[POL] Some Perspective


Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit...
I wish I had posted this blog entry earlier today, but I just saw it. Still, it does contain some hard, soul-searching points for all of us to ponder...-auxman :usfl:

Some Perspective
by Mark Jurries

Contrary to what just about everybody is saying, this election is not one of the most important ever. The nation will not collapse because (Bush/Kerry) is elected. To listen to some Republicans, John Kerry would invite Bin Laden and his merry little crew of jihadists to roam the streets killing citizens in the millions. And the Democrats are certain that four more years of Bush would lead to Dick Cheney and Karl Rove monitoring all Americans from an undisclosed location while rednecks run around randomly shooting off assault rifles.

It's really reached a point where the majority of people voting for one of these two isn't supporting them, they're voting against the other guy, either out of fear or out of hatred. Liberals hate President Bush, which is actually funny considering how much he's done to cozy up to them. Shoot, Bill Clinton only dreamed about spending at the rate President Bush has. Republicans hate John Kerry, which is a somewhat more understandable position to take. The man is as liberal as they come, and his ethics are at bust highly suspect. However, they also fear an Islamic apocalypse if he's elected, which is a bit of a stretch.

In the end, it doesn't matter who is President. Not as long as the nation continues in its sin. As long as we continue to slaughter babies at abortion mills, as long as we tolerate the homosexual lifestyle, as long as we try to reduce Jesus to just another figure in our pantheon of gods, it will not matter. Bush and Kerry are not the disease, they are symptoms of our sickness. If the nation collapses, (and I pray that it doesn't) it will not be because of its President, it will be because of its sin.

The nation must repent of its sins. It must acknowledge Christ as Lord and Savior. Until it does so, it will get the leaders who best embody its faulty beliefs. Change may work top-down or bottom-up, but ultimately it all comes from the Lord.

Do not let fear determine your vote. All things are in God's hands, and the man who wins will have done so because of His will. It may be Bush, it may be Kerry, it may be Peroutka, or it may even be Cobb. It's not for us to determine how this ends, rather we are to vote in the way most pleasing to the Lord.

Vote for Peroutka. You won't regret it.



Veteran Member
Well said auxman

Almost as well said as the promoters of that other theocracy....Islam

of course you support a christian theocracy and your imagined anthropomorphic diety is "good" and theirs is "bad",so that makes it ok.

Ahh,such are the blessings of ignorance.



Membership Revoked
I've always thought that so as its people go, so goes the leadership and thus goes the nation.

Any turning back to God thru Christ will have to be done on an individual basis. If enough folks do that then we'll see leadership arise that cares about moral issues like the rest of the populance does. Then sin will be a shameful thing like it used to be. Right now, its the exact opposite unfortunately.

As it says in Chronicles in the Bible, , God's people need to humble themselves before Him and pray and turn from their wicked ways and then He will heal the land.

That's a good promise so maybe that's one way to start change. Hope it'll start sooner than later.