Farm Transplanting raspberries. Which "canes"?


Veteran Member
Hi all,

My SIL, who lives several hours away, would like some of our plentiful raspberries. Since she lives so far away, what is the best way to get her some transplants with a high chance of successfully "taking"?

Do we dig up the ones that are just now popping out of the ground to transplant?

Or do we dig up the last year's canes to transplant?

FYI, I have fall/summer bearing varieties, and have pruned out the weak and thin ones already.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I wonder if having a good root system is more important than the age of the canes? I believe that you get one or two year old canes at the nursery when you buy them bare root. You could ask your local nursery.


While raspberry canes are bearing during the summer, new canes will have sprouted up since spring and will be growing most or all summer to be next year's canes. The ones that give you fruit this year will be dead next year and can be cut out as soon and they stop giving you fruit. Usually it's easier to cut them out the following year when it's easier to tell which canes are dead.

Unless there are varieties I've not heard of, I don't think any live raspberry cane can be two years old.


Res ipsa loquitur
we have an abundance of wild red raspberries; last spring I transplanted 55-60 canes to a spot that was easier for RaggedyAnn to get to. I simply went in and selected those that were spreading outside of where I wanted them and gave no mind to this year v last years canes. I concentrated primarily on getting a good root ball, which is not hard to do because it is so shallow. I watered them in really well for about a week.

95% of the these SURVIVED - with the longer canes last spring, I also bent over and burried their tips and these are also doing well - producing new canes from the buried tips

all this to say that they are incredibly easy to move and transplant - focus on their roots and don't sweat the age of the canes