registration card by 2004 for WI?


Veteran Member
Voting at the polls was easy enough bright and early here in rural America. However, we all had to go to a separate room and fill out a form that required our name, address, birth date, and either SS# or Driver license #(not that they were verified).

The reason given was that WI passed a law that everyone has to have a registration card for the 2004 election and they were trying to get everyone signed up now to make things easier later on. The forms had some glaringly obvious errors. I've asked some of my relatives from other parts of the state and they didn't have to do this.

Anyone else in this state run into this? I asked one of the poll workers if this didn't sound like the start of national id requirements and that was her take on it. She also wasn't very happy about the observers that were s'posed to show. She figured that would cause more mistakes because they were all so nervous. This village doesn't have 1000 people living here and we all know each other. Odd.

Forgot to add - we still use paper ballots, here.