Farm What have you done to prepare if there is a HITLERY win??


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
I anticipate that if Hitlery wins, not only will we go to war as a nation, but there will be problems with any number of things in the "world as we know it!! What have you done to get ready for this if it happens??

On top of our regular preps we have gone shoe shopping. Everyone got TWO pairs of GOOD, sturdy and in my GD's opinion....UGLY leather shoes. Lace ups and made to handle bad weather and walking over rough ground. Also increased buying of sweat suit outfits, in case it is COLD and we are without heat. We have also "fixed" that, as we have a wood cook stove and have an outdoor wood furnace arriving this coming week!! Next, I want to get some solar powered fans to be able to move the air into the house from the furnace if we end up without electric.

Anyone else doing anything extra-ordinary?? I don't think I'm over-reacting, but maybe I am.......

Kathy in WV

Down on the Farm...
Those are all great ideas. I have to admit I have been ill a good bit this year and haven't stepped it up this year at all. I AM SURE I WILL REGRET THAT! Just haven't felt up to it. One thing I wanted to do was get a late planting of cold hardy greens in the ground for something fresh a couple days a week all winter. I'm just now getting ready to order more seeds to plant in the spring and also several pounds for sprouting. I can't say enough about how good sprouts are mid winter! I have to admit I'm low on a lot of my resources these days. I'd like to stockpile more soapmaking supplies because we got hard up and have used most of what i had.... so a couple cases of Fels Naptha or Zote, washing soda and Borax would fill the hole back up. I guess I wish all my shelves were filled back up right now but in the end, Gods going to take care of us one way or the other, even if that means taking us out of here for good. :)