Why would anyone vote for Romney or republicans in general?


Contributing Member
First to start I voted for Gary Johnson. I don't see how you could vote for anyone else if you Love America.

What I would like are some facts as to why you vote for Romney or republicans in light of the following facts.

1.Bush and republicans voted for the largest increase in government spending since Johnson, Medicare part D. Not Obama so how can you think they will push small government when they proved that they want bigger government than Dems.

2. Bush and repubs voted to keep the cost of wars of budget. For 8 years they lied to America about the cost of the wars and the size of the increase in deficit. Why would you give them another chance to screw the country?

3. Part of their medicare part D was they passed into law that the government could not bargain for lower drug costs. We had to accept whatever prices the drug companyies decided to charge. This is the single biggest factor in the growth of medical costs and the Repub's sold us down the river and transferred our hard earned money into the pockets of the drug companies. Why would you let them screw us over again?

4.Mitt Romney signed an assault weapons ban into law as Gov. what the hell! you are voting for this for the whole country are you crazy?

5. Mitt Romney said that he would not go into Pakistan to get Bin Laden. What the hell! Obama stood up and went for him in Pakistan and you are voting for Romney a man that said he would not go into Pakistan to get our number 1 enemy?

6 After Obama was elected the republicans stated that their number one goal was not helping the American people recover from the recession, their goal was not to do what was best for America. No, their stated goal was to work to prevent Obama from getting reelected. Republicans don't care about us they only care about their own power and greed. How can you vote for men who put their own power and greed before the good of the people?

7 Obama care. This was a republican idea started in 1993. Newt led the charge. Romney put it in place in Mass. and stated that it should be the blueprint for the nation. Now when Obama puts in the Republican plan , Romney"s own plan for the country as Romney and Newt wanted it is suddenly bad? How can you vote for these lying, hypocritical fraudsters?


Contributing Member
I listed 7 reasons why only Sheep and Simpletons would vote Republican. Address the questions. I vote for who could best fix the problems of the country not which side of a pile of dung smells better to me. If you and folks like you did the same the country would be in a much better place!


On TB every waking moment
Again, if you go to this website about half way down and look at the implementation of the NWO under Obama and compare it with George Bush, you will see that there is a MARKED difference. http://users.sisqtel.net/armstrng/agenda21.htm If you want to continue on the trajectory of Obama and the extreme left, then not voting for a Republican will accomplish your goals.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
*sigh* With "T" minus 1.5 days left before decisons have to be made, I feel it's futile to try and change anyone's mind on this board. Most have already made up their mind if they are going to be the fool and vote for another four years with Barry the Boob by checking the box Democrat; choose the lesser of two evils and vote for the republican; or go with voting their conscience and vote third party.

If Gary Johnson was a viable option for de-throning the present Imposter-In-Chief, I'd punch the card behind his name (Yes, we still have the little punch computer cards here...hanging chads and all.). But since I consider Barry the Boob a clear and presnet danger, I will vote for anyone who I believe might have a chance to take him down. Heck, I'd vote for Magilla Gorilla if I thought he stood a chance!

Mrs Smith

Membership Revoked

That's why.


Contributing Member
No, Mrs Smith you clearly do have your head very far up your ass! If you even read what I wrote question 1 is very clear. The single largest increase in Socialism ever in this country since Johnson was put in place by the REPUBLICANS you MORON!

Next Mitt Romney's last answer to health care, go to the emergency room is SOCIALISM you IDIOT! Some gets care and can't pay guess who pays, we do!

Instead of BAAAAA like the sheep you are get some education , get the facts not what the FOX NEWS idiots tell you.


Contributing Member
Amazing not one person addressed any of the questions I asked. What a bunch of ROMBOZOS we have here.

JF&P you voted for Romney so you are for gun control because he is for it. You are for Obama care since Romney invented it and said it was the model for the nation. You would not have gone after Bin Laden in Pakistan since Romney said he would not have gone into Pakistan after Bin Laden.

How could you love this country if you are for Gun control and letting our enemies hide in Pakistan safely?

You and everyone like you are just sheep following their masters orders. You don't love this country, how could you you don't even love yourself or your family if you believe in the things that Romney believes in.


I am voting for Rpmney. I do not want my money to support abortions, here or any place else in this world. abortions make a lot of mothers of dead babies.
nuff said.


Veteran Member
I get yourpoint. Truly I do.

but... I'm voting for Romney because the truth of the matter is, Gary Johnson doesn't stand a chance to become president. Most people, I (sadly) dare say, have never even heard of him. A vote for Gary Johnson is unfortunately one less vote for Romney and a leg up for Branco Bama. And I really don't want to see Bama in the White House another 4 years. At least we know Romney's mentors weren't marxists/socialists.

Mrs Smith

Membership Revoked
Well good for you wingnut. You voted. Yeaaahhh. You must be very proud of yourself now that you're finally old enough.
Quit antagonizing others. You won't change anyone's mind.

Time to use the ignore feature.


Amazing not one person addressed any of the questions I asked. What a bunch of ROMBOZOS we have here.

JF&P you voted for Romney so you are for gun control because he is for it. You are for Obama care since Romney invented it and said it was the model for the nation. You would not have gone after Bin Laden in Pakistan since Romney said he would not have gone into Pakistan after Bin Laden.

How could you love this country if you are for Gun control and letting our enemies hide in Pakistan safely?

You and everyone like you are just sheep following their masters orders. You don't love this country, how could you you don't even love yourself or your family if you believe in the things that Romney believes in.

You don't know me....not a thing about me....yet like our liberal friends you jump to conclusions.

I was one of Karl Denninger's original Tea Party folks, attended many functions, also flew clear across the country to see Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin summer before last in DC....plus I am actively campaigning for Romney door to door in my neighborhood. Additionally I served in the Marine Corp (Viet Nam) and the Air National Guard...


Cause I see the world differently than you do. (obviously I am a true conservative pragmatist and have a strong distaste for "fairy tale" libertarian thinking)


However, when O wins, you will be hearing from me asking why you personally, helped O to win...
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That's not loving America. That's loving and serving the elites in their ongoing destruction of the Republic.

The elites have indeed already won....biblically, "they" are called "Mystery Babylon"....why?

Cause the vast majority of the world won't recognize the dark side even when its right in front of them.

Romney is a lite weight....whereas O is pure evil....and the ONLY WAY TO STOP HIM TODAY IS TO VOTE FOR ROMNEY!!!


Contributing Member
momof23goats I understand but Romney said explicitly in the 2nd debate that there is no pro- life legislation he will sign. he said it. He was pro- choice as Gov. as well.

He will not do anything to stop abortions and when he was Gov. he supported them so whats the point of voting for him?

Breeta, the problem is that to change the country we need a 3rd party. To get one we need a party to first get 5% of the vote. Only then under the rules dems and repubs made can a party be certified and qualify for government funds and be included in the debates. So every vote for Romney from a person who doesn't support Rom is one less vote to get to the 5% and until we get to 5% it won't matter Dem or Repub they are opposite sides of the same dung heap.

There comes a time where men of conscience must stand up and do the hard thing. It is much more important to get a viable 3rd party then to have 4 years of poor government because we are going to get that anyway its just a matter of degree.


On TB every waking moment
One more time;

1. The GOP of today is the FDR/New Deal party of yesterday. The election of 1952 wiped out the old Taft/Chamber of Commerce GOP that had lost every election since 1932.

2. The GOP/New Deal/FDR party has won most elections since. (Message there not unnoticed by the current GOP)

3. The Tea Party is sort of a resurrection of the old GOP. The only way to get things changed in the early term is to subvert the current GOP with the Tea Party. And all that is required is to take over enough of it to attract the attention of the GOP PTB. They will panic and then we will have them.

I assume all you guys that are not voting for the GOP/Demo POTUS are voting for your local candidates. Right?

Chair Warmer

Membership Revoked
Because during the 4 year reign of the Zero -

3 years were spent unemployed and underemployed, and our electric bill has nearly doubled. Years were spent just struggling to survive.

We cannot do a repeat.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The real question is, why would anybody vote democrat???

They have become the party of raise taxes on everybody, abortion through 9 months and beyond, gay marriage, Presidential kills lists of American citizens, government control of everything, and of blaming others when they mess up.

Why would anyone support that mess???


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Amazing not one person addressed any of the questions I asked. What a bunch of ROMBOZOS we have here.

JF&P you voted for Romney so you are for gun control because he is for it. You are for Obama care since Romney invented it and said it was the model for the nation. You would not have gone after Bin Laden in Pakistan since Romney said he would not have gone into Pakistan after Bin Laden.

How could you love this country if you are for Gun control and letting our enemies hide in Pakistan safely?

You and everyone like you are just sheep following their masters orders. You don't love this country, how could you you don't even love yourself or your family if you believe in the things that Romney believes in.

I thought I had answered your question, wingnut. See post #8. In case you have a problem with reading comprehension, I will try and state my thoughts in the simplest terms possible...
Obama and his group of socialist stooges (Jerrett, Holder, Sebelius, Clinton, Geithner, Pannetta, Napolitano, Chiu, and any future Supreme Court appointments) are a danger to our country, our constitution, our security, our economy, our people and our future. THEY CANNOT BE ALLOWED ANOTHER FOUR YEARS! And to this end I will vote in any manner I can to rid this nation of this cancer. I don't feel I have the luxury of voting for who I really want to. And unless a candidate has registered in EVERY SINGLE COUNTY in Illinois as a write-in, I cannot vote for them! To do so, will cause my ballot to be tossed, possibly with all my other candidates of choice in the state an local races. (And anyone else planning on doing the write-in thing, might want to check the rules for their state.)

Johnson stands a snowball's chance of beating Obama, as does Paul. At this point in time, the only candidate that has a chance of beating Barry is Romney as much as you and a few others on this board dislike it. And that's the reality. I, and many other voters in this country, can't deal in fantasy at this point in time. For all other races I'm given a chance to vote on, I will pick the most conservative candidate and when in doubt, I will vote the incumbant out. Sometimes change needs to come in baby steps and at the lowest rung of the ladder.


Contributing Member
Sorry Pussycat you don't cut it. You state emotions not one fact. Give me facts not Fox news emotional gibberish. What exactly has Obama done as President that a republican didn't do before him. Patriot Act? Bush and repubs. Bailouts? Bush and Repubs. Executive orders attacking our freedoms? Bush and Repub's.

You may hate obama for what he might do but Romney and the Republicans have actually done it.

You fear Obama is a socialist? Well Bush ,Romney, Ryan etc actually passed into law the largest expansion of the Federal Government since Johnson. Republicans proved they are socialists and worse.

Night Owl

Veteran Member
:dhr: Big sigh..... I just don't understand why people's principle is stronger than what is best for the whole country....it's SELFISH to me. I don't care if my son was running for President as a 3rd party, if he didn't have a chance of winning, I'd vote for the best person in the 2 party system that was the better man for the whole country, not specialty groups.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Listen WingChun, you asked and I told you. Now let me ask you, why would you vote for someone that WILL NOT WIN? Get it?? He has NO CHANCE of defeating the slime residing in the People's house! He would have no chance of getting ANYTHING done with the crowd presently in Congress either. Talk about four failed years? That's what you will have if your messiah Johnson managed to work a miracle and actually get himself elected. Most people don't even know about him or his platform. I can't even find a Wikipedia entry for the guy just a bunch of oped pieces, both pro and con on him! Maybe you could take some of that knowledge you have of your candidate and do something constructive and write an entry for him?

Like I said, Romney is not my ideal choice. My ideal candidate would probably be a mixture of about three or four. But given the choices that I have and situation that this once great country is in, my MIND and heart is directing my decision. I will vote Romney and for the most conservative, fiscally responsible candidates I can find for senator, representative, governor, mayor, judge, city clerk, states attorney, city council, county board, school board, dog catcher, crossing guard and hope that change can be made from the bottom up. Without a firm foundation at the bottom to build on, it will all just crumble anyway. We didn't get into this mess overnight and it won't be straightened out over night.

I guess you are feeling pretty good about voting your "convictions". Fine. I won't berate you for "wasting" your vote, nor will I call you a fool for doing so. That was/is your right. Just as casting my vote for the candidate of my choosing is my right. BTW...name calling will ingratiate anyone into listening to your point of view. It's NOT the way to win friends and influence people and I take exception to your calling me "pussycat". I'm probably old enough to be your mother!!!


Contributing Member
Josie and the pussycats? Doesn't ring a bell? Oh well.

Night owl its far more than principle. You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Voting for Rom when you know he is no good is being part of the problem.

Every 4 years everyone complains about the bad choices we have in the 2 party system. Well there is only one way to change it short of me becoming dictator. Another party must get 5% of the popular vote in a national election. So by holding your nose and voting for Romney you aren't fixing a thing you only continue the problem. In 4 years it will be the same thing all over again and people like many on this thread will say I hate the choices but A>B . I will vote for A but next time I will do the right thing but that next time never comes.

It is time for people to do the right thing now and put an end to the mockery that is the 2 party system. We can not wait because the future is only going to get worse and it won't matter Obama, Romney . 2 sides of same dung hill!


[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Why would anyone vote for Romney or republicans in general?[/FONT]

Good question. And at this point it really doesn't matter so much as we are well beyond the tipping point no matter who is arguing over whose hand is going to be on the tiller as the ship of State goes under the waves. Nobody can get us out of the mess we're in.

Whose fault is it anyway? It's our fault and those who call themselves conservatives in a big way. We continued to vote the Republican ticket as the party platform moved more and more to the left. The Republican party is now what the democrat party was back in the late 1940's [at best] and the democrats are one step away from being a marxist party.

If we would of refused to vote for the RINO's that they have been serving up for years and abandoned the party until they decided to return to their roots we could of had a real influence on the outcome. Fast forward to today and the Republican party is just as corrupt and removed from it's moorings as the Democrat party is. Both give lip service to the constitution as well as their individual base but in truth they are two faces to the same wretched coin.

By continuing to vote the Repugnants in no matter how far they strayed from the roots we've reinforced to them that at the end will pull the lever for the guy/gal with the 'R' in front of their name the same as those on the other side pretty much pull the lever for the one with the 'D' in front as well. If every person who calls themselves a conservative would of bolted years ago and refused to play the lessor of two evils game we could of made a huge impact. Now it's too late and we're going to reap what we've sown. Some say that it's pointless to vote for principle and I guess their lack of real principle encourages the Republicans because they know no matter how much the Christians and conservatives bleat that in the end they'll still get their vote. Do we want someone to blame? Start by looking in the mirror.


Contributing Member
Thank you Hfcomms and Dennis! There is hope!

Josie,its not about making friends its about waking people up from their Fox induced haze. If even 1 person thinks about what I and others like Dennis and Hfcomms are saying and votes for what they know to be right as opposed to what stinks less this thread will have been a huge success.

Also I think you and everyone that is voting Romney is wasting their vote. Romney is going to lose. Whether he gets 49% or 45% won't make a difference but that 4% could have changed the world by getting us a funded 3rd party that could run all across the country beginning in 2 years. So not only did you waste your vote but you helped hasten the demise of our country.

Chair Warmer

Membership Revoked
I have a pussycat avatar and didn't know if you were talking to me, but anyhow...

Sorry Pussycat you don't cut it. You state emotions not one fact. Give me facts not Fox news emotional gibberish. What exactly has Obama done as President that a republican didn't do before him. Patriot Act? Bush and repubs. Bailouts? Bush and Repubs. Executive orders attacking our freedoms? Bush and Repub's.

You may hate obama for what he might do but Romney and the Republicans have actually done it.

You fear Obama is a socialist? Well Bush ,Romney, Ryan etc actually passed into law the largest expansion of the Federal Government since Johnson. Republicans proved they are socialists and worse.

What Josie states;

Josie said:
Obama and his group of socialist stooges (Jerrett, Holder, Sebelius, Clinton, Geithner, Pannetta, Napolitano, Chiu, and any future Supreme Court appointments) are a danger to our country, our constitution, our security, our economy, our people and our future. THEY CANNOT BE ALLOWED ANOTHER FOUR YEARS!

This has all been documented in the numerous news stories posted here over the past 4 years.

He hasn't been called the "Obamanation" for nothing.

WingChun said:
Josie,its not about making friends its about waking people up from their Fox induced haze. If even 1 person thinks about what I and others like Dennis and Hfcomms are saying and votes for what they know to be right as opposed to what stinks less this thread will have been a huge success.

Also I think you and everyone that is voting Romney is wasting their vote. Romney is going to lose. Whether he gets 49% or 45% won't make a difference but that 4% could have changed the world by getting us a funded 3rd party that could run all across the country beginning in 2 years. So not only did you waste your vote but you helped hasten the demise of our country.

I think you must've spent the past 4 years unaffected by Obama and his regime. If people are split and can't come together to vote Zero out then it's an inevitable win for him.

If Obama wins this election, I'm sure you'll get your chance at being affected before his next term is over.

Goodluck with that.
wingchun fortune cookie say: you should stay home and leave voting to those whose vote can count and not waste space in polling line.

gasoline in high demand, staying home is good for country and should not be wasted in doing silly things.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Josie,its not about making friends its about waking people up from their Fox induced haze. If even 1 person thinks about what I and others like Dennis and Hfcomms are saying and votes for what they know to be right as opposed to what stinks less this thread will have been a huge success.

*sigh* I guess you missed the second part about influencing people. :shk: Coming off abrasive just turns people off to the messenger and message.

As for the rest of it...we'll have to agree to disagree.


Girls With Guns Member
Count me in that 5% WC as I will be voting third party as well. NO my vote is not for Obama. My vote is Against the two party corrupt system.


On TB every waking moment
momof23goats I understand but Romney said explicitly in the 2nd debate that there is no pro- life legislation he will sign. he said it. He was pro- choice as Gov. as well.

He will not do anything to stop abortions and when he was Gov. he supported them so whats the point of voting for him?

Breeta, the problem is that to change the country we need a 3rd party. To get one we need a party to first get 5% of the vote. Only then under the rules dems and repubs made can a party be certified and qualify for government funds and be included in the debates. So every vote for Romney from a person who doesn't support Rom is one less vote to get to the 5% and until we get to 5% it won't matter Dem or Repub they are opposite sides of the same dung heap.

There comes a time where men of conscience must stand up and do the hard thing. It is much more important to get a viable 3rd party then to have 4 years of poor government because we are going to get that anyway its just a matter of degree.

Now I want to understand this clearly. We all need to vote 3rd party so one of them will reach 5% and then qualify for Government funds? What the Hell kind of 3rd party are you talking about?


Contributing Member
Under the rules the parties set up after perot scared them to death a party has to get 5% in a national election to qualify as a national party and then they get the same federal funding that the other parties get which is $90,000,000 I believe. They also then get included in debates etc.