[PREP]? [OT] Single serving Spam slices

chairborne commando

Membership Revoked
I debated with myself whether to put this in "Granny's Kitchen" and then
decided that it could be argued that Spam isn't necessarily recognized by
all as food.

I read about this on a link under a recent post about light backpacks by Vlad
and decided to consult google. Sure enough, it's real. :eek: :lol:

Anyway, I found this website on google. I was surprised at all the various...um
flavors of Spam. I love these retort pouches. Super Walmart, here we come.


Spicy Spam-who knew? ;) ( Cheese?)


Senior Member
Been using them pretty much since they first came out. I throw a few of them in my desk drawer at work & they make a quick easy lunch for us low carbers. (the regular SPAM is a bit high in fat for the South Beach diet but I gotta cheat a little here and there & I have always loved SPAM!) I take my dark green leafies with a little olive oil & baslamic vinegar and my SPAM on the side and I'm set. I try to eat the SPAM Turkey the most (I still think they should call it Spurkey though). I have yet to see the SPAM Lite in the single serve. That would be a big help on the fat content.

(BTW, I just don't eat SPAM. I use salmon, tuna and chicken all in the pouch too!)

Edited to add: They are less than a buck at Super Wally World too!
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Faithful Steed
Looks like a good item for backpacking.

Spam is a natural for backpacking since it doesn't need refrigeration. The problem with the usual canned spam is that you have to deal with the empty can after you're done with the spam inside. Most national or state forests are now "carry in - carry out" and you find yourself stuck with a sharp edged Spam can cutting it's way through your trash bag and into the side of your $250 pack.

Retort packaging can be "burned" in a campfire (if a fire is allowed) leaving only a very small nugget of aluminum that usually gets lost in the vastness of nature. This removes the necessity (and weight) of bringing trash "out."

We'll certainly keep an eye out for this at my local Wally World.




Have yet to see the single-serving pouches here in my area, but now that I know they exist I'll definitely look for them.

On a per-ounce basis they're pretty expensive, but for some uses they'd be worthwhile.

Sure wish some store around here would carry the Tabasco flavored Spam. That's good stuff, but other than the occasional hit-or-miss thing at hunting season I can never find it.



Contributing Member
A long long time ago when I was a Girl Sprout I spent 2 weeks at camp. The Spam company in a very nice gesture donated 50 cases of Spam to the camp. So for the entire 2 weeks all meals contained Spam. We had it cold sliced, fried, diced, scrambled with egg powder you name it every meal for 2 weeks. After all these years, about 40 of them. I cannot to this day even look at a can of Spam. You folks can have mine. :)


Senior Member
MMmmm SPAM. Fried with horseradish & mustard! Cold Spamwich w/mayo!

The single serving packs have become a staple of the BOB's.
I will rotate them out fairly often in hot weather though. Don't know if it's necassary but using them up is NOT a problem anyway!