[results] Help me understand this


Ok, I don't know if this will come through formatted properly. (this is off the C-Span site)

How can they have Deleware called for KERRY, when Bush is ahead?

(you can't see it here, but on the site at http://network.ap.org/dynamic/files...onal/pres.html?SITE=CSPANELN&SECTION=POLITICS, there is a red check mark by KERRY'S name indicating that he has won...


Delaware ElectTotal: 3 Precincts Reporting: 43%
Name Party Vote Pct Electoral
Bush Rep 90,858 51 0
Kerry Dem 85,879 48 3
Nader Ind 1,060 1 0
Badnarik Lib 243 0 0
Peroutka CST 148 0 0
Cobb Grn 117 0 0
Brown NLP 37 0 0

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Delaware		 ElectTotal: 3		 Precincts Reporting: 89%
	Name	Party	Vote	Pct	Electoral
	Bush	Rep	154,115	46	0
	Kerry	Dem	176,953	53	3
	Nader	Ind	1,931	1	0
	BadnarikLib	522	0	0
	PeroutkaCST	271	0	0
	Cobb	Grn	229	0	0
	Brown	NLP	92	0	0


yeah- so how did they KNOW that the results with half the precincts reporting were not the way it was going to go? (not implying anything here, just curious)


Aleph Null

Membership Revoked
It's based on statistical analysis of polls and exit polls, and also on which precincts are in which areas. So for example, if mostly pro-Bush areas have reported and he doesn't have enough of a lead to offset the expected Kerry results, they can call for Kerry.
