GOV/MIL Bidenomics Failure Shows Up At Polls As Gen-Z Revolts Against Democrats


Let's Go Brandon!
Black vote? Gone. Youth vote? Gone.

Can Dominion cheat hard enough to win under these conditions? Or will they simply try to cancel the election somehow?

Fair use cited so on and so forth.

Bidenomics Failure Shows Up At Polls As Gen-Z Revolts Against Democrats​

by Tyler Durden
Wednesday, Apr 03, 2024 - 05:45 AM

It is no surprise that a new Gallup poll shows a growing number of Gen-Zers and millennials are becoming increasingly frustrated with the failure of 'Bidenomics' as they struggle with the cost-of-living crisis.

We didn't need a poll to reveal the frustrations of youngsters working two or three jobs just to afford rent, auto payments, and avocado and toast. The writing has been on the wall, especially on social media feeds of TikTok and X:





The new Gallup poll of 18-29-year-olds validates the Biden administration, which seemingly cares more about illegal aliens and the LGBTQQIP2SAA community (not sure what all those letters mean), is quickly losing the young vote.

People in that age cohort are more than twice as likely to cite the economy as their top concern compared with older adults in recent Gallup data. And while all voters are more worried about the economy now than they were heading into the 2020 presidential election, the pessimism has spiked the most among those under 30. -Bloomberg
Source: Bloomberg
It's a wake-up call for the Biden administration. A recent Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll reveals a surprising trend: Former President Trump is leading President Biden 47% to 40% among voters 18-34 in swing states. This is a significant shift from the last presidential cycle when Biden won 61% of voters under 30.

The Biden administration understands they desperately need Gen-Z and millennial support to win in November. They are trying everything in their power to buy votes by bailing out youngsters with student debt (despite the Supreme Court ruling).

Youngsters are coming of age in one of the worst economic periods this nation has seen in a generation. Elevated inflation is crushing household finances.

With the election cycle well underway, there are mounting risks inflation could accelerate once again, and gas prices at the pump are rising.

Bidenomics has been a colossal failure, and young people are seeing that and are furious with the elderly, senile president who should be in a retirement home. Young people are beginning to understand they might never be able to afford the average American home as that dream died a long time ago. These frustrations are showing up in the polling data.


Disaster Cat
As cringe-worthy as they often sound, the young people have another excellent point. Automation and technology have yet to improve work-life balance as we were told they would back in the 1960s and 1970s. They have created more work for fewer people, and those working can be tracked and observed every moment they are on (and often off) the clock.

While it is true that for a brief period during the Industrial Revolution, the average factory worker in the UK or the USA was working 18-hour days, with children often starting "on the looms" at three or four, for most of human history, that was not the norm, and that 18-hour system began to fall apart as over-worked laborers who started to die off by their early 30s could no longer be replaced by an "endless" stream of displaced farm workers. Instead, they tended to go elsewhere, like the US West or other places (like Australia or Argentina), where they could still farm or set up as craftsmen and shopkeepers.

Peasants in the Middle Ages (in Europe) got more time off and holidays than the average office worker today. Unlike my generation, they now have to be content with 24/7 e-mails and computers that monitor their "keystrokes." I did, too, as a Data Entry Operator, which was specific to that job. The mainframe computer wasn't monitoring my phone calls, websites, and time I spent on other duties as assigned.

I can see why being "on call" on "temporary gigs" (with no benefits) for a variety of shifts has little appeal for them. especially when, no matter how hard they work, they don't make enough to pay the basic rent, bills, and food. Even more so if the people they respected talked them into taking out student loans at 17 to go to college when it is very hard to understand things like "compound interest."

If trends continue, Just Lie Flat may not only be a problem in China...


Country exile in the city
Yes, they will try to cancel the election.

They have BEEN trying to cancel it ever since Biden and the WEF encouraged NATO and the Ukraine to talk about putting NATO missiles there after Ukraine was allowed to join NATO.

Talk that led to Russia invading to stop it--after REPEATED requests for assurances that the Ukraine would NEVER be accepted into NATO and that missiles would never be placed there by NATO--assurances NATO REFUSED TO GIVE.

They invaded--same as JFK threatened to do in Cuba if the USSR didn't REMOVE its missiles from Cuba--an area about the same distance away from our shores.

Biden DOES NOT CARE a rat's ass about Ukraine--he just wants to provoke WW III with Russia.

So that the resulting "chaos" can
*cancel US elections
*solidify Democratic power
*Bring about WEF / NWO goals

Look BEYOND the details--

see the BIG picture.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'm glad @Blacknarwhal posted this. I read this earlier, and wanted to say a lot but didn't know about all the tweets. Anyway........

1) What did they expect to do from 9-5 every day? It's actually a thing where people work around that time almost every day for thousands of years. Unless you are born wealthy. I mean really what did you think you were going to do? And before we go to far: Yes, work is hard and boring.

2) the girl with the pink hair and yellow face - she has a job?

3) in the graph


two things:

1) in 2020 ages 18-29 weren't worried about the economy because they were in school being paid for with student loans, and not work

2) in 2020 the economy was good. No one worries about the economy at those ages in a good economy. It will go on forever. Who knew that in part it took good government policies to have a good economy. Even Clinton knew that. They sure didn't. It was all DEI, and Solar, and open borders. Reap what you sow much? All Demoncrat policies.

4) should have gotten a degree in plumbing instead of Ph. D. in aromatherapy.

5) cry me a river.


Veteran Member
News flash to these whatever generations, nobody wants to work for a living! We have all had to work, to put food on the table for ourselves and our loved ones. Another news flash, life ain't fair, get over yourself put on your big girl and big boy panties get out of your parents house and go to work!!!!
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Deena in GA

It’s not just them feeling the pinch, but all of us. Those who are totally dependent on Social Security are really hurting. I see more and more of them saying they’re at the point of losing their home, not to mention can’t afford to eat much.

We’re actually sitting at Sam’s Club eating and there are a couple of people next to us who don’t know each other and are of different races, but are discussing the economy and how hard it is to afford to live now.
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Veteran Member
Sorry, "work - life balance" whining pi$$e$ me off. Spoiled brats. Hate to sound like an old man (which I am), but my work - life balance was simple ..... work my a$$ off so I could live and support my family. It never crossed my mind that I was missing out on life by working. I offer no sympathy. Life's tough. Get over it!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Sorry, "work - life balance" whining pi$$e$ me off. Spoiled brats. Hate to sound like an old man (which I am), but my work - life balance was simple ..... work my a$$ off so I could live and support my family. It never crossed my mind that I was missing out on life by working. I offer no sympathy. Life's tough. Get over it!
Yep, worked 12 hour shifts rotating days to nights. Temps were in the 130's would sweat my boots full enough to pour out after 30 minutes. Hard work, stunk of sulfur, pulled hernia's out, and legs are shot now from standing on concrete for 40 years.

But it put food on the table, paid the bills, and paid off a house, and cars. Didn't do much as far as vacations went, but it was ok.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The new Gallup poll of 18-29-year-olds validates the Biden administration, which seemingly cares more about illegal aliens and the LGBTQQIP2SAA community (not sure what all those letters mean), is quickly losing the young vote.
Not to worry. All Pudding Cup will have to do is promise ALL student loans will be erased and that minimum wage will be increased to the $25-$30 an hour range and they youth vote will be back in his pocket. They are too young to know/remember history (Clinton promised the free college back in the "90"s.) and too gullible to not believe the continuous lies thrown at them.

What a bunch of "special" whiners we have raised. Don't want to work for the rest of your life? Want more of a work/life balance. No problem. Just quit eating when you feel your life isn't "balanced".

The problem is that starting in the '90's there was a huge movement not to hurt little egos but instead build them up. Hence the advent of Participation trophies. Those same kids are now believing they are the center of the universe, and they are just too good to do hard work. But they all had their five years of college to get a useless degree in Women's Studies, Art History, Ethnic Studies, Anthropology, etc. And they gained valuable skills in spring break, Jagger bombing and how to tap a keg. And now you are mad at the Boomers because you owe a butt-load of cash to the higher education system and are only qualified to make coffee and stand guard at the self-checkout at Walmart? Maybe go after the college/university that sold you the idea that this is what you're supposed to do?

Yes, the economy sucks. But guess what, it sucks for the Boomers too. The money we scrimped and saved all our working lives was supposed to last us through our retirement. But because of Biden and democraps, we are coming to the realization that it just might not. If your 40 hour a week paycheck from working Walmart isn't working for you, take a look at the pay stub and use that college degree to figure out exactly how much the fed gov is stealing from you to "help" Ukraine, the millions of illegals, aid to other countries and their own golden nest eggs. THAT'S where your anger should be. And while you're at it, maybe reprioritize you life. If you have money to do things like eat out, color your hair, visit Starbucks, have your nails done and "balance your life", you just might have enough to pay your bills.
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Contributing Member
While I do understand wanting to be lazy, I wonder where these kid's priorities are? I would have been much better off had I rented a house with 5 other guys while in college. Although a 4 year degree in physics doesn't get you much, it gave me the understanding that nothing in this world is as it seems. Never really had enough time off to enjoy my kids' growing up, but they still talk to me and don't hate me, so I guess I did ok. Now, later in my career, I see the need to mentor kids as they come out of school, whether it be HS, tech, or college. This should've been done by their parents, but they were to busy both working or not even present. Part of me feels sorry for them, part of me wants to yell, "GET OFF MY LAWN AND GET A JOB, YOU LAZY SHITE!!!"

After 30 years working in various jobs, my wife and I started our own business doing what we enjoy, helping people solve problems. I cannot believe how freeing it has been. However, I work more now than when I worked for someone else. I guess having my own reputation wrapped up in the final product ports more weight on the need to do a good job for my customers.


Neither here nor there.
I make good money, and I'm starting to feel the pinch. I can only imagine how badly young folks are hurting.


Hence the reason I bought a new dehydrator and a new pressure canner, time to start putting up even more food stuffs. Next up a new round of mylar bags, O2 absorbers and one of those machines that seals mylar bags. We still have plenty of preps, but I admit due to my health issues we got pretty lax the last few years. Thank heavens Aldi is only a half mile from my house.


Let's Go Brandon!
THAT'S where your anger should be. And while you're at it, maybe reprioritize you life. If you have money to do things like eat out, color your hair, visit Starbucks, have your nails done and "balance your life", you just might have enough to pay your bills.

...somehow I don't think the problem is a $4 coffee.



Disaster Cat
Just Lie Flat?
This movement in China started with some young people on social media who, despite having degrees and looking for work, discovered that the salaries offered would not even cover a small studio apartment or food in modern China. This was combined with a government move that encouraged pretty much "embrace the suck." That isn't quite the translation usually used, but that is what they meant.

Instead, some young people went public with the idea, "Since work and getting ahead is no longer happening, why not just stay home and Lay Flat?" This idea started to catch on; not everyone was doing it in practice (you had to live with a parent or something to do this), but the attitude was, and it terrified the CCP. They realized they were quickly facing not only a substantial number of well-educated and typically motivated part of their future workforce might drop out altogether but that a much larger version might indulge in what the West calls "Quiet Quitting."

They made their usual attempts to round up the "perpetrators" of these ideas, throwing them into reeducation camps, hoping to stop this. But that worked, as well as many other Chinese attempts at social engineering (aka, it has failed miserably). Young people who can't get a decent job continue to stay home and "Lie Flat" or, more often, "work" for their parents (sometimes the parents even pay them). I have seen articles on both trends and a growing attitude of "They pretend to pay us, so we pretend to work."


Don't screw with an engineer
Sorry, "work - life balance" whining pi$$e$ me off. Spoiled brats. Hate to sound like an old man (which I am), but my work - life balance was simple ..... work my a$$ off so I could live and support my family. It never crossed my mind that I was missing out on life by working. I offer no sympathy. Life's tough. Get over it!
I spent a lot of Saturdays driving an hour to my office to do software that was needed to be finished up quickly. Most of those times, I would leave to drive an hour home at 2-3am.

In 2011, I worked from Aug until mid-December doing hardware design plus software design. I had ONE Saturday and ONE Sunday off the entire time. Several Friday nights at 10pm I was sitting on the couch doing circuit board layouts. At least I did much of this work at home.

And since I'm salaried, I do not get paid any extra for overtime or Holidays, but as an engineer I'm expected to do whatever it takes. We don't have "comp time" officially, but I got some time back. I wouldn't do it that level of work again (my wife was livid).


Let's Go Brandon!
Just Lie Flat?

The term for a labor movement in which you do nothing more than you absolutely must to survive. See also: The Ten No's.

‘10 Don’ts’ for Chinese young people​

In addition to swearing off marriage and mortgages, ‘refuseniks’ are not donating blood, giving to charity or even helping the elderly.

Over the past year or so, young Chinese "refuseniks" have been swearing off marriage, children and mortgages – rejecting traditional milestones on the path to adulthood – amid apparent despair over their futures, the economic outlook and politics.

But recent social media posts show that they’ve added several more “don’ts” to the list. They include not donating blood, not giving to charity, not playing the lottery, not investing money, including in property, and even not helping an elderly person -- largely because they're afraid they might get exploited or trapped.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
Black vote? Gone. Youth vote? Gone.
Who'd a thunk it? People voting or not voting in their personal interest?

Dream killing inflation? Not coming thru with the promised tuition loan debt bail out? Illegals taking entry level jobs? Other entry level jobs outsourced abroad? A job market where a masters in some useless Liberal Arts degree qualifies the recipient to flip burgers? Internet access where all with a few operating brain cells can look up actual facts? A culture where being conservative has become anti-establishment?

The World Turned Upside Down.


Neither here nor there.
Who'd a thunk it? People voting or not voting in their personal interest?

Dream killing inflation? Not coming thru with the promised tuition loan debt bail out? Illegals taking entry level jobs? Other entry level jobs outsourced abroad? A job market where a masters in some useless Liberal Arts degree qualifies the recipient to flip burgers? Internet access where all with a few operating brain cells can look up actual facts? A culture where being conservative has become anti-establishment?

The World Turned Upside Down.

They're also pissed off about all of the billions we're sending to the ukraine to fight a stupid war with the russians. This is something that is continiously ignored by the media. I mean every damn day of the week there's another screed in the news, on X, social media, etc., about how the ukraine needs more money, more ammo, and now more bodies to fight their useless war, and the youngsters are taking notice. Viet Nam 2.0???


Has No Life - Lives on TB
...somehow I don't think the problem is a $4 coffee.

I took my 91 year old mom out to Denny's to get breakfast a few months treat. She about flipped out when she saw that a plain old cup of coffee was a bit over $5! "I can make a cup at home for $1!!" Mom, relax and enjoy your coffee. It's my treat. She did admit that it was good but not worth the price. I don't know how old this list is but it's $5 at Denny's for coffee and that's before you macchiato it, frappuccino it, flavor it, almond milk it, cold brew it or short/tall/grande/venti it. But even at $3 a day figuring 20 working days (Saturday and Sunday off), that's $60 a month. You can make coffee at home for about a dollar a cup (according to my mom) and one cup a day for a month is only $30. Half the cost and you can use your favorite mug and don't have to get out of your pajamas (Not that this is even an issue for some.)

The problem is these are, for the most part, lifestyle choices and for one or two days, it may not make a difference but over the course of 365 days, make a huge difference. Make your coffee, lunch and brunch at home and throw the difference at the student loan. Get that monkey off your back Coffee, brunch, and homemade lunches will be cheaper from home. You are paying for the service and then you get to tip the service on top of that! What a privilege!

Netflix? Just an FYI...At our little public library, there what they call digital services. You can stream/download movies, TV, audio books and eBooks for free if you have a library card. I haven't tried it yet because I only recently heard of it but I might be looking into it soon.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
They're also pissed off about all of the billions we're sending to the ukraine to fight a stupid war with the russians. This is something that is continiously ignored by the media. I mean every damn day of the week there's another screed in the news, on X, social media, etc., about how the ukraine needs more money, more ammo, and now more bodies to fight their useless war, and the youngsters are taking notice. Viet Nam 2.0???
Elections do have consequences.....


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Instead, some young people went public with the idea, "Since work and getting ahead is no longer happening, why not just stay home and Lay Flat?" This idea started to catch on; not everyone was doing it in practice (you had to live with a parent or something to do this), but the attitude was, and it terrified the CCP.
I did not know this. My brother-in-law's son from a previous marriage has been doing this for almost 15 years. I thought he was just a bum. I told my sister to do something, or he will be living in your garage (refurbished for him) forever. Who knew he was a trendsetter?!?!


Let's Go Brandon!

I took my 91 year old mom out to Denny's to get breakfast a few months treat. She about flipped out when she saw that a plain old cup of coffee was a bit over $5! "I can make a cup at home for $1!!" Mom, relax and enjoy your coffee. It's my treat. She did admit that it was good but not worth the price. I don't know how old this list is but it's $5 at Denny's for coffee and that's before you macchiato it, frappuccino it, flavor it, almond milk it, cold brew it or short/tall/grande/venti it. But even at $3 a day figuring 20 working days (Saturday and Sunday off), that's $60 a month. You can make coffee at home for about a dollar a cup (according to my mom) and one cup a day for a month is only $30. Half the cost and you can use your favorite mug and don't have to get out of your pajamas (Not that this is even an issue for some.)

The problem is these are, for the most part, lifestyle choices and for one or two days, it may not make a difference but over the course of 365 days, make a huge difference. Make your coffee, lunch and brunch at home and throw the difference at the student loan. Get that monkey off your back Coffee, brunch, and homemade lunches will be cheaper from home. You are paying for the service and then you get to tip the service on top of that! What a privilege!

Netflix? Just an FYI...At our little public library, there what they call digital services. You can stream/download movies, TV, audio books and eBooks for free if you have a library card. I haven't tried it yet because I only recently heard of it but I might be looking into it soon.

See, you're still kind of missing the point. The point isn't "I can save $80 a month if I only drink coffee I brew myself!" or "I can save $144 a year if I stop watching Netflix!" The problem is "I'm paying $2000 a month for rent and my only savings there is to stop living indoors!". The piddly--and let's face it, piddly is what it is--savings of avoiding Starbucks or streaming services pales against the huge new bills that weren't there even three years ago.


Veteran Member
Bwahahahaha! That's why they call it work, and that's why they have to pay people to do it. And yes - "you do it forever" (or at least the next 40 years or so) " 'cuz you need money".

Don't want to work? See if your parents will take you in, marry somebody who will feed and house you, live on the streets - otherwise, I kinda got nuthin', kids.

I know plenty of young pups their age who are on their own, doing what they have to do to make something happen in their lives. These delicate flowers are going to have to grow a backbone, or their lives are gonna be rather unpleasant.

I won't even go into the obvious - nails, brows, lashes, orange hair, lip enhancement, rings in the nose.


Veteran Member
I make good money, and I'm starting to feel the pinch. I can only imagine how badly young folks are hurting.
Thing is, they are YOUNG. When I was young (and yes, a young woman!) I figured I could always dig ditches, work for a logger, get on a county road crew as a flag-queen, or work two minimum wage jobs with one having health insurance if things got tight. Yes, you sometimes trade your health and youth (the strong body) to get a start and find your niche. As it was, I turned up working on a Monkey Wards receiving dock, pumping gas, stocking shelves for a private vendor, and cleaning a restaurant kitchen and dining room at 4:00am. While doing that, I stumbled upon the job that was perfect, was in my field of study at school and kept me going 'til retirement.

These kids, a lot of them never had to wash dishes, mow the lawn, feed the dog or take out the garbage when they were at home, let alone get a job when they were 15-16 years old to start saving for school, buy a car, (or a horse - haha!).

Those like the examples above are pretty damned soft and clueless about what it sometimes takes. As far as these kids not voting? Good.
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Mark D

Now running for Emperor.
Thing is, they are YOUNG. When I was young (and yes, a young woman!) I figured I could always dig ditches, work for a logger, get on a county road crew as a flag-queen, or work two minimum wage jobs with one having health insurance if things got tight. Yes, you sometimes trade your health and youth (the strong body) to get a start and find your niche. These kids, a lot of them never had to wash dishes, mow the lawn, feed the dog or take out the garbage when they were at home, let alone get a job when they were 15-16 years old to start saving for school, buy a car, (or a horse - haha!).

Those like the examples above are pretty damned soft and clueless about what it sometimes takes.
My youngest son is a Machinist - not a Boeing kind of "machinist," but an actual "design/plan/prototype/manufacture" Machinist. He makes a good wage for his age, but the cost of living has FAR outpaced his very reasonable wage. My oldest son is in city government, and he makes a VERY good wage - except that we live in the Puget Sound area, and "GOOD" simply doesn't cut it anymore.

I get that there are whiners out there, but it doesn't change the fact that the cost of living has exploded in the last few years. Educated hard working young people are up against conditions that are much worse than when I was a twenty-something... Having the national debt grow by 1 Trillion per Quarter isn't helping with that (devaluing the FRN, for those who don't get the implication).

Old Greek

Veteran Member
I have worked since 12 years old - 15 hours a week until out of high school. Then 50 - 75 hours a week until 68 years old. Now 71 - down to maybe 25-35 hours a week. Will be 72 in 10 days. Granted, now with my own business (since 1993),
its work I love to do. Cry me a river. Work is good for you. ( Bidenomics does suck and its much worse today than when I did it)


Veteran Member
My youngest son is a Machinist - not a Boeing kind of "machinist," but an actual "design/plan/prototype/manufacture" Machinist. He makes a good wage for his age, but the cost of living has FAR outpaced his very reasonable wage. My oldest son is in city government, and he makes a VERY good wage - except that we live in the Puget Sound area, and "GOOD" simply doesn't cut it anymore.

I get that there are whiners out there, but it doesn't change the fact that the cost of living has exploded in the last few years. Educated hard working young people are up against conditions that are much worse than when I was a twenty-something... Having the national debt grow by 1 Trillion per Quarter isn't helping with that (devaluing the FRN, for those who don't get the implication).

Well, try doing it in the 70's-early 80's. The beginnings of this place was buying the old parsonage single-wide from the neighborhood church for a few thousand bucks, plunking it on this old farm paying 16% interest on a contract for deed, and living for 5 years with no running water or plumbing in the house. You do what you have to do. And you can do a LOT when you are young.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
If you want to know what hard times are, get married in 1977.

Between 77 and 82 inflation ran as high as 13%. And before those numbers it was 6-8%.

Interest rates on mortgages ran about 18%

Unemployment 7.1 %

Now find a job to support a family, and a house.

Don't worry about the car, even though the heater didn't work and you had to scrape the inside of the windshield in the winter and the windows rolled down in the summer, it did get you to work.

There was no buying no extra nothing. No cokes, no crackers, and especially no coffee. SB made me a single PB&J for lunch. Everyday, and the company provided the water out of the drinking fountain.

Finally got a decent paying job, and in 3 months they went out on strike. Worked minimum wage, as a common laborer, for a year, for 8 hours a day to make up for the 3 months we were out on strike. Working double. Got off the 11-7 shift and drove straight to my next job, and put in another 8.

And every month we were still getting further and further behind.

Part of it was the economy which was really bad, worse than the kids today even have a clue exists, and part was our fault - credit cards.

And yeah part of this today is the economy due to government reg's, and part is due to bad choices.

Not everyone is at fault for sure. But until I see the whiners digging ditches with a hand shovel, as I did, or as I saw in the parking lot at my doctors just now, men (Mexicians) wading in concrete with rubber boots and using a 2 X 4 as a screed, and moving the concrete around with a shovel, I'm not crying over your predicament.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
See, you're still kind of missing the point. The point isn't "I can save $80 a month if I only drink coffee I brew myself!" or "I can save $144 a year if I stop watching Netflix!" The problem is "I'm paying $2000 a month for rent and my only savings there is to stop living indoors!". The piddly--and let's face it, piddly is what it is--savings of avoiding Starbucks orI streaming services pales against the huge new bills that weren't there even three years ago.
Sorry, I was trying to make a point without parading the the elephant out. It's about lifestyle choices FOR EVERYONE. Hubby and I no longer can justify the cost of going out to eat. SO, WE DON'T. It's a choice.

$2000 a month for rent? I see three choices...either move out of the big city where things seem to be ridiculously high, get a roommate, or two or get a second job. I did it when I was first out on my own. I didn't really like it but moving back in with mom and dad was even less acceptable.

$8000 doctor bill? What you chose not to carry any insurance (which most young people choose not to do because they are going to live forever) or you've aged out of Mom and Dad's plan? If you are making so little, you might qualify for Medicaid or low-cost Obamacare. You opted not to do either.

$400 for student loans? YOU signed on the dotted line. If you didn't understand that eventually the piper was gonna demand his due, that's on your parents for not explaining life to you. Did that first girl actually tell me that she knows people that owe $100K for a degree and now can't find a job in their chosen profession? So? Even in the boomer generation, very few got out and stepped into their dream job. But you take a job that's close and hope you can get enough experience and make the right contacts to get that dream job. In the meantime, you are able to support yourself and maybe your family if you have one. And unless you are a brain surgeon, you've blown a whole lot of money that you will probably never recoup. Shame on your parents for not seeing the folly of that and steering you in different maybe community college for gen eds?

Did that one little snowflake actually tell me that she quit because the job was too toxic? HUH? For her own health (I am assuming that she means emotional health.) she walked away from a paying job in her field? Because she "saw" 40-year-olds making the same as her, she chose to be unemployed? A person's circadian rhythms are not set up for 9-5? WHAT?!?! That's just a bunch of BS to excuse the fact that she just found out work is hard and she doesn't want to do it anymore. The ONLY thing she said that I will agree with is that colleges don't prepare their graduates for the real world.

Yes, the economy sucks but it's sucking for everyone. And life isn't fair and it never has been. But those are the cards we've been dealt and the leaders you've voted for. Every generation has issues that they have to face. Deal with it and stop the whining on social media. You're just making yourself look pathetic and don't you think a future employer that has your dream job, might see your pathetic rant and decide to walk away from the train wreck that is you?
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Veteran Member
Really bites when reality sets in. What did they think was going to happen when they got a "real job."

Also if they are the spokes people for their generation then they are really in trouble if we have worse economic issues or war comes to our shores. They may be trying but they still got a lot of snowflake going on.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Also if they are the spokes people for their generation then they are really in trouble if we have worse economic issues or war comes to our shores. They may be trying but they still got a lot of snowflake going on.
They are part of the generation but they don't exemplify the generation as a whole. Thank you, Lord in Heaven! I know some Gen Z-ers that are more ambitious and enterprising than I ever was or ever will be. They don't, in a year, whine one tenth of what these snowflakes do in their two minute video.