PREP Bleach tablets


Contributing Member
Wondering about getting bleach tablets from Amazon instead of buying Clorox bottles since they last longer. are they all the same is there any specific brand that's better?

Easy G

Senior Member
Been having the same thoughts. Someone here mentioned tablets available at wal mart too. If anyone knows the name it would be very much appreciated.


Veteran Member
Cannot C/P from the Safety Data Sheet, however, it lists these ingredients:

Triclosene Sodium / 1,3,5 - Triazine - 2,3,6 ( 1H,3H,5H ) - trione, 1,3,-dichloro-sodium salt

Adipic Acid

Sodium Carbonate

Perhaps one of our TB2K Brain Trust chemists can comment on the feasibility of these tablets for water purification or for their use in anti-Ebola protocols...
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Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic

I buy a bottle or two every time I go to Walmart. They are in the cleaning products aisle by the liquid bleach.


Thanks Stefanie. I noticed that the ingredient in these tablets and some of the others on Amazon is Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate. I know that sodium hypochlorite is what is recommended. I did a quick google search comparing the two and it seems that for SOME uses the Dichloroisocyanurate may be even better but obviously none of those studies were done for Ebola.

Can anyone give some advice here? Will these tablets work for Ebola? I'd rather go and buy them at a local walmart if available than have to wait for shipping to arrive.


Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
prep for double duty .... buy calcium hypochlorite with a concentrate of 78% + (aka Super Pool Shock) .... you can treat your filtered water toward processing potable drinking water .... it of course can be used as a sanitizer when used in a greater concentrate with the water mix ....


Veteran Member
I bought 68% Calcium Hypochlorite Chlorine Shock off ebay. $33 for 12 x 1 lb Bags.
I have no connection with seller but it came quickly.

I bought it to purify water and figured the powder would be easier to mix in small quantities than the tablets. Also most of the tablets I saw contain additional ingredients that might be toxic.