[POL] Pol Spam on phone but fun at Poll


Senior Something
It feels so good to be wanted!
Call log today, messages (landline):

Dale Earnhard, Jr.
George Bush
Elizabeth Dole

Cell: Wallmart Superstore ???
("we don't monitor outgoing calls from this number...")

Excessive (Snail) Mailbox spamming:
NRA with several versions of my name
National Association of Realtors (that really puzzles me!)
(Total DEMs and REPUBs about even.)

DEM girl for DEM Gov (on phone) asking if I knew how much Special Interest money the REPUB contender got?
WRONG question! Thinking George Soros here. Nothing learned by them: you don't win by bashing.

Voting was peaceful and cheerful:

First got the wrong ballot (guy frantically searching for me while I am already in the booth. He was distracted by his own joke: "come back this afternoon with 5 bucks for a second vote, we have to make some money somehow in this enterprise.")

Little old lady at the optical scanner (connect-arrow ballot) says: "put it right here into the shredder! Oh, just seeing if you are awake."

That's what I like about North Carolina!

Dog proudly carried "I voted" on her forehead for an hour. :usfl:
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centrist member
Ditto here. But I didn't warrant a phone call from George I guess. However, Dale Earnhardt, Jr. has already called the house twice today, and so has the First Lady.

I told my daughter last night that we must be VIP's what with all the phone calls from famous people. :rolleyes:

Very peaceful at my polling place. :)

mama of two

Senior Member
I just received a call from Arnold Schwarzenegger. I thought it was a live person at first but it was a recording.

The call came from a California Media Access Office that works with the Ca. Govenor's Committee.

Too funny!:lol:

Go Repub's :eleph: