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Seasonal Greetings :)


Devil's Advocate
The Return of the Sun.

Sun rise!

Return to cast light on the cold earth,
Hope for bright beginnings,
A new day comes and
The longest night is passed.

There’s sunlight on snow,
Rainbow water drops melting
Each a different color,
Liquid gems of priceless beauty.

Time stops.
And then for a moment reboots.

Wishing you all the best for the New Year.



Another Infidel
The Return of the Sun.

Sun rise!

Return to cast light on the cold earth,
Hope for bright beginnings,
A new day comes and
The longest night is passed.

There’s sunlight on snow,
Rainbow water drops melting
Each a different color,
Liquid gems of priceless beauty.

Time stops.
And then for a moment reboots.

Wishing you all the best for the New Year.


Nanna, that's just beautiful! Thank you and the same to you and yours.

Mo :rs::rs::rs: