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The Continuing Travel Adventures of DD - Gidget Goes To South Korea

Red Baron

I have chronicled DD's overseas travels in the Artistic License Forum with a slew of pictures she took while studying for her degree and traveling to visit friends in numerous foreign locales.

Destinations included Spain, Rome, Morocco, Sahara Desert, Equador, Galapagos Islands, the Amazon, Mexico and Alaska.

This latest adventure featured DW and DD heading off for a whirlwind two week tour of South Korea. The girls landed in Inchon and spent a few nights in Seoul and then a 180mph ride on the KTX Bullet Train to the southern port city of Busan. After a few nights they went to the resort island of Jeju Island and then returned to Seoul for the grueling 13 hour flight home.

DW learned Korean in her spare time and has looked forward to vacationing there for a long time. DD is a seasoned traveler by now and jumped at the chance to go with Mom. Dear Ole Dad stayed home and held down the bunker while they were gone. DW has friends who are now teaching in Korea and they were able to have a reunion while in Seoul.

I'll post some of DD's pics shortly,

Red Baron

Places in Korea


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Red Baron

More Places


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Red Baron

Food Trip!


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Red Baron

Drinkie Winkies!


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China Connection

TB Fanatic
Um, I lived in South Korea for eight and a half years. There is always a mountain close by to go hiking. The food pictures above I think are from a Japanese restaurant not Korean.

Red Baron

Um, I lived in South Korea for eight and a half years. There is always a mountain close by to go hiking. The food pictures above I think are from a Japanese restaurant not Korean.

One picture is from a sushi restaurant in Korea that caters to Japanese and American tourists IIRC.


Knuckle Dragger
How cool is that!

Thanks for sharing.

I guess Korea doesn't look like the village from MASH so much...LOL