Misc/Chat About maggot threads.....


I have no information to post. I usually check these "back page" forums on TB when sitting down to a meal or taking a snack break.

I'm tired of seeing the word "maggot" big and bold every time I check this particular forum, so I thought I'd post something new that won't make me gag when I just wanted something new to read while having an enjoyable bite to eat.

That is all.


I've called them creepy crawlers, or wiggly wiggles.

Will not go into details to ruin your snack.


Thanks, but I'm not really especially squeamish. I could handle using fly larvae just fine. There's just something really disgusting about the word maggot.

Maybe it's just me, but that word even SMELLS bad to me!


You have a point. I agree about the word, just when ever I read/hear it my mind goes to wiggles. Only because as a plumber, Hunter, butcher, etc... there's all kinds of wiggly wiggles out there..

Or grubs, the June bug grubs are big and our chickens and the bass love them.

China Connection

TB Fanatic
I'll call them grubs for the politically correct mob. It is going to be a real party when the collapse hits and then Russia attacks afterward. Half the world lives on next to nothing and things can change overnight. My grubs are doing well as I am ready a bit.
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