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Still Learning the Canon Rebel


Read the book and went thru most of the menus and functions so I've been fooling around as it don't cost nothing to develop these electronic images.

Last night I went out to photograph Mr. Dusty (our GSD) and it took a while as he was in his heel/protective mode. So after I told him 'go fence' he finally did.

I find that the built in flash is kinda iffy as it does not fire all the time, but maybe it was my finger as it was pretty cold out for the desert here in southern Nevada. He's a black and tan and it was dark out so I got a lot of dark shots.

So I share some things as I experiment with what the camera can do and what I can do with the camera.

So we have:

Airborne Dachshund.

Don't need no stinkin' cape.

Dirty Window.

The Moon.

Winter Lawn mower.

I put them on facebook. Might as well use their bandwidth for my experiments.


When I get something worthy, I'll stick them here.


Another Infidel
Read the book and went thru most of the menus and functions so I've been fooling around as it don't cost nothing to develop these electronic images.

Last night I went out to photograph Mr. Dusty (our GSD) and it took a while as he was in his heel/protective mode. So after I told him 'go fence' he finally did.

I find that the built in flash is kinda iffy as it does not fire all the time, but maybe it was my finger as it was pretty cold out for the desert here in southern Nevada. He's a black and tan and it was dark out so I got a lot of dark shots.

So I share some things as I experiment with what the camera can do and what I can do with the camera.

So we have:

Airborne Dachshund.

Don't need no stinkin' cape.

Dirty Window.

The Moon.

Winter Lawn mower.

I put them on facebook. Might as well use their bandwidth for my experiments.


When I get something worthy, I'll stick them here.

Don't feel bad, I'm still learning my Nikons! Don't forget, you can do a lot of improvements in your shots with post-processing.

If that's your "winter lawnmower" is your summer lawnmower a herd of goats? ;)

Maureen :rs:


Time Traveler
Is it difficult? A friend tried teaching me a bit, but without an actual fancy dan digital, it was hard to figure out enough to remember. All I have is a bitty Panasonic point n shoot Costco special, I love the simplicity though, and I've got museum quality prints from it.


The Mrs. saw Dirty Window and she actually said it scared her and I don't know why. We talked about it and she just said it's weird.

I told her that it just happened.

About the shot.

You see the window and the garage.

You see the window on the other side of the garage.

You see the reflection of the mountains off the window.

You also see me.

And yes I do own a chain saw and and an axe.


Is it difficult? A friend tried teaching me a bit, but without an actual fancy dan digital, it was hard to figure out enough to remember. All I have is a bitty Panasonic point n shoot Costco special, I love the simplicity though, and I've got museum quality prints from it.

I always thought the good shots were just lucky ones but now that I have more camera it's still luck.

You just have a better camera.

The shot I took of Danny leaping into my lap was luck.

The little $hit knocked me over.

But I had a better camera.

With the old point and shoot camera I just would have gotten a picture of the Blue sky, for the buzz, whirrr and click took a half a second.

In that 1/2 half a second whatever you had in your view is gone.

I love this camera, hit the shutter button and the shot is done.