes there. Traditionally the blacks there have a long history of Democratic voting trends and Kerry worked very, very hard to swing those very votes his way. The # of new black voters in PA doubled this year compared to 2000. 13% this year vs. 7% last time around. He also picked up a larger % of the black vote compared to 2000.

Aleph Null

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I know Sage but even so it is much higher than I think anyone expected.

Meanwhile Bush is looking like he may take FL by a significant margin.. but the Dem stronghold counties always seem to be counted late.



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Sorry if I came across snotty, AO, it's just that I was born and raised in PA and all my family is still back there so I suppose I've just kept up-to-date more on what's been going on there so these #'s don't surprise me as much as others, perhaps.

And on a side note, FL just went to Bush as I was typing this post.


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Good! Then I must've done a better job of blowing my nose than I thought before I posted so I didn't sound quite as nasally after all :lol:

Ought Six

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I wonder if they have the astounding amount of vote fraud in Philly as they did in 2000. The lawyers are going to have a field day with it if that is the case.


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I wonder if they have the astounding amount of vote fraud in Philly as they did in 2000. The lawyers are going to have a field day with it if that is the case.
Tell me about it! I'm still waiting to find out the *spin* ... errr I mean "truth" that will come out about the 2K votes found on the machines in 4 precincts first thing this morning when the polls opened. Of course, the NAACP is working on it so we should have no cause to worry.

Wasn't it interesting that the breaking story never did reveal what candidate the "mystery" votes represented. I know all too well, the particular areas where those precincts are located. Supposedly it's still under investigation. I'm not holding my breath.