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A Freeform Poem ~


I give up.
Hi all, I've been busy looking at all the newest additions here and am just enthralled by the pictures you guys take. Simply awesome!!!

I'm going to post this poem. My son, Chris, just wrote it out of nowhere this morning, and showed it to me. I asked him if he'd ever written a poem before, and he said he hadn't. (I didn't think I had seen one, lol). Since he's been back to college this year, he does do all kinds of other writing and he has to work hard at it. Usually it takes him days to make a finished paper, but this just flew out of him. He is a member here, but probably wouldn't post it under his own name, so I'm going to do it for him.

Thought you might like to see what some of our young people think:


Embrace Us To Save Us

I’m falling again, can I make it back up ?
Will others catch me before it’s too late.
My mother Is so tough, yet she is trapped
Can I find my way to the top so I may help her
My city is dying as we all watch…
The “United States Of America” has lost its way,
well the people in it have…
They fight and argue as others suffer….
We are not the only ones like this…
The rest of you also hold the blame…
And the planet is crying…

Lets all stand up and gather strength….
To destroy the evil which holds us down.
This one feels different and I think…
time is on loan, and we owe a lot…
After its done we can be happy….
And once its done we can keep it
Stand up with me and push…

White light will sweep over
There wont have to be so much pain…
Maybe it will be removed for good



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I give up.
Thanks, everyone, I told him your comments, and he is thrilled. He put his heart on the line, and I hope his dream comes true since it's really ALL our dream.

Young people are still so idealistic at that age, until The System crushes their dreams.

You remember -- we were young once too.
