
Impossible with current technology to forecast a CME or solar flare type event over two weeks in advance.

Ice Guy

I did not watch the video, but what technology do we posses that can detect energy waves outside our solar system?

Mad Spook

Contributing Member
For those who failed to actually listen and observe, the energy wave being spoken of in this report is the result of a pulse from a distant star, not our sun. It is from another
star in the galaxy. Big difference, not our sun as the source. So those who so quickly poo poo everything, please get your facts straight as far as your denials go. Not that long
to wait until it is proven or not. Meanwhile, eat drink and be merry, for your end is nigh, for your end is coming one day. None are immortal in body.


Fringe Ranger
This is not about a solar flare, this is a galactic level burst coming from another star exploding way beyond our solar system. Note the Voyager spacecraft for scale. They're well out of our solar system planetary orbits at this point, and this forecast impact is coming from beyond them.

What he's saying is that this is a nova-level equivalent of a CME. It was first detected by light waves in 2004, and instruments are picking up evidence of the incoming gamma rays which are expected in a few days. I'm not agreeing it's going to happen or not going to happen, I'm just describing what the video is talking about.


paradigm shaper
We are about smack dab in the middle of the galactic plane and are roughly aligned with the axis of the galaxy.

This will subject us to energy coming from inside the heart of the solar system.

I didn't watch the op and don't know if that is what is going on, nor do I know if they can accurately measure/predict incoming energy waves emanating from inside the Milky Way's heart.

But I do know that the Mayan calendar was all about tracking our passage above/below/thru the galactic plane, and that the ancients had lived thru earth changes associated with our pendulum swing thru the plane.

Who knows what about the youtube source?


Freedom Isn't Free
We are about smack dab in the middle of the galactic plane and are roughly aligned with the axis of the galaxy.

This will subject us to energy coming from inside the heart of the solar system.

I didn't watch the op and don't know if that is what is going on, nor do I know if they can accurately measure/predict incoming energy waves emanating from inside the Milky Way's heart.

But I do know that the Mayan calendar was all about tracking our passage above/below/thru the galactic plane, and that the ancients had lived thru earth changes associated with our pendulum swing thru the plane.

Who knows what about the youtube source?

I thought that happened with the end of the Mayan calendar thing. Wasn't it then that we were supposed to be lined up with the galactic plane.


Talk is cheap
Maybe the pope and the queen heard that this was coming right before Christmas, not right after. Which reminds me: doesn't the vatican have its own space observatory? Something about their fascination with demons, er, aliens and UFO's.


paradigm shaper
The way I understand it, it is believed that our solar system was actually part of another galaxy that was swallowed by the Milky Way. We started far out from one end of the galactic plane, and like the pendulum on a grandfather clock we swing above and below the galactic plane, each time making it less further away from the plane, each time pulled a little closer to the gravity well in the plane - where someday the solar system will stop - like a grandfather clock's pendulum if not rewound.

Again the way I understand it, the Mayan calendar tracked one complete cycle above and below the galactic plane.

The long count ended in 2012, at which time we were back into the gravitational plane.

I am happy to have my understanding of this tweaked because I too want to get it right.

But that is how I understood the Mayan calendar and where we are.


Veteran Member
It is speculated the Earth has undergone a several powerful gamma bursts since life existed here. The latest was 774-775 AD. Tree rings show increased amounts of Carbon 14 at that time. This one was not an extinction event. If this was to happen today, consider it on the level of a world wide EMP.


Veteran Member
I guess I am dense or something, but I listened to the whole thing and did not get what the cause and effect are... that is, what leads them to believe that this is going to happen on that particular day in December. Something about earthquakes back in 2004 were precursors to the zap that happened then? That could have been total coincidence.


So those who so quickly poo poo everything, please get your facts straight as far as your denials go.

If I had a dollar for every prediction of imminent woo that has been made over the years not only on this board but on others that both you and I have been on in the past I could retire a rich man and we are both familiar with those who have made a steady lifestyle off such predictions. But I guess we shall see if we can throw this one on the dust heap as well in a few weeks, eh?? More immediate and demonstrable threats than having to go out of the solar system for them.


Veteran Member
For those who failed to actually listen and observe, the energy wave being spoken of in this report is the result of a pulse from a distant star, not our sun. It is from another
star in the galaxy. Big difference, not our sun as the source. So those who so quickly poo poo everything, please get your facts straight as far as your denials go. Not that long
to wait until it is proven or not. Meanwhile, eat drink and be merry, for your end is nigh, for your end is coming one day. None are immortal in body.

I would not fly on that day, especially in an air bus plane. They fly-by-wire and if something goes wrong, the pilot cannot do one thing to fly the plane. In fact, the pilot doesn't fly the plane at all, which is why it's called fly-by-wire.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
CMEs take only hours to arrive, not days. This is entirely bogus BS.

ETA: Okay, I thought this was about a CME. It's not. But using earthquake data to "predict" some galactic event? Still total woo.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Impossible with current technology to forecast a CME or solar flare type event over two weeks in advance.

In the case of a distant star going supernova, there is typically a burst of neutrinos that precede the visible light emitted by the event by several minutes. That's the only way to predict a massive "wave of energy" from outside the solar system that I'm aware of.


Veteran Member
If they are talking about a gamma ray burst, they are full of BS. Everything I've seen and read indicates that if we got hit by a gamma ray burst, there would be less warning than with a CME. The gamma rays travel at the speed of light, or so close as to make no difference. Not saying it's impossible that some other form of extra solar, or even extra-galactic, energy couldn't penetrate our heliosphere and wreak havoc on earth, just saying that it's not gamma rays. Methinks this is a major woo effort. Time will tell.


Fringe Ranger
I guess I am dense or something, but I listened to the whole thing and did not get what the cause and effect are... that is, what leads them to believe that this is going to happen on that particular day in December. Something about earthquakes back in 2004 were precursors to the zap that happened then? That could have been total coincidence.

From what I could make out, the events in 2004 were kind of like the high-speed waves given off by an earthquake, so they know the lower-speed shaking is coming. That's how earthquake alarms work.

In the video it was not well explained, and I can't answer for the computations or the dates.


Veteran Member
If they are talking about a gamma ray burst, they are full of BS. Everything I've seen and read indicates that if we got hit by a gamma ray burst, there would be less warning than with a CME. The gamma rays travel at the speed of light, or so close as to make no difference. Not saying it's impossible that some other form of extra solar, or even extra-galactic, energy couldn't penetrate our heliosphere and wreak havoc on earth, just saying that it's not gamma rays. Methinks this is a major woo effort. Time will tell.

You are correct. That's what puzzled me about this. If we got hit with a extinction gamma burst, the first we would know we would be receiving our angels wings (or pitchforks).


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We all prep for some event. Does the event itself really matter? Thank you MtnGal for bringing this to our attention. Everyone who reads it can take away whatever they want from the article.


TB Fanatic
The dinosaurs would be turning over in their graves.

Did you ever wonder why all representations of ghosts are usually people, why aren't there dinosaur ghosts?

Could global warming really be about releasing dinosaur ghosts into the air disguised as carbon dioxide.

I think I need more sleep


On TB every waking moment
The terminal effects of ANYTHING energetic diminish with distance and time. If this has been traveling through space for years over light years -


Veteran Member
The terminal effects of ANYTHING energetic diminish with distance and time. If this has been traveling through space for years over light years -

Not only years .... but up to 100,000 years ..... from the vid:

the event flash was "observed" on December 2004 on the moon and Earth, and originated "from across the Galaxy", with the "energy wave" coming in 2 weeks. The weak wave already "hit" us in October" :rolleyes:


TB Fanatic
This is the same guy who made the youtube video about the accelerator at CERN.
At that time he was predicting the creation of a black hole that would destroy the earth.
To add to the drama, he threw in a little dose of satanism at the same time.

Now he's predicting another doom event.

What he is talking about is a neutron star. When neutron stars first form, they can first go through some instabilities. Or at least that may be a theory since we really never closely observed one forming. The theory is that some of them go through a short phase of being whats called a magnetar. The magnetar has a very intense magnetic field and as it decays it causes the formation of gamma and X-rays (which are just low energy gamma rays)

The problem with the theory is that it is impossible to detect gamma rays before they arrive. They and any other kind of electromagnetic radiation, travel at the speed of light and nothing travels faster, so the first indication you have of them is when they arrive.

He is doing the same thing he did in regards to CERN. He is taking some basic science and adding his own uneducated twists to it, and predicting a cataclysmic event. So far his prediction accuracy has been 0.

The worst kind of pseudoscience is the where someone starts with a tiny kernel of truth (neutron star) and then starts adding unfounded supposition after supposition to it until it becomes ridiculous and then presents it as a fact.


Veteran Member
I read this over breakfast and had to converse with bf about this...being in the way north..we have been noticing our clouds have changed..not in color but texture all summer...

not much snow we just a few inches the other day...unusual in this area..althou I moved further north last year I am back to the same area I was in raising the kids(18 years)

If you look at this biblical point of view we were told to watch the skies for signs...climate change could be due to solar winds..and we are never sure what the lying MSM and big wigs know that we don't

I would never poohoo a theory just because it was never heard of before...

examine,think about the possibility if the 1% knew about this for a long time I am sure it would be hushed under the carpet and you me and the rest of the world would never be told about it, until to late

The elite have been acting strange the last few years to begin with, bunkers worth millions of dollars, stealing from the poor to line their already golden pockets, strange behavior from people, the claim of climate change(which could be natural and due to solar winds)..

I just know what I am seeing and feeling..and its not good, has not been for a bit, thats why I have been quietly watching..watching for the signs when its time to hunker deep in and not reappear again

I have been taking pictures of the strange clouds and also a video of a sunset that looked like nuclear war going on just over the horizon, strange moons etc

ok back to dehydrating limes and canning up lots of meats
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Veteran Member
Soon we'll be hearing that it's Trump's fault! I'll worry about it when 12/26 gets here, until then I've got places to go and people to see.


Veteran Member
I think this is total BS

We should all be prepared, at all times, for total chaos to suddenly break out.
If you are not ready for crazy SHTF stuff - RIGHT NOW - you are behind.
Catch up.

Little reminders can help us to stay focused, perhaps reveal flaws in our plans and so on.

I just caution some of us to avoid getting breathless and panicy over every potential disaster scenario that comes down the pike.
It is not healthy to live in that state.
Prepare, stay alert, and then go ENJOY life!