Dem SuNdAy 1/17 Dimocrat Debate at 9 pm: Please get Wasted or you might go Insane



I'm serious. If you're watching this sober, non-stoned, or without a Morphine IV drip you have to be NUTS or a masochist.

Hillary is making up stuff about Weekend at Bernie's health.

Weekend at Bernies is now saying he will win the nomination.

And that guy apparently stole some furniture (allegedly).

This ought to be more fun than belt sanding your testicles with 160 grit.

If you want to watch it, go for it. I'll be watching the markets.

It is live on NBC news at 9 pm ET and here is a link as how to watch it:

Me? I'll just drink a bottle of Sam Adams limited edition Winter Lager to save doing all the shots.
