When blood is spilled in Arizona, blame ...


When blood is spilled in Arizona, blame ...

By: Dick Smith - Commentary

Come this weekend, the Minutemen Project formed by some 500 well-intended citizens in Arizona will monitor the Arizona-Mexico border with the intent of stopping illegal immigrants from crossing the border.

They say they are taking this action to assist law enforcement. In this morning's North County Times (March 23), the front page carried an article about a group from North County who call themselves the "National Alliance for Human Rights," who will monitor the Minutemen Project.

The third element in this tragedy about to unfold is our elected officials, who stand by wrapped in the American flag, proclaiming "Bring me your huddled masses etc." If ever there is a powder keg about to explode, this is a classic. The sheriff in the old Western town turns his back as a vigilante group is formed to rid the town of the unwanted, knowing full well there will be bloodshed.

Yes, there will be bloodshed and the blood will be on the hands of our do-nothing politicians who see self-preservation in the illegal, i.e., cheap, labor ---- people who will take any job the Anglo wishes not to do ---- for our corporations and for developers who need the cheap labor to keep housing prices down; politicians who curry the Latino vote by ignoring the immigration laws, deliver political speeches in Spanish, blah blah blah, all political pablum for the votes.

President George W. Bush, Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham, Gov. Schwarzenegger and our county supervisors all take an aloof attitude, or at best a Band-Aid approach such as adding more fences. In their minds, the collateral damage that will follow ---- loss of lives on both sides of the border ---- is an expense that must be endured to reap the rich mother lode of cheap labor.

Day after day, we see in the North County Times Letters to the Editor section write-ups from people expressing their views of disgust with the excessive burden on our infrastructure, schools, hospitals, jails, roads, low-income housing, welfare system and entitlement programs, all forcing excessive taxation on the citizen. Even the FBI says gang-related activity is largely activated by illegal immigrants. This is not about racism, this is plain economic facts. We are being purged of our lifestyle by the politicians, not any one political party. Remember, for every one who writes letters to the editor there are 10 who want to but never do.

What do we do? Throw out the politicians like we did Gov. Davis? Sounds too radical to me, but we do need a plan. Why not equip our Social Security system with computers to answer the inquiries of legal or illegal documents via fax so the employer will know if they are hiring a legal person. Empower our immigration authorities with the right to pick up illegal immigrants anywhere for deportation and impose fines of $10,000 per illegal immigrant on the employer. Stop the job availability, and the flow of illegal immigrants will dry up.

No need for bloodshed. That's my idea, what's yours? In the meantime, sit by your television and watch the needless tragedy unfold, for surely the blood will flow on the Arizona border as the politicians do nothing.

Where are the statesmen?

Dick Smith lives in San Marcos.
