Prep Genrl Alternative lighting


TB Fanatic
I've added a couple of each of these:


I already have a couple of the power bank chargers and the usb light bulbs.

And I have a jackery to keep the power bank chargers charged if the sun doesn't charge them.

Buying these extra ones may be over kill but I just had a feeling to do it. The light bulbs are certainly bright enough to read by, better than an oil lamp.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Hmm... I have multiple big battery packs. I'll have to think about whether we need some of those lights.

Tundra Gypsy

Veteran Member
For lighting: Camp lamps, puck lights under all kitchen cabinets and bathroom cabinets. I have numerous oil lamps, to use only when all batteries are exhausted. I have a nice assortment of candles as well. Every time I go to a yard sale, if there are candles for sale, I buy them!

I have a solar panel hooked up to my little trailer and to a small building on the property that someone could use.

One idea I came up with is placing those little, cheap lawn solar lights ($.99 at Walmart) in a small empty soup can filled with quick cement. I can move them all over the place.

I first made these when I was camping and wanted some lights around my little trailer and the path between my trailer to my friend's trailer. I painted the cans to match my trailer colors. Then, I realized I could move those little 'cans of light' into the house and place them in all my rooms. Cheap and easy source of light on a very dark night. :)


TB Fanatic
I wonder how long the light will run on that battery pack...

It depends, I've left one of the lights plugged in, it takes less than a day to run the charger down.

When we were on our trip awhile back I used my jackery to charge my phone at night and after 4 nights the jackery was down to 53%. I had forgotten to take the charge cords for the jackery with me.