Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread; April 13 ~ April 19, 2014


Veteran Member
Starting out the week :)

Stopped at CVS on the way home from work this morning:
4 - Hellman's 30 oz mayo @ 2/$6
2 - CVS brand 500 microgram sublingual B-12 tabs; 100 ct @ $7.29 each
4 - $1/1 Hellman's coupons
1 - $2 CVS B vitamins scanner coupon
1 - $4 ECB
Vitamins were Buy One Get One Free, so that took off $7.29
Paid $9.29 plus tax; got back a $3 ECB

Now I'm more than set for mayo for Easter Dinner - potato salad, 7 layer salad, deviled eggs, etc... and the summer months as well. Mmmm... Hubby's potato salad, BLTs... Mmmm :)

I use the B-12 at work, or when I'm keeping the boys on minimal sleep; it gives me an energy boost, but not the bad jitters or bad stomach that caffiene drinks/pills do!

The Mayo deal at CVS was part of a larger deal - a Buy $10/Get $3 ECBs. There were several items on the sale - Classico or Ragu sauce 3/$5; no coupons for either of those, but buy 6, pay $10; get back $3 nets to 6 jars/$7 or $1.16/jar; not a horrible price. Lipton tea bags were also a part of the deal with the 100 ct boxes being priced at 2/$6; I probably do need to restock since summer is nigh upon us, so will probably buy them with Buddy Mike's card - Buy 4, pay $12; get back $3 nets to $2.25 a box.

Then I stopped by the grocery store and picked up:
2 - 4# bags of sugar @ $1.49 each
2 - 1# butter @ $1.77 each
1 - 24 oz cottage cheese @ $1.79
6 - 6 oz yogurt @ 39 cents each
No coupons, so paid full asking price, but since all items were on sale my reciept showed a savings of 38%. I'll take that :)

Back to work tonight ~ then four - read it FOUR!!! nights off; then work one and two more nights off. Not that I'm doing the Happy Dance about the time off or anything :spns:

Take care, all; wishing you a wonderful week!


Veteran Member
Renee, you didn't get the free Colgate toothpaste? $2.50 coupon prints at the printer, 50 cent coupon in the paper, on sale for $3 so free. I got mine. That is probably my prep for the week :)

Two more days of working at the tax office. Last minute filers are killing us! I'm exhausted. I did manage to run a few errands on the way home from church today---Petsmart for some prescription dog food (8 cans or about 6 weeks worth), Trader Joe's for everyday stuff, filled up the car with the cheapest gas I could find which was $3.72 a gallon, and picked up some free toothpaste and a gallon of milk at CVS. I won't even get to the laundry until WEdnesday night or Thursday.

Won some auctions on a bidding site and got some gift cards and a knife. My lanterns came in (battery). I have consulting work to do when I get some rest and can think straight again.

Kathy in FL

Have over $2/gallon for fuel and I'll get that tomorrow when I fill up my vehicle. (Winn Dixie fuel perks)
Dropping husband and daughter at the airport at 5 am and they'll be gone for 10 days
Squeezing in a trip to Webster flea market tomorrow (Monday-only type flea market) to hit the nursery and farmer's market
Scrounging for more crockpot liners ... my normal source is clean out and those bags make cooking in the crock pot very easy (love the crock pot, hate to clean it)
With hubby out of town for over a week the full load of the business falls on me but I think we have it manageable which means I hope to get the following projects completed:
- clean out our closet and reorganize, donating clothes that we haven't worn in enough seasons that we are unlikely to wear them
- clean and reorganize garage
- clean and reorganize kitchen pantry
- send out daughter's graduation announcements
- digitize some of our home movies
- scan at least two photo albums
- work on house inventory
- good bit of yard work that needs to be done now that everything has decided to take off and grow at one time (sigh). I spent an hour pulling Virginia creeper and saw briars today and it doesn't look like a did a doggone thing.
- work on some of our security measures
- prepared yearly portfolios for the two children I have left to homeschool

I hope I get to do some writing this coming week but I don't know. A lot depends on how crazy things get with the business. I'm exhausted ... been running on 3 to 4 hours of sleep per night so I hope to get a little sleep between all of my projects too. (grin)


Veteran Member
Passed my AI (beef artificial insemination) class yesterday. If I can get proficient at this, it could save us a boatload. Bulls (and what it takes to feed them) are expensive. If I get really good, AI-ing for other people could bring in a little cash. The nice thing is that we already have most of the equipment (it came from one of the barns - but DH doesn't know who it originally belonged to).

This week, all I have planned is working my 3 nights, delivering Dds to the ex, taking DH to his surgery follow-up appointment, and lots of laundry. All my jeans and coveralls are covered with, well, you know!


With this late spring, I am still planting cool weather crops. I planted beets, carrots, lettuce and spinach this week. I also cleaned and reorganized part of the pantry. It is amazing how much more room you can find after reorganizing.

The best bargain I found at the stores last week was whole chickens for 65¢ a pound. Some stores run good sales at holidays, so I have hopes for better bargains this week.

Kathy in FL

So much for going to the flea market like I wanted to. With only 2 hours of sleep I didn't think it was very smart to be out on the interstate/roads. But I am trying to drag some productivity out of my tired rear bumper. Not easy as it is taking me way too long to think through problems. Wonder if in the SHTF this will be a problem as well ... too tired to respond as quickly as I need to. Sigh. Nother problem to put on my list to work through.


I've had trouble finding blocks of camphor locally to use in my toolboxes for a rust preventative. Learned that Amazon has a wide selection, so I ordered some today.

My son in law and I got my TIG welder going again recently, but it wants a new micro switch so I got that ordered too. With a promise of frost tonight and 35* out now, it's just too cold for these old bones to get outside much.

I did get the garden tractor hauled home from the camp site yesterday. When the weather warms and dries out a bit I'll get the gardens plowed and disked up. That garden tractor is ALL the little pickup wants to haul, at around 900 pounds. I had to leave the disk and other attachments for another trip, maybe today. Serious garden tractor--an old Case 448, with hydraulic PTO, 3 point hitch and all that.

This is very heavy red clay soil, first time over it in the video.


Veteran Member
Prudentwatcher, I didn't get my CVS coupon for the $2.50 off Colgate until I scanned Sunday morning, so didn't have the manufacturer's coupon clipped yet. Hopefully, there will be some left the next time I go to town :) I've got to go in and get my SPAM at Walgreen's - 2, 12 oz cans on sale 2/$5, store coupon for $1/2 & manufacturer's coupon for $1/2 brings the price down to 2/$3, so I plan to stock up. May have to ad match at the Evil Empire in order to get as much as I want.

The boys' cold hit me with a vengence Monday night - I spiked at temp of 38.9 (102*F), which, since I usually run about 36.4 (97.5*F) kicked my butt. Luckily, it didn't hit until I'd done all my assessments and med pass and was about done with my charting. Supervisior came through about then and took a look at me and told me to go home; told her I wasn't sure I could safely drive the 27 miles in the rain, so she snagged a bored CCU nurse to come sit backup with my partner, and sent me to the lounge to lie down. Wobbled home once it was light outside and crawled into bed; barely crawled out except to stand under a hot shower (3X), and fill my big go mug with ice water. Didn't much want to crawl out of bed this morning, but my cleaning lady was coming out to do windows and a quick buff and fluff for Easter, so I did. I did manage to get a few things accomplished, though not as much as I would have liked. Everyone else seemed to accomplish things ~ the trash guys delivered the 6 yd dumpster I ordered, gutter crew showed up and put new gutter down the north side of our shed (Yay - Hubs can hook the big rain water tank back up!), and Mary got all the windows done and the house is sparkling. I did manage to fold the giant stack of towels that were lurking on the laundry room table and get them put away, stripped the boys' beds and washed their sheets and blankets and made the beds back up, ripped up some old sheets into shop cloths, got 3 loads of laundry done, and sorted through a basket it my room - found 3 gift cards hiding in there!! I also managed to sort out a box of donations, a small stack of old clothes to cut into rags, and 5 grocery size bags of stuff to throw away; but now I think I'm ready for a nap!

I've got to do the shopping for Easter dinner Thursday, so tonight, Hubby and I need to work on clearing leftovers out of the fridge, do a little touch up painting, and replace a couple pieces of damaged wallpaper ~ the darned cat doesn't believe she's getting old (12) but she's having occasional trouble getting up on her favorite windowsill and my wallpaper is taking the brunt of it!

Tomorrow will be spent emptying and cleaning the fridge, and clearing off the island counter where we put the dishes for the main course; it's 3x10, but that's not big enough to hold the desserts too; we set up another table for them. Once I get it cleared, I'll start setting out the non-perishable food items, and dishes, pots 'n pans, etc... that I'll need for the stuff I'm fixing. That will also help me get my shopping list made - so far, it says "Ham, Cool-Whip (ick!), and French's Fried Onions" - I'm sure there'll be more needed than that!

Thursday is shopping and going to daughter's to snag my big folding tables, chairs, and crock pots; Friday is doing some more sorting and napping before work, Saturday is napping after work and doing any needed prep for Sunday's dinner. Daughter will be dropping the boys off here sometime Saturday, on their way home from a family vacation out East - MGS called me last night and said "Meem; come get me; I ready to come home now." Hope he doesn't hold it against me that I didn't hop right in the car LOL! Anyway, it will be good to have my boys back home!


We had frost last night, but up around 50* today. Here in southern Indiana the fruit trees are all in bloom so the frost could be a problem. I think our trees and bushes escaped damage, but not sure. Another cold night tonight, so keeping fingers crossed.

The garden soil was about right today, so I plowed all 3 of them (each about 30' x 90') and ran over it once with the disk. Not a good seed bed yet, but it was little wet so I'll wait until tomorrow to disk it a couple more times. If you do it too wet it will just pack down hard. Wait too long to disk, and you get clods. Gotta be JUST right.

I spent more time than I liked trimming back raspberry briars. Those things are invasive. I knew that, so I have them where I can mow on one side of the row and plow on the other side to keep them under control. They still arch over the garden space, so I was cutting that back today, lest I get scratched up doing the plowing.

All 3 patches are in pretty good shape for fertility now, after years of amendments on many kinds. I haven't done a soil test yet this year, but will soon. I'm guessing that all it will need is a little Nitrogen, and I have most of a bag of Urea. I haven't cleaned out the hen house yet this year, either, so that will help add Nitrogen, too.

With the surrounding fence gone, I can burn the old weeds now and then keep them under control with the weed whacker.

LOTS to do out there to get everything right. I have 6 thornless red raspberries I put in last year that need to be weeded and staked to mark their location so I don't kill 'em when I trim. The compost pile is a mess. It is mostly tree trimmings and wants to be chopped up finer and some manure added on top. I used most of the compost I had last year on the poorest garden and it made a huge difference. That one looks like real dirt now, instead of pottery clay. It's the color of semi-sweet chocolate. Love it! :)

Had to get this all going. Good Friday is coming up and that's the traditional day here to plant potatoes. Lots of sprouted potatoes in the basement, so no need to buy seed this year. ;)


Veteran Member
took DH to the bigger city for his post-surgery check up. Things are going well, and he gets to go back to work next Wednesday. Hit the discount grocer and Krogers - great bargains at both. Picked up 24 oz of mushrooms for $2 and strawberries for $1.50/lb (it's about the cheapest I can get them here). Got the semen tank filled with liquid nitrogen, hit the thrift store for some jeans and tennies. The Habitat for Humanity REstore had seeds, but still wanted 75c/pkg - and the packages are so small. Passed on those. Came home to put pairs (mamas and calves) out on pasture and deal with the neighbor. Let's just say that the commandment to "Love your neighbor" is proving rather difficult at the moment.

patience - I know what you mean. One of our neighbors plowed my garden spots yesterday (about 5 acres). It is beautiful! He wouldn't take payment, so making a cheesecake and chess pie is on my to-do list for tomorrow

Kathy in FL

Out gathering some "not often bought" ingredients to refill my pantry where I've been using them up making meals in a jar.

Got a bag of freeze dried okra at Fresh Market today which I will use for making gumbo "jar meals."

I've also been scouting equipment and ingredients for my next "project" ... like I need any more right? Anyway I've decided the biggest place I have to cut back in the food budget is in the drink arena. We don't buy liquor except for I occasionally use for cooking ... I don't begrudge anyone that does, it's just my stomach just doesn't tolerate it these days. I had a bad case of H Pylori a couple of years ago and I'm in danger of developing a peptic ulcer ever so often. Which brings me to the fact that I need to stop drinking so much cola. The only thing I can drink these days is either Coke brand cola, gingerale, or homemade root beer. Sierra Mist ever so often. OR I can make my own sodas using real fruit juice and club soda.

So ... my next project is to expand my "brewing" and make more homemade sodas that I can bottle and keep rather than those that I make by the glass. I used to make homemade rootbeer regularly using McCormick flavoring but my equipment got dropped and I need to replace it. I also need to replace all my corks as they are getting too old and messed up to use. I'm looking for a wholesaler with a good price for amber bottles with swing caps. The cheapest I've found them so far is $27 for a case of 12 not including shipping. Youch!

Also bought a book called "True Brews" by Emma Christiensen which might even get me ranging outside of sodas and back into cider, wine, and mead. That's later though. My grandfather used to make homemade wines and "beers" and I'm kinda anxious to carry on the tradition.


Veteran Member
I've never been able to make homemade root beer that didn't taste heavily of yeast. Of course, when I was a kid, my mom made me take brewer's yeast in rootbeer, so maybe my taste buds are having flash backs!

got the pairs out on the corner field, ran into town for a couple things, got my baking for the neighbor done, checked the potato cellar and pulled out 3/4 of a crate of still decent potatoes. I'm making twice baked potatoes to freeze with the good bakers, and making hash browns to freeze with the red ones. and I still need to plant those dang grape vines, and ... and...and...


Veteran Member
Well, the cold my litle plague carriers gifted me with has turned in to bronchitis; upside, the steroids have me buzzed enough that I'm able to get stuff done anyway LOL! And now I have a spare inhaler to put in the med stocks, as I still have the one from about this time last year - woo hoo!

Wednesday, I tossed the comforters and the sleeping bags from the vehicles in the car and toted them over to the laundromat and got them put in. Left there to go to the Evil Empire; low tire light came on on my car - yup, it was low. Turned around, went to the tire shop; they did a quick check, aired it up, told me to go finish my errands and come back. Back to EE, where I paid for the trampoline daughter had ordered for the boys' Easter gift, and arranged to pick it up that evening. Then it was off to daughter's house, where I checked on their dog and snagged two of my crock pots. Laundromat then - one washer hadn't worked, so I pulled that comforter out and put it in a different one; bagged the rest and put them in the car. Hit the grocery store for on sale yogurt for Hubs, CVS for a gallon of milk, then back to the tire shop. Farmers are moving equipment - had wire in my tire. They got ir fixed and I headed to the laundromat to pick up that last comforter, then was on the road for home. Got all the stuff hung on the line, along with a load of laundry I found in the washer that Hubs must have done; then flopped down in my chair to rest. Buddy called and said he'd decided to come over to take me to get my long tables at daughters, so I was able to get in a short nap before he got there. Conned him into picking up the trampoline as well, so I wouldn't have to make three trips to town. Home again, unloaded everything, and he visited for a bit before heading home. Hubs and I managed to get the fridge and island counter mostly cleaned before he called it quits; I worked on carrying boxes of jars downstairs and stacking them; and carrying tubs of boy clothes upstairs to stack in their room for later sorting.

Buddy picked me up again Thursday morning and we drove to his sister's house to drop off some medical needs for his brother in law - bilateral knee replacement next week. I had a whole list of shopping I wanted to do, but wasn't feeling well, so after a stop at K-Mart to look for cheap shoes (none), I told Bud I just wanted to pick up the boys' bikes and head home. Well, we got the bikes, but then he talked me into going to the walk in clinic; was glad I did. I had to eat before I took the prednisone, so we grabbed lunch; then he drove me home. As we were driving, one of our co-workers called me in tears; family crisis. She was supposed to work that night, but Buddy and I told her we'd figure it out - he took the first 6 hours of the shift; I took the last. I headed upstairs to grab a nap since the cough med had made me sleepy; got up about 7pm and worked on some sorting and clearing until Hubs went to bed; then plopped down for another hour or so nap.

Got off work at 8am, headed to Home Depot to pick up some floor grates; then it was off to the Evil Empire again - half and half Easter and stock up shopping:
Spam, assorted flavors, 20 cans @ WM price of $2.98 can = $59.60. I ad matched so that dropped it to $2/can, plus had 10 - $1/2 coupons, so that took off a total of $29.60, so $30 for the 20 cans, or $1.50 each. Sell by dates are in 2017, so I think we're okay for storage on that now.

Pineapple 20 oz cans and Mandarin oranges 16 oz cans - 8 pineapple and 6 mandarin oranges @ WM price $1.98 each (insane!!); total: $27.72. Ad matched so that dropped it to 79 cents/can, plus had 7 coupons for 50 cents/2 cans so that saved a total of $20.16, so $7.56 for the 14 cans, or 54 cents each. How on earth do people pay full price for things like this!!?

Carnation milk 12 oz cans - 10 cans @ WM price of $1.68 each = $16.80; ad matched to 99 cents/can, plus had 5 - 55 cent/2 coupons so that saved a total of $9.65, so $7.15, or 72 cents/can.

Bacon - $4.98 WM price; ad matched to $3.99; saved 99 cents

Chips - $3.99 bag price, ad matched to $2.98; saved $1.01

Eggs - 3 dozen at MWM price of $1.68/doz; ad matched to 99 cents/dozen; saved $2.07

Frozen roll dough - 2, 36 ct bags @ WM price $3.98 bag; ad matched to $2.79; saved $2.38

Marzetti salad dressing - used $1/1 coupon.

Had gotten input from family as to what all they were bringing, so was able to mark several things off my list! Still had to pick up a few things, but I think they totaled about $18. Of course, I forgot something - the lemons for the lemonade! Hope to have Hubby pick those up on his way home from work this afternoon.

I was pretty tired as I was leaving town and ran into a bunch of traffic, so deked off on a side road and took the country route home, totally forgetting I needed to stop and order the ham and put gas in my car. Luckily, I texed Hubs and he agreed to take care of the ham on his way home from work, and to take my car back to town to fill it with fuel - he needed to get more gas for the mowers anyway and had forgotten to take the cans to work with him.

Crawled in bed and slept from 11-2:30; then got up and went out to start mowing. Managed to get the area around the house and garden done - only rousted one snake as I mowed off the cornstalks in the garden - sure glad I was on the rider, not push mowing! I do know that I'm going to have to mow the outer areas of the farm on Monday or we'll have to get the bush hog out as my next chance would be Thursday... Got into a lot of dust mowing, so my eyes were a mess by the time I got inside - took some benadryl for them, plus the meds for the bronchitis, hopped in the shower, then headed back to bed around 5:30. Up at 10 pm for another shower, cup of coffee, then headed out to work at midnight.

Today, I need to set up the tables and chairs in the driveway and wash them down with the garden hose; then I think I'll try to grab a short nap sometime before Hubs gets home from work around 3. I'll finish getting stuff put away, then get things set up for the dinner and make my list of what all I have to do the next morning. Kitchen floor will need a quick mopping before I head back to bed, and I'll put extra tp in all the bathrooms, but that should take care of the house.

Nothing will get done tomorrow as that is family day; family will start rolling in around 10 am; daughter and family should get in from their vacation right at dinner time (appetizers at 12, dinner at 1). The boys will stay with us after dinner while they head home to unload the van and put together the trampoline; but won't stay overnight as MGS has school on Monday.

Hubby has Monday off; I don't have to go in until 7pm, so I'm hoping to get some things done as there is a chance of rain in the afternoon. I need him to get the big tiller running so that I can till one garden area and get some strawberries transplanted and mulched; then he needs to get the big rain water tank hooked up to the new guttering and burn a brushpile, while I spend an hour getting that work done in the garden, and another hour on the mower. If there's any time left before I need to nap before work and the rain holds off, I'd like to get some chain saw work done. Looks like there is a 40-50% chance of rain every day but Wednesday this week, so that means the farmers will be going round the clock the next three days; lots of traffic on the roads; lots of dust in the air... Maybe I can use some of the time on those days to finalize my garden plan for the year (ha!)

Hubby does some brewing - wine and beer, mostly. After Easter is over, we plan to start a 5 gallon vat of grape wine, using 2012 home canned grape juice - it won't have any natural yeast left in it as that will have been killed by the canning process, but he can use wine yeast to get it started.


Senior Member
I picked up some 5 boxes of marble cake mix on closeout for .50 , and about 20 cans of diced tomatoes with green peppers and garlic for .30. They jazz up all my soups, casseroles. Peanut butter on sale with those yellow coupons they hang in front of product at HEB for $1.30.... figured that would be some protein that most everyone likes. Couldn't even buy any beef ... even hamburger meat was way too expensive. I'm hankering for a juicy steak but heck way too expensive . All I buy here is chicken so it seems...ugggg getting old. I'm not complaining.... I am blessed to be in my own house which will be paid off in less than 2 years, and a very stuffed pantry full of things I pick up on sale or closeout usually. I have a friend coming over next week who has very little food wize and I just let her go crazy in my pantry and many boxes and fill up with whatever she needs. It's a win win situation, I help her out , and I feel good in doing it.


I planted three 80 foot long rows of potatoes yesterday--Good Friday, is the traditional day for that here. All 3 big gardens are plowed and ready to plant, so I hope to get some cabbage in the ground soon. We still have some nights in the 30's, but that is about over. The ground won't warm up on our north hillside until later for the warm weather crops. The fact that our gardens are terraces shades them even more.

In this pic from last year you can see the tallest terrace wall. The other 2 are about half that high. The briars on the right side are raspberries. Lots of food grown here, with apple trees, pears, cherries, strawberries, and all the standard veggies, plus a big herb patch for seasonings and health.

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