Advice Another Happy Customer of Ouch Linament Able to Keep Sewing On


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I have been making shawls and scarves and pet beds. A lot of them. I went from Knitting with Size #2 Circulars working on a Lace scarf to Crochet and Knitting with Super Chunky yarn and Size 13 Circulars or the Crochet hook equivalent for pet beds. Three strands of worsted run together to make a nice thick bed. I am winding a lot of yarn up in balls by hand, which makes no sense, because I do have a ball winder.

The upshot of this is I started hurting on the inside of my left forearm. Not the wrist or the elbow but somewhere in between. And I put Ouch Linament on it this morning after wearing that pain for three days. Pain go bye bye almost immediately. Have worked most of the day pain free.

Absolutely amazing! Thank you Summerthyme!