Drinks Which diet soda can you tolerate?


Contributing Member
Ok, I cannot tolerate Coke products with aspartame. I get horrible headaches. I do well with the bubbly water, but every once in a while I want the taste of a real soda.
I like the Shasta diet sodas sweetened with Sucralose, but for me it has a bad side effect, it brings on kidney stones.
I like the Canada Dry diet tonic water, as it is sweetened with saccharine. no side effects for me. , I like the Stevia Sodas, but the price is going through the roof , over a dollar a can. My type 2 diabetes will not do well with full sugar.
Any suggestions out there?


On The Level
Diet Pepsi is delicious.

This quote is from 2020

Of course, PepsiCo will be replacing aspartame with a different artificial sweetener—Pepsi wouldn’t be Pepsi without some type of sweetness, after all. So what’s taking aspartame’s place? According to Pepsi, it’s “a blend of sucralose and acesulfame potassium” that will be providing consumers with “the crisp, refreshing zero-calorie cola taste they expect.” In other words, PepsiCo will be using a sweetener similar to Splenda, closer to sugar in origins than aspartame.


Veteran Member
If you like the taste of stevia, these are very good. Watch the prices on Amazon; they vary wildly. I have a few flavors on Subscribe & Save so I can check the current prices & see if there are any low enough at the time.

Zevia Zero Calorie Soda, Cola, 16 Ounce Cans (Pack of 12) https://a.co/d/eRMXFyH


Veteran Member
Do not like Zevia. I wish I did. Unfortunately, I can tolerate all diet sodas and currently drink too much diet sunkist.


Veteran Member
Do not like Zevia. I wish I did. Unfortunately, I can tolerate all diet sodas and currently drink too much diet sunkist.
Yes, I love Diet Sunkist!! I actually started drinking it because I gave up caffeine after 35 years of drinking Diet Pepsi. BUT...I found out Diet orange Sunkist actually has caffeine, also. No wonder it was so good! lol...but it doesn't have as much as Diet Pepsi, so I've continued with it. Note - Diet Sunkist has aspartame, so I'm not suggesting it for turtlegent ;)


Veteran Member
I think all that crap is extremely bad for you. I know absolutely nobody that drinks a lot of diet soda that is healthy and not morbidly obese. I might have a regular soda once in a blue moon but when I stopped drinking that stuff regularly I lost close to 70 pounds over several years.


Veteran Member
True drink mix is made with Stevia. You could add that to sparkling water or use a soda stream. I've done that and it's decent.

I agree with those judging diet doda drinkers that it is an unhealthy habit. I have not been able to kick it in 30 years. I've tried everything. I guess that's why I have empathy for anyone with an addiction it's so difficult. If you say you just need willpower you've never experienced it. So count your blessings.

I hope you find a drink you like. I like monk fruit. No funny aftertaste. I've only used it in tea and homemade yogurt. I'm sure it would be good in lemonade/limeaid. If you used carbonated water, monk fruit and lemons/limes, I imagine that would be good. I may try it this weekend. : )


Veteran Member
I can drink diet coke and did for a long time (2L every day). I stopped all coke products several years ago and now only drink chilled water daily and hot coffee at work. No regrets and chilling the water (no ice) helps a great deal.


Veteran Member
I don't drink any of them anymore but I use to. Now I keep Canada Dry Gingerale for the rare occaion I crave carbonation. I usually reserve it for when I'm sick or the occasional bout of nausea. Sometimes I mix a little with Gatorade and water.

I do still have a little sweet tea with supper and coffee in the morning. Otherwise it's water.


Veteran Member
When they outlawed Saccharin in pop and switched over I couldn’t tolerate the replacements. They all gave me a headache

Since I haven’t been able to have caffeine for decades now, the only pop I ever drink is root beer or orange sodas. They are full sugar and have around 56-60 mg salt per mini can. Don’t drink them often and they are more a special treat for me


Yeah, I avoid anything that is low sugar or sugar free. What they’re adding is worse than sugar IMHO.


Veteran Member
Can't tolerate any of the diet sodas. Would rather OD on sugar than drink formaldehyde. We keep soda in the house. Drink sweet tea most of the time but if we are having chili or tacos, etc., its real sugar Pepsi for him and regular coke for me. When I was a kid one of my aunts kept half a pallet of those big glass bottles of Pepsi in her pantry. She alone drank 5 a day of those 32 Oz bottles. Eventually everyone in her family was morbidly obese (400 + lbs.)


Veteran Member
I like the True Lemon and Lime used with my SodaStream. (and a little Splenda) I'm wondering about some of the newer, healthier sweeteners. I can't stand any of the older ones.


Veteran Member
SweetLeaf from Amazon

SweetLeaf Stevia Sweet Drops Cola - Liquid Stevia Drops Sweetener, Zero Calorie, Non-GMO Flavored Stevia Liquid Sugar Substitute for Sugar-Free Sodas, Mixed Drinks, 2 Fl Oz.

Sweet leaf has many flavors.