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Beautiful picture. I always hate to see the old barns collapsing... it hits a sentimental side of me that rarely surfaces, for some reason.

In my mind's eye, I can see the farmer and family who built it- often at great sacrifice, certainly at great cost in terms of time and effort. And oh, how proud they must have felt when that last shingle was placed and the last door hung! The smell of the new wood, and then the first time they put hay in the mow, and filled the stalls with their livestock.

And now, they sit abandoned and forgotten, slowly returning to the earth, just as the people who built them have...

They really DON'T make them like that anymore- buildings or people!



Another Infidel
Beautiful picture. I always hate to see the old barns collapsing... it hits a sentimental side of me that rarely surfaces, for some reason.

In my mind's eye, I can see the farmer and family who built it- often at great sacrifice, certainly at great cost in terms of time and effort. And oh, how proud they must have felt when that last shingle was placed and the last door hung! The smell of the new wood, and then the first time they put hay in the mow, and filled the stalls with their livestock.

And now, they sit abandoned and forgotten, slowly returning to the earth, just as the people who built them have...

They really DON'T make them like that anymore- buildings or people!


Boy, are you correct!

Mo :rs:

Lone Wolf

Lives on TB
Thank the Lord for people who take great photos.

The sad, sad truth is that in a lot of cases, the cost to maintain these old buildings is just to great and can't be managed by the owner's.

Add to that, taxes! Unbelievable total costs, and if you don't have live stock to keep in the barns, well you can see where that's going.

Take all the pics you can, that is about it.
